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Nope I think halo 2 sucks more than halo 1... but now I'm picking a fight... Kinda disappointed that all the new FF games appear to be MMorgs.. Guess I'll break out 7 again..
Cidien Wrote:Do you realize that the online FF game is absolutely nothing like other FF games? Have you ever played online rpgs? Obviously not or you wouldn't be talking about sony and sega and their regular rpgs and such.

And FF XI is a crappy game. Sure some people find enjoyment from it, but it's mostly people who havn't ever played a decent online game like eq, eqii or wow... even lineage ii is better and I really don't like that game.

Yes I have thank you. and I have been playing games since the original Atari 2600 and Comodore. Yes I know RPGs differ from each other. buy the way if you had read my total post when I mentioned Sony and Sega I wasent talking about online RPGs only I was talking about RPGs as a whole
ZeroInterrupt Wrote:Nope I think halo 2 sucks more than halo 1... but now I'm picking a fight... Kinda disappointed that all the FF games appear to be MMorgs.. Guess I'll break out 7 again..

I have to agree with you I played Halo 2 and I was bored to say the very least and I enjoyed the original but nothing beats the old Wolfenstein games forgot which one I always played. The Wolfenstein back in the old days[DOS version forgot the name] and Doom nothing better FPS wise.
ZeroInterrupt Wrote:Kinda disappointed that all the FF games appear to be MMorgs.. Guess I'll break out 7 again..

Does this make sense to anyone else? Either i'm stupid or he has no idea what he's talking about.

And I know you were talking about regular rpgs mantis, that was my point. mmorpgs and regular rpgs are like comparing halo and jak and daxter. Btw, what online rpgs have you played?

And while I like Halo 1's campaign mode better Halo 2's multiplayer is 1000x better.
Everquest, Warcraft are the ones I have played plus tried the new Star Wars one and didn't care for it
Star Wars galaxies could have been awesome even with the engine they had, but the developers were apparantly managed by a mob of angry monkeys that forbade them to do anything the fans actually wanted, so it sucked.
Cidien Wrote:Star Wars galaxies could have been awesome even with the engine they had, but the developers were apparantly managed by a mob of angry monkeys that forbade them to do anything the fans actually wanted, so it sucked.
Yup your right Sony Online Entertainment.. lets see they do
Everquest, Everquest II, Star Wars Galaxies, and they just bought The Matrix Online, and i think they do Planet side..

Also i hate to say this but most games i Rip on the Xbox are not much more then 1.5 possibly 2gigs at most but majority of those you can rip out all the extra stupid videos that are not worth like advertisements etc.. some xbox games are bad about that.. So even though games have 5-9 gigs they don't use them at all.. Only game i ripped that was 6 gigs was Metal Gear Solid on the Xbox. was like 6.5 gigs..
Planetside sucks. The expansion kinda ruined it.
DOA online is really the only online game I really took a liking to. I have high hopes for DOA 4 for the 360 and if it can live up to my expectations I should be happy well through the holiday season
Nothing is certain but with the way things are looking now the 360 is not going to sell like hot cakes, they will sell, but not as much as M$ will like. Look at the dreamcast, they blew off the shelves so fast sega couldn't make them fast enough, then once people heard about the ps2 dreamcast sales halted so sega dropped the price and dropped it again, I think that around the release of the ps3 M$ will drop price so people will be more inclined to get a 360 because sony will be charging its full 4-450 price as compared to around maybe 3-320 for the 360. Thats simple marketing logic, thats probably one of the reasons they wanted the 360 to be out so far ahaead of sony.
Plus by the release of the ps3 the 360 should be on model 2 which is supposedly going to have full backwards compatibility.
umm sorry typed that without reading what i actually typed.. i was refering to the current FF games (number 11 I believe for the PC and ps2).. and yea... nevermind..

Just hope that 12 will NOT be online and not be as big of a goat rodeo as 10
ZeroInterrupt Wrote:Just hope that 12 will NOT be online and not be as big of a goat rodeo as 10
doesn't matter, they say the battle system plays a lot like 11 -_-
As for the ghame itself, I get the feeling its going to be more like 10, rather than being more like the earlier games that I loved. 10-2 was decent, they pretty much ripped the battle system of Grandia 2 & updated it; mostly I liked it because the dress sphere were pretty much a return of the job system from FF5.
I'll pre-order FF12 as soon as it gets into the local game stores computer, but I know it's likely going to disappoint, er well maybe not, because I'm trying really hard to like it, & I'm likely to compare it to X rather than the earlier master pieces.
I'm getting tired of pre-pay for all my games though, I've put like 110 bucks into games that I won't be able to play for 2-3 months -_-.
Only problem with 360 Backward compatabilily is that you are required to have a harddrive to play the games. because of the Xbox had a harddrive so the games will assume you have one.
Batz Kage Wrote:I'll pre-order FF12 as soon as it gets into the local game stores computer, but I know it's likely going to disappoint,

Of course it will. You know why? Because you already have it in your mind it won't stack up to other FF games before you know anything about it....
Schultz Wrote:Only problem with 360 Backward compatabilily is that you are required to have a harddrive to play the games. because of the Xbox had a harddrive so the games will assume you have one.

Well I really don't see anyone buying the core system. The one with the hard drive is too good of a deal not to take if your planning on buying a 360.

Quote:Also i hate to say this but most games i Rip on the Xbox are not much more then 1.5 possibly 2gigs at most

On ps2 most games are arround 4 gigs lately. I just got the new Hulk game and its 4.2 gigs to burn but only 1,5 gigs to download the .rar files. Compressing these files always make them so much smaller but when I dl a movie it seems they can hardly compress that. Anyone know why they can compress a game to a third of its size but they can't do that with a movie?
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