You guys complain a lot about how girls are slutty, and while I agree with you I think it's in part your fault. Of course, lack of personality is to blame for the most part but men aren't innocent. Do you want to know why more and more girls are sluts nowadays? Because you drool when you see women like Carmen Electra naked on Playboy, because many of you idolize porn actresses. This is the exact same sort of thing that makes women diet in order to be thin, because they hate it when men look at thin women as if they were the most delicious things on the planet. Women want to be the center of that attention and they're not going to get it by being fat goody two shoes. Again, lack of personality and self-esteem is the main reason why this happens but your ambiguous behaviour doesn't help either. There's also something you must keep in mind, women can have a sex drive as high as yours, they can like sex as much as you do, so it seems only natural they behave like you do and we all know the majority of unmarried men sleep around as do 50% of the married ones.
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:I know I came back late in the convo but just let me put my two cents in. As for me I have a hard time around girls. Doesn't help that I'm a virgin either I guess. Of course that one girls still has a crush on me but I don't know. All I know is that I believe females should be treated like they are special. That doesn't mean to let them walk all over you of course but oh well. Then again perhaps me being a hopeless romantic is getting in the way. Ah well. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you should treat a girl as if she is going to be your soulmat who shares yur life with you. Meaning not touching her until after marriage. Thats just my view on things I guess.
Girls/women are not special. We're no more special than men are and if there's one woman who is supposed to be special is the woman you love not all women. You're somewhat naive Ryo and that is the problem. Being shy, romantic and gentle isn't but being naive is. Do you really think sex after marriage is a good thing? Do you know how many marriages have ended because of a shitty sex life? Consider your own case. You're a virgin so you don't know how much you're going to like sex. What if you love it but end up married to a woman who is the exact opposite of you? You can be sure that is going to be a problem. If you have sex before the marriage that problem can be avoided.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:You guys complain a lot about how girls are slutty, and while I agree with you I think it's in part your fault. Of course, lack of personality is to blame for the most part but men aren't innocent. Do you want to know why more and more girls are sluts nowadays? Because you drool when you see women like Carmen Electra naked on Playboy, because many of you idolize porn actresses. This is the exact same sort of thing that makes women diet in order to be thin, because they hate it when men look at thin women as if they were the most delicious things on the planet. Women want to be the center of that attention and they're not going to get it by being fat goody two shoes. Again, lack of personality and self-esteem is the main reason why this happens but your ambiguous behaviour doesn't help either. There's also something you must keep in mind, women can have a sex drive as high as yours, they can like sex as much as you do, so it seems only natural they behave like you do and we all know the majority of unmarried men sleep around as do 50% of the married ones.
Girls/women are not special. We're no more special than men are and if there's one woman who is supposed to be special is the woman you love not all women. You're somewhat naive Ryo and that is the problem. Being shy, romantic and gentle isn't but being naive is. Do you really think sex after marriage is a good thing? Do you know how many marriages have ended because of a shitty sex life? Consider your own case. You're a virgin so you don't know how much you're going to like sex. What if you love it but end up married to a woman who is the exact opposite of you? You can be sure that is going to be a problem. If you have sex before the marriage that problem can be avoided.
I can't agree with you on any of that. I know most is just my personal crap, like I think Carmen Elet whatever isn't that great looking, & trust me I had a gal pal of mine cheer me on when I finally said I found a skinny chick to be sexually attractive
Also, I don't believe that a marrage should be effected by a sex life; common, sex is to procreate, yes it has other perfectly healthy uses but to be leaving someone cause they won't **** is like being an animal & giving into basic primal instincts
Personally I beleive wemon are special, you know why? They can have children, ya ever have one (yet?)? Yes, I know a man is required, but a man isn't capible of such a thing..
Batz Kage Wrote:I can't agree with you on any of that. I know most is just my personal crap, like I think Carmen Elet whatever isn't that great looking, & trust me I had a gal pal of mine cheer me on when I finally said I found a skinny chick to be sexually attractive
Also, I don't believe that a marrage should be effected by a sex life; common, sex is to procreate, yes it has other perfectly healthy uses but to be leaving someone cause they won't **** is like being an animal & giving into basic primal instincts
Personally I beleive wemon are special, you know why? They can have children, ya ever have one (yet?)? Yes, I know a man is required, but a man isn't capible of such a thing..
For starters I only mentioned Carmen Electra as an example, it could've been someone else just as easily. I don't think she's that beautiful a woman myself.
Now, when it comes to marriage sex is indeed very important. This isn't even a matter of my own personal opinion, it's a fact, otherwise there wouldn't be so many marriages being destroyed because of it. Of course there are exceptions, there's an exception for everything, but it's no lie that sex is important in the majority of marriages. And it's not even a case where a person leaves another because the sex sucks, a bad sex life slowly but steadily weakens a marriage. Add some other problems to that, even if minor, and the whole thing just crumbles. I understand that this is a bad thing, I understand why the thought doesn't please you but sex is as natural to human beings as is breathing and eating. We are first and foremost animals, and sex is an instinctive thing, controled by hormones. We can willingly control things only to a certain extent, which is why men get horny without choosing to.
And saying that women are special because they can have babies but men aren't because they can't is just foolish. No matter how great a thing it is to be able to carry a child, men are just as important in the equation because the womb is worthless if there's no man to fertilize the egg. I find it absurd when people undermine men's importance, as if a woman could have a baby without a man! If she could, that would indeed make her special but the truth is she can't! And even if we consider the fact that women are special because they can carry a child inside their bodies while men can't then we must also consider men special because they can fix DNA anomalies that women can't, which makes them much less prone to developing certain cancers and other diseases, because men are stronger, faster, etc. If women are special because their bodies can do things men's bodies can't then men are also special for the exact same reason. Just don't tell me they're more important than men when it comes to creating life because they are not. Men can't have babies without women and women can't have babies without men!
Andromeda18_ Wrote:And saying that women are special because they can have babies but men aren't because they can't is just foolish. No matter how great a thing it is to be able to carry a child, men are just as important in the equation because the womb is worthless if there's no man to fertilize the egg. I find it absurd when people undermine men's importance, as if a woman could have a baby without a man! If she could, that would indeed make her special but the truth is she can't! And even if we consider the fact that women are special because they can carry a child inside their bodies while men can't then we must also consider men special because they can fix DNA anomalies that women can't, which makes them much less prone to developing certain cancers and other diseases, because men are stronger, faster, etc. If women are special because their bodies can do things men's bodies can't then men are also special for the exact same reason. Just don't tell me they're more important than men when it comes to creating life because they are not. Men can't have babies without women and women can't have babies without men!
What read here is that not only are wemon special, but so are men
once again I think with the sex thing I have a biased opinion; I've a low sex drive, & even though I normally find girls who are just the opposite, they're for the most part just horny virgins, so there's never been any pressure there. Hell, my woman now already said our wedding night would probably be the only night & she wants to adopt the kids
I just can argee with adopting kids under such conditions, they're so many people out there that can't have babies, why lower their chances of finding one when you yourself, can make your own.
with that said, er actually to prove that my statements were irrelivant, you said guys get horny without choosing to, ha, I only wish, ok I've plenty of hands grabbing my "stuff" & never once has it turned me on, from skinny girls to fat chicks, nothing worked; I have experienced problems of the sort when I was just sitting by my g/f. So, er hard to explain that, I don't get horny less I'm around someone I like, damn I just made myself sound weird, but never you mind; I've got to go to dinner with my family.
Batz Kage Wrote:What read here is that not only are wemon special, but so are men
once again I think with the sex thing I have a biased opinion; I've a low sex drive, & even though I normally find girls who are just the opposite, they're for the most part just horny virgins, so there's never been any pressure there. Hell, my woman now already said our wedding night would probably be the only night & she wants to adopt the kids
I just can argee with adopting kids under such conditions, they're so many people out there that can't have babies, why lower their chances of finding one when you yourself, can make your own.
Well... I suppose you're one of those exceptions then. :p The truth is the majority of men are horny little things.
You know, there are indeed many people out there who want to adopt children because they can't have their own but unfortunately there are many more orphans who desperately need someone to take good care of them. I'm pretty sure you could adopt 2 or 3 children without lowering someone else's chances. Besides, you can always do like Angelina Jolie and adopt a child from a country like Cambodia where the situation is truly tragic.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Well... I suppose you're one of those exceptions then. :p The truth is the majority of men are horny little things.
You know, there are indeed many people out there who want to adopt children because they can't have their own but unfortunately there are many more orphans who desperately need someone to take good care of them. I'm pretty sure you could adopt 2 or 3 children without lowering someone else's chances. Besides, you can always do like Angelina Jolie and adopt a child from a country like Cambodia where the situation is truly tragic.
I don't beleive in taking children from countries inwhich they don't have enough food, but mom & dad fu*k every night & spit out a new kid every 9 months.
Although with that said I haven't any idea what goes on in Cambodia; plus if I'm going to have a kid & I'm able I'd like it to be more of a bonding of the relationship in terms of blood, than in terms of family.
Batz Kage Wrote:I don't beleive in taking children from countries inwhich they don't have enough food, but mom & dad fu*k every night & spit out a new kid every 9 months.
Although with that said I haven't any idea what goes on in Cambodia; plus if I'm going to have a kid & I'm able I'd like it to be more of a bonding of the relationship in terms of blood, than in terms of family.
How much protection do you think they have in
third world countries? I'm sure they can't afford birth control...
onizuka17711 Wrote:How much protection do you think they have in third world countries? I'm sure they can't afford birth control...
abstinence; if you can't deal with it, don't show up on my tv bitching about your kid dying when you're just going to replace it 9 months later..
Batz Kage Wrote:abstinence; if you can't deal with it, don't show up on my tv bitching about your kid dying when you're just going to replace it 9 months later..
Not everyone has as low a sex drive as you, you know :p . But, yes, what you say is true to a point.
Batz Kage Wrote:I don't beleive in taking children from countries inwhich they don't have enough food, but mom & dad fu*k every night & spit out a new kid every 9 months.
Although with that said I haven't any idea what goes on in Cambodia; plus if I'm going to have a kid & I'm able I'd like it to be more of a bonding of the relationship in terms of blood, than in terms of family.
It's not really the children's fault you know? Why should they have to pay for their parents' mistakes. People in very poor countries procriate like rabbits. I like to think it's because they have no TV

but in reality it's because, as I said before, sex is as natural to human beings as eating and breathing and when the population of a country is poor and
ignorant, having no other goals in life than trying to survive, they end up having a whole lot a sex and a whole lot of kids. People in these countries don't really understand that the more kids they have the worse it will be because another member in the family represents another pair of working arms. I'll say it again, children shouldn't have to pay for their parents' mistakes.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:It's not really the children's fault you know? Why should they have to pay for their parents' mistakes. People in very poor countries procriate like rabbits. I like to think it's because they have no TV
but in reality it's because, as I said before, sex is as natural to human beings as eating and breathing and when the population of a country is poor and ignorant, having no other goals in life than trying to survive, they end up having a whole lot a sex and a whole lot of kids. People in these countries don't really understand that the more kids they have the worse it will be because another member in the family represents another pair of working arms. I'll say it again, children shouldn't have to pay for their parents' mistakes.
am I the only one that believes in cannibalism?
Umm, what is cannibalism? Is that what I think it is? If it is you are disturbing me Batz. Also srry for beig naive but if both you and your partner are virgins, doesn't that make it better for both you and your parter as well as help the marriage?
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Umm, what is cannibalism? Is that what I think it is? If it is you are disturbing me Batz. Also srry for beig naive but if both you and your partner are virgins, doesn't that make it better for both you and your parter as well as help the marriage?
Wow, I've weirded you out..ok, that wasn't hard.
Anyways, nope the whole both of us being virgins thing just kinda fu*ks up the idea of marriage. If anyone has ever paid attention, in most cases I attract one kind of girl; those who are into S&M & have a higher sex drive than me; if my woman finds out that she actually enjoys sex then er well, I'd be expected to deliver, heheheh, which isn't entirely a bad thing, but like I said I'm unfortunetly not into it as much as most guys-_-
I remember my first arugement about sex with this gal; she said she wouldn't marry a man unless she knew he was good in bed & wouldn't sleep with a man till she was married; finally I cornered her & she admitted she's scared to death of sex XD she says she'd much ratehr be tied up & kissed, than have sex; the problem being, er well when rope is invovled how is a man not supposed to get turned on

Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Umm, what is cannibalism? Is that what I think it is? If it is you are disturbing me Batz. Also srry for beig naive but if both you and your partner are virgins, doesn't that make it better for both you and your parter as well as help the marriage?
Cannibalism is eating human flesh...
As for virgins getting married, they should make a law against that... laugh... for the simple reason virgins don't have a clue as to what they are doing... sure, there is always the fun part of learning together, but what happens when one partner isn't satisfied, and being inexperienced, doesn't have any idea what the problem is... now let me tell you from experience, that in itself causes some hard feelings going on... sex may not be the most important part in a marriage, but it still is a major part of it! Although in this day and age, there are a lot more resources available for questions about sex that weren't there 29 years ago... plus, maybe the kids of today aren't too embarassed to ask for help when it comes to sex... shrug... wish I'd of known then what I know now... I'd of had a lot more fun in the early years of my marriage!!
I'm going to chime in...though this is an old thread.
The nice guys win in the end. I've dated jerk, after jerk, after asshole, after jerk and in the end I married the nice guy. Women are attracted to "confident" men...usually means a cocky bastard. When I needed a friend, all my guy friends evaporated, except one, Schultz.
Isn't he glad he took that chance?