I liked the gatefold sets because I have so many now and they look like more effort was put into making them, but all honesty as long as the disks are done well were they have little to no errors I don't really care what they are packaged in
I dont like EZDVD period, and im going to try to avoid buying there products. EZDVD is a cheap, FX want-to-be with inferior box art and printing.
Inferior box art? They rip fx dvds perfectly and use the fx box art. While I can't comment and their printing quality nobody else has said a peep about it, so it can't be very bad.
Liete Wrote:EZDVD is a cheap, FX want-to-be.
Not really a wannabe when they have FX's consent to make the sets.
TBH as a seller myself, EZ is a nice alternative. those boxes are the coolest thing. If someone could get MI to switch to those cases we would all have steady flows of anime.
EZDVD has been around for quite some time, and believe me they do take care of what they work with.
Regardless ill stick to MAC and MI whenever possible, I prefer gatefolds.
Who cares? Do you take a 49 episode set and stare at the box for hours like you do watching the video? So you would take lower quality to get a nice (?) flapping box? (wise crack to the "I'll take MAC or MI" comment). Besides look closely at the art, it often looks like it was printed on a photo copier.
I like the EZ sets for the obvious reason of them being small but also because I don't have to put up with that push button thing you find on the fold outs that never works properly (you know the one were you kinda have to push on the back of the case to make it pop back up when putting discs back in). Most of the fold out cases are hot glued together (you think that looks nice, especially when the glue gives out and you are left with a box that flaps more then it should like a little kid's shoe after a year of wear and tear?)
I didn't mean to offend anyone but shouldn't you be more worried about the important aspects like: video, audio, subtitle, and extras quality??? (just a thought)
BadOmen Wrote:So you would take lower quality to get a nice (?) flapping box? (wise crack to the "I'll take MAC or MI" comment).
I didn't mean to offend anyone but shouldn't you be more worried about the important aspects like: video, audio, subtitle, and extras quality??? (just a thought)
Exactly! If people care about boxes and stuff so much they should get R1's. An illegal bootleg is nothing special to look at.
What I want to know is this:
Is FX and their gatefolds gone for good, or will they be back eventually? I really preferred the gatefolds, and, as I already own a couple, am a bit reluctant to buy the regular case versions to complete my collection, as they'd look very discordant together on the shelf.
gubi-gubi Wrote:Exactly! If people care about boxes and stuff so much they should get R1's. An illegal bootleg is nothing special to look at.
Actually I think my gatefold sets look nicer on my shelf than my R1 collection. The exceptions maybe are box sets cuz you get nice art with them but then they are usually really big and I like to thinpak my stuff for space. The only exception are already thinpaked sets or the R1 gatefold types like Batman TAS, Roughnecks or Futurama.
I like a nice looking collection being on my shelf, and I usually don't care how much space it takes. :p
Well, as far as that goes, I like the gatefold if it's one series, or one box. But for series' that go for more boxes then one, I think I'd prefere EZDVD. (Fushigi Yuugi, Naruto, Inu Yasha.)
Overall though, if I had to choose, I think I'd go with EZDVD. They look alot nicer and I find on sets that I've seen so far, the DVDs stay in better. (I noticed that problem with my friends Berserk, Lain, and GTO sets. The Bebop one is EZDVD, and holds together alot better.)
At first I was skeptical, buw I like them now that I've seen them. That weas an unnesscicarily long reply. Sorry folks.

These are BOOTLEGS!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you want pretty boxart get the r1's otherwise shut the hell up you cheap bastards.
babyeater0 Wrote:These are BOOTLEGS!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you want pretty boxart get the r1's otherwise shut the hell up you cheap bastards.
Excuse us for not being rich like some people. I don't know if you are rich or not, but have you seen the prices for R1's these days? Most cost at least 30 dollars up, and the sets cost 150 dollars up (your lucky if you can atleast find them under 100 dollars.)
We buy these because we can afford them NOT because we're cheap and we're definitely cheap.
Now I think your the one that needs to shut the hell up.:mad:
bmvtoys Wrote:TBH as a seller myself, EZ is a nice alternative. those boxes are the coolest thing. If someone could get MI to switch to those cases we would all have steady flows of anime.
EZDVD has been around for quite some time, and believe me they do take care of what they work with.
Apparently, MI also makes the new EZ style case. I just received their new Flame of Recca 6 disc set and it came in two clear cases which hold 3 dvds each. It looks very much like the Inuyasha vol 5 set by EZ, but with the exception of the infamous MI "lock". It also had an outer art box which is pretty nice.
babyeater0 Wrote:These are BOOTLEGS!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you want pretty boxart get the r1's otherwise shut the hell up you cheap bastards.
I kinda agree with you (the fact that you get what you pay for and you should be happy with that) ...... but I think that could have been said differently (are you a cheap bastard too considering you must be buying some of the DVDs reviewed here otherwise why are you in this forum?).