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Sounds like baten kaitos, interesting game and battle system, once you beat it you felt like you just wasted every second playing it. Like youd rather watch a bad ben affleck movie.
geo85 Wrote:Sounds like baten kaitos, interesting game and battle system, once you beat it you felt like you just wasted every second playing it. Like youd rather watch a bad ben affleck movie.
Yeah, that definitely sounds like a good destitution of Baten Kaitos. And the VO in that game! I heard them say how bad it was in reviews, even going as far as too orgasm over the fact that you can turn it off, but I was like, "It can't be that bad." I turned it off after three minuets :S.
On to what I'm playing. Resident Evil 4. Let me be clear about something. If you haven't played this game GO!!! PLAY THIS GAME NOW!!! It's in my top three games I have played this generation. I always hated resident evil games but I think that's over now. The over the shoulder view is awkward in some spots but once you get use to it is amazing in terms of control, which is where it has always lacked (and the reason I hated other RE games). This game seriously is one of the best games I have ever played.
It is funny how many times I died. I died 64 times (cause it rubs your nose in it at the end lol) and had a clea time of 22:36’27”. I really liked the length too. I just beat less than a half an hour before this post, AND I WANT TO PLAY IT AGIAN!!! It is amazing.
Yup, RE4 is the best game of this gen. for me too. Everything about it is just perfect.
I'm playing Rogue Trooper. I'm sure some of you want to play this game since its based on a comic but for once europe gets an ok game before the US does. Let me enjoy this moment......
Now, its a standard third person shooter with some nice mechanics like you can put down your gun to be a stationary turet to give cover fire while you run arround to flank the enemies. You have to make your own ammo by salvaging killed enemies and other parts. That gives you currency and you can buy bullets and upgrades for your gun. The gun is awesome and it's an all in one gun. It can snipe, shoot rockets, be a shotgun and some more options. I like the game. It doesn't do alot but what it does it does good. It controles very well and you have various options to get the job done. Graphics are not so good but good enough. I'd give this 8/10.
Also playing GUN which is much better than I expected. The story really got me and I'm wondering what happens next.
elcoholic Wrote:Also playing GUN which is much better than I expected. The story really got me and I'm wondering what happens next.
Yeah, to bad teh story only lasts about 7 hours
I'm at the final boss on Kingdom Hearts 2, but I plan to return the game to my friend & buy my own copy in a week or two.
I pile-drove my way through RE4 again, with a much better 10:45 to my credit. Only died nine times, and mostly because of stupid instant death or failed mission crap. Also got the unlimited rocket launcher. It cost a million of the in-game money but it's fun to just blow everything up. Those bloody merc missions are gonna be hard though. You have to string together all your kills to get anywhere in them.
Those merc missions are really hard, it took me 5 months to get 5 stars in all levels for all charcaters to unlock the matilda, f'n hey it kicks like a nuke.
Been playing a lot of shooter/spy kinds of games that I have been meaning to get but have not until the last few weeks.
Splinter Cell: Chaos theory (GC)
Rainbow Six 3 (GC)
Winback (PS2) based on the reviews it looks like Winback 2 is crap, to bad.
MGS3: Subsistence (PS2) Glad I gave this a chance even after how I disliked the first MGS.
Wow, I havn't heard about winback in a long time. I was so excited when i saw winback coming out for the ps2. Then when I saw it I was pissed. It's the exact same damn game as the 64! While I liked that game (kinda sucks by todays standards) re-releasing the same game a year or more later was crap. =/
Cidien Wrote:Wow, I havn't heard about winback in a long time. I was so excited when i saw winback coming out for the ps2. Then when I saw it I was pissed. It's the exact same damn game as the 64! While I liked that game (kinda sucks by todays standards) re-releasing the same game a year or more later was crap. =/
Yeah, for the PS2 port they should have at least made the auto aim less picky and maybe let you carry more ammo for the guns besides the infinite hand gun...
I like Winback despite it's age. I have a soft spot for nothing-but-shooting-stuff shooters. I even thought P.N.03 (GC) was pretty cool even though it didn't get very good reviews heh.
I kinda liked the way winback moved. Reminds me a lot of mgs. My friends hated it though. Or maybe they just hated that I completely dominated multiplayer. =P Most my friends just don't know how to use splitscreen multiplayer to their advantage. "How'd you possibly see and hit me from where you were?" Answer? I didn't dumbass I looked at your screen and moved the laser towards your head. =P
To have honor in splilt screen Vs. is to die.
This thread has got me thinking about RE4 again. I had a personal goal of getting a 100k in the Merc level with chainsaw man and I all most did it with Hank, got like 97,000 so close.

Like every other Square(Enix) game (save for FF9), I stopped Kingdom Hearts 2 at the last level & returned it to my friend.
Right now I'm waiting for the up-coming holiday; if I'm not out of town I'm going to re-start some random RPG if I don't buy a new game before then.
I was thinking either FFX or FFX-2, as they're the only FF games that I have never wanted to replay, meaning I haven't before XD.
GameStop has a copy of Star Ocean 2 for 23 bucks, which I'm hoping to pick up for collectors purposes. I love that game, it's by far the best in the series, follwed closely by the first one.
I tried playing Resident Evil for the PC, but well, I don't like scary games, but I'm reading the novel right now so I really want to get through it.
MGS sucks compared to the newer ones. The lack of a FPS mode really hurts the game, as it's quite hard to shoot enemies off screen, Luckily I'm becoming much better at breaking necks

I just got past the tank & am now at the part where you have to break that one thing with a missle. I didn't pay attention where the thing was, so I was simply shooting in the dark.
Doesn't matter anyways, as I'm screwed in the fight again Cyborrg Ninja, as I do not have the thermal gogles.
First of all there wouldnt be a sons of liberty of snakeeater without mgs, secondly I think the newer ones blow.
On a last note play twinsnakes for the cube, problems solved.
geo85 Wrote:First of all there wouldnt be a sons of liberty of snakeeater without mgs, secondly I think the newer ones blow.
On a last note play twinsnakes for the cube, problems solved.
Yeah well I hate every damn one of them. Opinions are opinions, if yours isn?t the same, not giving a damn is probably a good idea.
Blight Wrote:Yeah well I hate every damn one of them. Opinions are opinions, if yours isn?t the same, not giving a damn is probably a good idea.
They're not my 'cup of tea'. Stealth to me is sniping the guards so they don't see you coming, or in the case of Tenchu, stealth killing or blowing them up.
I don't really like the waiting & slow sneaking approch, but till I get some more cds to burn the isos I'm stuck playing games that I have the .exe of -_-
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