Since I haven't seen many reviews on these I'd thought I'd make a poll on them. I know these are straight rips from FX but... I just wanted to know how you like them compared the the original FX gatefolds and are the EZ sets worth getting?
This is just so I get an idea for me to decide whether or not I'll pick up some of these sets.

They're smaller and look like they would last longer... Fine by me!
From the pictures ive seen id say they have one HUGE advantage even though I like the gatefolds they look like their a lot better space wise.
I really do not like the EZ DVD packaging, it does save a lot of space, but the really cool graphics from the gatefolds are gone. that sucks....... IMO, EZD only saves space, it doesn't catch my attention, it could've been really cool if they completely redone the sets (new packaging, covers, disk art) that woulda been awesome. But now all they did was scan FX's gatefolds and disk art and put it up for sale. In My opinion, the EZD anime dvd sets look very generic compared to the genuine FX sets.
Gatefold cases fall apart way too easily. If you ship them via media mail and not put it in a box, expect them to be busted. In that regards, EZDVD case is a improvement. Gatefold art looks nice, but they don't look so good on busted cases.
But even though they are busted, they are still repairable. You can just replace the plastic holders. BUt on ezd cases, the plastic cover that holds the dvd cover inserts can wear and look bad, gatefolds (FX) have that frosted slip cover that can hide the little nicks or wears.
Which Ez DVD sets do some of you guys have?
Kiruyuki, EZDVD sets dont loose the graphics, they have clear cases so the graphics are on the outside and inside, only thing u loose maybe 1 page worth with a gatefold.
I personally like the EZDVD packaging, it looks better on the shelf with other R1 titles, saves space, 2 thumbs up
Not if you thinpak your R1's. =P Can't thinpak the ezdvd sets heheh. I would like those kinda cases for all my sets if I could though.
cant thinpak FX sets either so that argument not valid ;p
Aye very true, but i'd still rather have the ezdvd sets because I think they look nicer. =P
Personally, I always liked the FX cases better :p . I always thought the gatefolds looked much cooler.
So thse EZ DVD are the same thing as FX right?
politoe Wrote:So thse EZ DVD are the same thing as FX right?
Most are direct rips from the old fx sets but I think they are starting to make their own sets now.
politoe Wrote:So thse EZ DVD are the same thing as FX right?
Yes, but they come in regular dvd cases instead of gatefolds.