Zagatto Wrote:For some people their expiration date happens when they hit 25. I have one uncle who didn't have any problems till he was in his 40s. That's one great thing about all these different nationalities and genetic histories mixing up in the US; it's just about impossible to come up with a blanket statement that covers everyone (except for basic things like "everyone needs to breathe air to live").
Yeah, it is different for a lot of people. I'd like to say I am already there, but I won't because a lot of other factors went in to when I had my huge jump in weight. From my junior year of high school, i gained almost 45 lbs till the end of my senior year. A lot of it was weight lifting, increasing your bench over 100 lbs in less than nine months is going to add weight, but once I quite lifting it got bad. I had an ass load of stress when I worked at the pharmacy. My boss was a, well just too many cuss words. I gained 25 lbs working there. I got up to my fattest; 225. But I quit there, and dropped to 200 again. And there I have been for like a year. I hardly ever eat out though, too damn cheap to.
So anyway, I think the amount of stress in your life can cause weight gain and kill the benefits of a fast metabolism, but it is just my thoughts.
I'll be the first to agree that salad does not always mean healthy. The Macdonalds one i had, had a fair amount of cheese on it and the dressing pack was huge and creamy.
I once knew this girl from my dorms (and yes she was blonde). Her idea of a diet was eating salads instead of her usual meals. Problem was she put so much mayo on it i think the calories in the salad would have been more. Another of her great diets was her "eat only biscuits and cookies" diet. Then her roast potatoes instead of chips /fries brainwave.... shame she put enough oil to deep fry the potatoes.
Of course every time she asked if she lost weight we said yes... truth was her "grueling" diets made her put on weight.
Also, a fair amount of Japanese cooking is not healthy at all. They have lots of rice with many dishes, far more than you really need. Stuff like tempura, tonkatsu and instant noodles contains alot of fat. On balance though, since portions of stuff are usually so small it is ok. I mean this is the country that individually wraps even chewing gum pellets.
My idea of a salad is a healthy salad. Of course a salad filled with mayo is still a salad but if I want to eat something filled with mayo I certainly won't eat a salad.
just looked at this thread for the firsat time and i must say that pic was hillariuos and all the Americans around here were like "you got us there"
but i must say Europe esp Britain sint far behind with all the obesity increases
If this thread topic interests any of you, you should watch super size me! If you havent already its a documentary about what happens to someone who eats mcyds every day. It also talks about the governments attitude to healthy foods.
Also a mcdonalds salad is fine till you add the dressing which contains more fat than a big mac.
CrayonShinChan Wrote:I once knew this girl from my dorms (and yes she was blonde). Her idea of a diet was eating salads instead of her usual meals. Problem was she put so much mayo on it i think the calories in the salad would have been more.
Put mayo in a salad? :confused: :confused:
Someone has a very strange taste bud :eek:
geo85 Wrote:Also a mcdonalds salad is fine till you add the dressing which contains more fat than a big mac.
Not all fat is created equal. Fat from sala dressing is still a lot healthier than fat from big mac. Main difference being saturated and unsatarated fat. Italians even drink olive oil like juice.
Who do you know that drinks olive oil? My pops is Italian and I have lived in primarily Italian neighborhoods my whole life and I have never heard of that. And I think people should just not eat mcyds at all, I havent for about 6 years now. Ever since a friend quit after working there for 1 day and he told me what went on behind the counter.
I personally think you shouldn't make fun like that about fat people. Nu because i'm moralistic or something.. It's just too easy, I wouldn't be satisfied with it!
I also think at the other hand confronting is okay, but it depends on what way. The trick I think is finding a way between letting them feel you're concerned, but also letting them now reality and that only they can stop it. A sort of motivating and confronting at the same time. Cause if you just say he/she can't do a thing about it you are giving them an excuse and that should never do that (even if they can't do a thing about).
But well.. That's also ain't easy!

geo85 Wrote:Ever since a friend quit after working there for 1 day and he told me what went on behind the counter.
Yeh someone told me about their time working there and how they never eat it anymore... Still I didn't let it stop me enjoying it!
hbk101 Wrote:Italians even drink olive oil like juice.
i even did that when i was Training hardcore like a shotglass every 2 days!
helps keep the stamina up and HDL to LDL balance
Olive oil can even lower cholesterol... Don't know if I'd want to drink it though but it's nice with food and stuff...
Olive oil is the best fat there is. However, it's still fat and in excess it's also unhealthy. With moderation it has incredible benefits but only if consumed with moderation.