elcoholic Wrote:Well I really don't see anyone buying the core system. The one with the hard drive is too good of a deal not to take if your planning on buying a 360.
On ps2 most games are arround 4 gigs lately. I just got the new Hulk game and its 4.2 gigs to burn but only 1,5 gigs to download the .rar files. Compressing these files always make them so much smaller but when I dl a movie it seems they can hardly compress that. Anyone know why they can compress a game to a third of its size but they can't do that with a movie?
You can compress games and such because the programming and stuff can be compressed.. But the movies can't.. With Videos they are already compressed using a video codec like mpeg2, mpeg4 etc. if you took a raw video file you would be able to compress it considerably with rar.. but probably not as much as with mpeg4 etc... Also in video games they will put dead space in the discs to "pad" the content to the outer of the disc so that information loads up faster sinec you are getting more data per turn compared to the inside..
Cidien Wrote:Of course it will. You know why? Because you already have it in your mind it won't stack up to other FF games before you know anything about it....
Yes, I am biased, I think I've stated taht before, but:
A) I don't really like the world it takes place in
B) I don't like the battle system
C) I don't like what I've heard about the skills system.
So please do not say I don't know anything about it. You see here little boy, I've played every FF game out in the US save for 2 of them; if I feel like comparing #12 to another FF game I think I have the experience & right to do so
If you care about a game then you do research on the unfinished project, you gauge it by that, then play through it for your own judgement. As it is right now, every other week my opinion changes, & as I go into playing it knowing that it's not going to be as great as Square's older master peices, I'm less likely to be disappointed..
All in all said, until I play the final game I feel that the game is going to be a let down. I let this get in the way while playing FF-X & X-2. Later I went back with a clean slate & I still hate X, but I did enjoy the stolen battle system of X-2 & the jobs system; I don't plan to let any bias opinions get in my way of trying to enjoy this next one.
(/small rant I've been saving all day)
edit: Although as for the Xbox, I doubt I'll ever do it, but I've considered buying one for the Mist Walker games, but it's a double edged sword.
On one hand I wish MS would have never entered the race.
On the other hand...well I still hate M$ & I'm not willing to shell out 500+ bucks to play only a handful of games..
Schultz Wrote:You can compress games and such because the programming and stuff can be compressed.. But the movies can't.. With Videos they are already compressed using a video codec like mpeg2, mpeg4 etc. if you took a raw video file you would be able to compress it considerably with rar.. but probably not as much as with mpeg4 etc... Also in video games they will put dead space in the discs to "pad" the content to the outer of the disc so that information loads up faster sinec you are getting more data per turn compared to the inside..
That makes sense. Pretty smart with making games read the outer rings. I've always wondered about that. Thanks for explaining

Batz Kage Wrote:You see here little boy
I've never heard a single person I don't think is a dumbass use a sentance like this before. The biggest idiots in this world tend to view themselves as mature adults and people they don't like as little boys for some reason... I really don't understand.
I could reply to the rest of what you said but I think most of it was kinda stupid, and i'm sure this post will get about the same effect from you anyways.
Cidien Wrote:I've never heard a single person I don't think is a dumbass use a sentance like this before. The biggest idiots in this world tend to view themselves as mature adults and people they don't like as little boys for some reason... I really don't understand.
I could reply to the rest of what you said but I think most of it was kinda stupid, and i'm sure this post will get about the same effect from you anyways.
I knew that would rattle your cage XD..
Edit: And so that you know we're on the same page. I don't like, probably never will. I could find multiple errors in your personality & intelligence, but you do a much better job of pointing them out yourself.
You should really reread your last post, then talk to me about proving my own lack of intelligence...
Cidien Wrote:Right....
You should really reread your last post, then talk to me about proving my own lack of intelligence...
I left out one word due to multi-tasking & then used improper & reduntant grammar to finish the sentence..
I assume that's what you're trying to point out.
Although this 'arguement' is pointless I do feel the need to proceed; So little boi, have anything else to say

I'll regret deleting my response later, although I'm in the mood to argue;
A) This isn't the place
B) No matter how many others concur that you're retarded, you'll never truely grasp that fact..-_-
Most the people that call me retarded are people like LE that nearly everyone on the boards think is stupid...
But whatever makes ya happy buddy. Think what you want.