I know this sounds like a stupid thing to ask but which do you prefer to see in a person? I've been noticing lately that about 99.8% of people I know prefer to see a person with tanned skin. Why is that? What makes tanned skin so attractive over white skin? Of course, I'm pretty sure most people in Asia will like it better the other way around but the idea I have is that it only happens in Asia and not even in all of Asia.
some people look better tanned, some look better white. I'm not one to choose how I'd like'm.
Like just the other day, there was this slightly big boned girl walking around in Wal-mart, it was either the fact that she was tan, or that her boobs were about to pop out her shirt that made her attractive. A few days later, I saw a girl that was slightly pale & a bit sickly looking, but was just as attractive, er I guess more so considering she was fully dressed..
Depends on the person but overly tanned (tanorexics) is disgusting. I guess people like it because it looks a bit healthier than a really pale person who can look a bit ill sometimes.
Tanning became a sign of wealth in early industrial revolution england. Why? Because only rich people could afford to go to the french riviera where the one way to prove you had been there was a nice good dark tan. Since then it's been considered good looking for a caucasian to have a tan.
Being a non-white I hat having such a dark tan from just being in the sun for one day, it takes me a month of no sun to get back to my light color. In south-east asia it is considered very beautiful for a woman to have light skin and a dark skin color is considered low-class as only farmers spend enough time out-side to get a tan.
I think tans only look good on some people and I hate stupid panty tan lines. lol
tsunami Wrote:Tanning became a sign of wealth in early industrial revolution england. Why? Because only rich people could afford to go to the french riviera where the one way to prove you had been there was a nice good dark tan. Since then it's been considered good looking for a caucasian to have a tan.
My mum said ages ago that Coco Channel popularised it when she fell asleep outside in the sun then everyone copied so I did a search to confirm it and found this from
In the 1920's, Coco Channel invented the tan as a status symbol in
Hollywood. Hollywood movies began to use color film in the 1930's.
Soon, rosy cheeks and healthy pallor became the absolute necessity,
and swimming pools with starlets basking around in the sun became
the new California image. In the '70's, the carefree youth culture
demanded a year-round tan so they could appear to have just returned
from vacation. This spawned the development of the tanning bed.
Doesn't mention the falling asleep but does back it up a bit, what d'ya reckon?
tsunami Wrote:Tanning became a sign of wealth in early industrial revolution england. Why? Because only rich people could afford to go to the french riviera where the one way to prove you had been there was a nice good dark tan. Since then it's been considered good looking for a caucasian to have a tan.
I've heard of that but it happened so long it doesn't make sense anymore. Not to mention that was the attitude which led to the increased occurrence of skin cancer.
tsunami Wrote:Being a non-white I hat having such a dark tan from just being in the sun for one day, it takes me a month of no sun to get back to my light color. In south-east asia it is considered very beautiful for a woman to have light skin and a dark skin color is considered low-class as only farmers spend enough time out-side to get a tan.
I think tans only look good on some people and I hate stupid panty tan lines. lol
People who are naturally tanned almost always look good but I personally agree with you, only some 'white' people look good with a tan. Some people I see here during summer time even look like they've been rolling around in the dirt because their tan is so uneven. On the other hand being tanned has it's advantages. The skin looks firmer and smoother, it shines more and the person looks thinner.
My skin is pretty white, although I get tanned fairly easily, for a caucasian that is. :p I like having white skin but sometimes I just think it's too damn white. Well, the truth is that after I came from Egypt I had this bronze glow which took over a year to disappear and I didn't like it one bit. :p
Tans are all good and what not but not when it goes "lobster" and everyone wants what they aint got white peops want tans and dark skin peops wanna be whiter...
one things for sure...and i dont care what you guys think...
the colour of your skin makes life alot easier and the colour that hands it on a platter is white... nuff said (esp in the west)
I like being tan cuz I can't get sun burnt.
rav96 Wrote:one things for sure...and i dont care what you guys think...
the colour of your skin makes life alot easier and the colour that hands it on a platter is white... nuff said (esp in the west)
o rly?
Andromeda18_ Wrote:I know this sounds like a stupid thing to ask but which do you prefer to see in a person? I've been noticing lately that about 99.8% of people I know prefer to see a person with tanned skin. Why is that? What makes tanned skin so attractive over white skin?
Well coming from another 'non-white' person, I'd say its just a matter of preference. I live out here in the L.A. area (California) and just about all the girls out here look good in their tan^^ (and 99.9% of the guys out here would agree)... Whether its a fashion trend or not, most chicks really do improve their look with it on. My girl is pretty cute with or without a tan (she tends to have real pale skin as well)... and since summer is just around the corner, I get to see her season look one more time! XP... But anyway, yeah, it's just a matter of preference. The environment you grew up in may also play a factor in what you consider 'beauty' in a person as well...
Okay, I'm going to weigh in on this subject, because I am a VERY pale girly. In fact, I've avoided the sun for about the past 4 years. Well, the past four months I was in the Middle East and had nothing better to do, so I decided to get a little tan. You know, soak up the radiation and see if my skin just burnt or if I actually could tan. I now have a light tan, however compared to my untanned parts, it's considerably darker. I like how it looks on me. It evens out my skin and all the veins that were visible before are better hidden now. Even the EVIL stretch marks on my stomach and legs are fading!!! I'm all for keeping up my tan...with bottled tan!! No more sun for me, just the fake stuff, hopefully it'll work well.
I don't think a tan is for everyone. In fact, a really good friend of mine who is from Thailand wants me to help her dress to look lighter skinned. I think it's hilarious, because she wants me to look whiter too.
Well for some of us tanning is just not a option being a nice mix of Irish / Canadian myself I don't have the paper white skin but I crisp pretty easy. But as said earlier in this post its all perception. That dark tan is what makes so many latino women attractive but on the flip side look at women like Tori Amos or Sarah McLachlan. They both look good without the tan.
Ka-Talliya Wrote:I'm all for keeping up my tan...with bottled tan!! No more sun for me, just the fake stuff, hopefully it'll work well.
Self Tanning lotion is the way to go if you want to get tanned and avoid all the nasty effects caused by the sun. Unfortunately they leave a very orange tone. When Charlize Theron won the Oscar all I could think was: carrot!!

rav96 Wrote:Tans are all good and what not but not when it goes "lobster" and everyone wants what they aint got white peops want tans and dark skin peops wanna be whiter...
one things for sure...and i dont care what you guys think...
the colour of your skin makes life alot easier and the colour that hands it on a platter is white... nuff said (esp in the west)
I wasn't going to say anything, infact at first, when I was going to write something I closed it out half way through, but I just can't keep my mouth shut.
I know far to many black wemon who have, or raise 6-8 child many which are grand children & none of them have a job, they live off of welfare, which goes up by each little brat they have. (Many of them claim the children of welfare or whatever that the kid's mother does as well)
Then their little brats raise up in a crappy family because everyone is to lazy to work & guess what, those little kids get to go to college for free because they're black.
Yes, I know as a white person I have a few advantages, heck as 1/3 Native American I could go to college for free, but guess what, to prove I am an 'Indian' I have to prove that it's been in the family for so long, & they only look at marriage & at the times which would count marrage between whites & Indians was either not allowed or frowned down upon so much that it was often kept secret or was unoffical.
I don't intend to point fingers or anything, but when it comes to races & colors of skin all of them have their downs.
The African Americans still bitch about their great grandparents having been slaves;
The Native Americans still say America is theirs.
And the white are having a hard time staying racist..er..ok, maybe that's not a problem

I like the pale look, not sure why. I know that some girls are super fine with a tan, but I have seen girls around here almost turn themselves purple from hitting a booth too much. Kinda grossed me out I guess. I also can?t tan. I get freckles. The ones on my face are mostly faded, but my arms are covered with them, so I do my best to stay out of the sun and no get so many.
I think it depends on the individual; though I must say, Asian women kick ass :p .