animefan777x Wrote:This topic sounds interesting so I am going to jump in. Blight, I know exactly where you are coming from with girls today. At my high school a lot of the girls are really slutty and are just looking to get laid for some popularity and those kind of girls are just going to screw you over in the long run. Now I'm not sure how old you are or anything, but I was wondering for the college people, if maybe girls start to mature and realize what a relationship should be when they get older (like in their 20's or so). This is what I was hoping because I can't find a decent girl in high school. They are all so fake because all they want is to be noticed.
Well, to be honest, I don't like to criticize girls who just want to f*** around. I used to do it all the time, and I don't like double standards. I have simply come to the point in my life where I want, no, need more from a relationship, than a healthy physical involvement. I'm in community college, and I can say, that there are girls there that are far more mature than anywhere else I have seen, but they are ones that I wonder how they made it into a school on the first place. I make my choices in what I like depending on whether they are smart, active, and posses the same passions as I do, and the last one is what kills me. I really need to have a girl understand the things I enjoy to do in life. Some are simple, like music, others are complicated inner thoughts and feelings you only discover after you have dated for a while. So, I guess the short answer to what you asked is, well, sometimes. Most importantly, don?t judge by appearances. A lot of people are fake on the outside, but once you get to know the person, they can be the white orchid cloaked in a shallow façade.
Blight, I see what you mean with wanting a little action. Everyone does and I guess it is fine up to a point. But yea, I guess there is a point in everyone's life when they decide that it is time to actually start a relationship and to give all the 'messing around' up. I just wish it was sooner for most people because messing around with girls is something I am just no good at, which makes it no fun. Plus, it kind of seems wrong to lead someone on just for that, and unfortunately I have a conscience.
animefan777x Wrote:I just wish it was sooner for most people because messing around with girls is something I am just no good at, which makes it no fun. Plus, it kind of seems wrong to lead someone on just for that, and unfortunately I have a conscience.
Well, yeah, if you have trouble with that, it ain't no fun then. :p But almost every time that I have been with a girl and I knew it was only sex, so did she. It goes both ways, but I?ll admit to leading girls on to get what I want. I was a prick for that, but more often then not now in cases for everyone, it is a very forward presentation of, ?lets go fool around, and then not see each other again,? and that bores me now. Plus, I don't like girls that are too aggressive when it comes to sex. Guess I'm just a sadist lol.
PS (study the Kama Sutra, it could help
Haha. I like the way you think. I guess when people are my age, in high school and such, that is what they should be doing. I guess I'm just weird, because it is true that most of the time the girl knows that it is a one time thing. Like I tried the deep relationship thing, thinking that it would be the greatest thing in the world, and it totally back fired on me. The girl screwed me over and I was like depressed for a year, but while it lasted it was great. That is why I want a relationship again I guess, to sort of try to fix the mistakes I made in the past relationship.
animefan777x Wrote:Haha. I like the way you think. I guess when people are my age, in high school and such, that is what they should be doing. I guess I'm just weird, because it is true that most of the time the girl knows that it is a one time thing. Like I tried the deep relationship thing, thinking that it would be the greatest thing in the world, and it totally back fired on me. The girl screwed me over and I was like depressed for a year, but while it lasted it was great. That is why I want a relationship again I guess, to sort of try to fix the mistakes I made in the past relationship.
LOL. yeah, good supportive relationships are great, but suck when their over. Especially when you have been cheated on. Happened to me twice. Rips out your f'ing heart each GD time.

Makes you a little more afraid to put yourself out there; don't wanna get burned again, but the pain and complacency that holds loneliness? hand nearly forces you back out there, weather you believe in your heart your ready to move on. Oh, a little advice, do your damndest to leave all traces of any past relationships either completely out of your mind, orso buried that they won?t come out in conversation of a new relationship. I?t just awkward. Don?t repeat dumb mistakes from the past, but don?t accidentally say something like ?my last girlfriend did so-and-so too? cause then your boned.

Haha. Yes, I agree with everything you said. Especially the last part. Getting cheated on has to be the worst thing to happen to anyone. It has never happened to me before but if it did, I'm not so sure I would be able to trust another girlfriend no matter how much I liked her. If it happened twice I think I'd just call it quits and throw in the towel (or whatever that stupid expression is).
animefan777x Wrote:Haha. Yes, I agree with everything you said. Especially the last part. Getting cheated on has to be the worst thing to happen to anyone. It has never happened to me before but if it did, I'm not so sure I would be able to trust another girlfriend no matter how much I liked her. If it happened twice I think I'd just call it quits and throw in the towel (or whatever that stupid expression is).
Well, I probably shouldn't say this, but what the hell. The only thing that got me through the second screwing around on, was that it was my girlfriend?s roommate?s boyfriend she was banging (when I walked in on them). They never knew I was there, cause I had unlocked the door with the key THAT BITCH GAVE ME. I walked out, and after crying on my rock that I think on, I decided to wait till Jill (my GF?s roomie) got of work, and tell her. We arranged, as revenge, for them to see us doing it. Some of the most passionate lovemaking I have ever had too.
And yes I know it was evil.
I don't think that is really evil. She had it coming to her. You have to stand up for yourself when something like that happens and doing what you did doesn't sound like a bad idea. Plus when you are really mad about something, it is very hard to control your actions. Let me ask you something though, i don't mean to get too personal, but like looking back on the situation, was it easy to see that she would be the type of person to cheat on you?
animefan777x Wrote:This topic sounds interesting so I am going to jump in. Blight, I know exactly where you are coming from with girls today. At my high school a lot of the girls are really slutty and are just looking to get laid for some popularity and those kind of girls are just going to screw you over in the long run. Now I'm not sure how old you are or anything, but I was wondering for the college people, if maybe girls start to mature and realize what a relationship should be when they get older (like in their 20's or so). This is what I was hoping because I can't find a decent girl in high school. They are all so fake because all they want is to be noticed.
What I want to know is if this sluttiness is just an American thing...Not that I have a problem with sluts :p , but they'e not very good for relationships

animefan777x Wrote:I don't think that is really evil. She had it coming to her. You have to stand up for yourself when something like that happens and doing what you did doesn't sound like a bad idea. Plus when you are really mad about something, it is very hard to control your actions. Let me ask you something though, i don't mean to get too personal, but like looking back on the situation, was it easy to see that she would be the type of person to cheat on you?
In hindsight, I see very clear sings that I dismissed as ungrounded suspicions and silly fears. But I never thought that she was as bad as she actually was though. It was like 5 other guys in total she had been while she was with me, and that is still hard for me to believe. It?s just kinda hard to get your head around you know.
onizuka17711 Wrote:What I want to know is if this sluttiness is just an American thing...Not that I have a problem with sluts :p , but they'e not very good for relationships
LOL, I have a strong suspicion that there are sluts everywhere.
Yes. I don't think that you can go to any place in the world and not find it. I'm sure girls are influenced more than ever now because of television and all that kind of stuff. And sure they are nice to look at, until you want a relationship. Then it becomes a huge problem.
What makes a woman a slut? :confused:
I made money off of perverts for 4 years and put myself through school.
Is a slut a woman that knows she is attractive and uses it to her advantage or is a slut a girl that goes sleeping around? :confused:
Is a slut a girl that dresses in a suggestive manner? :confused:
I am confused as to your defination.
I am quite curious to here your views. :p
Always with love,
Sluts give it up easily, to guys like my friends :confused: *shutters*
I never really have much problems with finding a girl, 'cause I've always had a girl or two that would date me if I said I was willing; right right now, my next relationship will be with a girl that says she's liked me for 3-4 years; they only thing I don't really like, is she's not really like all the other girls I've dated; all the other ones; er well, we pretty much talked about sex alot, some of them we really into masterbaiting & didn't care who know- this girl is a saint compared to them, but she's growing on me

it's hard to say no to someone who says they love you so much
Although my ex is strangely calling me sweetie again :confused: she left me many times, & the two times we spent time together after school, both while she were talking about dating, she spent more time trying to kiss other guys; she says she missees talking to me, which just means her knew b/f doesn't tell her she's pretty -_-; & if he doesn't I don't blame him, she was bad mouthing him infront of my buddy because she wanted him to like her. I don't know if she ever got my buddy to kiss her though, as they were on my bed, I decided to leave the room -_-
preeminent Wrote:LOL
What makes a woman a slut? :confused:
I made money off of perverts for 4 years and put myself through school.
Is a slut a woman that knows she is attractive and uses it to her advantage or is a slut a girl that goes sleeping around? :confused:
Is a slut a girl that dresses in a suggestive manner? :confused:
I am confused as to your defination.
I am quite curious to here your views. :p
Always with love,
I hadn?t thought about people defining what a slut is differently. To me, a slut has always been the "person", (there are man sluts too

) that would screw like four different people (on separate occasions, GB?s are in a different class all together) in one week, or would do it with more than one partner in one night.
Or a cheating bitch like I talked about earlier. :mad: