Well finally saw this tonight at 9. Tried going yesterday but there was a damn aaron carter concert. Tried going at 5 like thier phone listing said but if actually started at 4:30. We wern't the only ones showing up at 5... retards... Then I wanted to go at 7 but my idiot friend wanted to bring his girlfriend that didn't even want to come and despite my warning we wouldn't come close to making the movie he went to get her. We didn't make the movie. We finally went at 9 without her. At that point I told him if he wants to fight with his girlfriend to bring her i'm leaving his ass and going alone. So ya.... fun day.
The movie, even with all the hype, was better than I expected. The end got slightly boring but the first 3/4 had me laughing nonstop. It even kept my girlfriends attention, and she hates movies like that and can't stand reading subtitles.
I am really looking forward to the movie. I hope it meets all my expectations.
I am very surprised that everyone seemed to like this movie. Anyone disliked the movie and thought it isn't as funny as Shaolin Soccor? Over HK most teenagers didn't like the movie and thought it was rather poor compare to Shaolin Soccor. I talked to few people and it seems the people that liked the movies are those who lived through those times *age above 40. I myself didnt enjoy it and thought it wasn't funny at all.
ToTo247 Wrote:I am very surprised that everyone seemed to like this movie. Anyone disliked the movie and thought it isn't as funny as Shaolin Soccor? Over HK most teenagers didn't like the movie and thought it was rather poor compare to Shaolin Soccor. I talked to few people and it seems the people that liked the movies are those who lived through those times *age above 40. I myself didnt enjoy it and thought it wasn't funny at all.
I didn't think it was that funny. I found the jokes to be pretty unoriginal and overall the film was pretty average. I haven't seen 'Shaolin Soccer' or 'God of Cookery' (Steven Chow's other famous film), but I am sure they are much better than Kung Fu Hustle.
Like I said earlier, it was a good enough film, but if you are a seasoned HK film fan you know that there are MUCH better films of this type already in existence.
rarnom Wrote:I didn't think it was that funny. I found the jokes to be pretty unoriginal and overall the film was pretty average. I haven't seen 'Shaolin Soccer' or 'God of Cookery' (Steven Chow's other famous film), but I am sure they are much better than Kung Fu Hustle.
Like I said earlier, it was a good enough film, but if you are a seasoned HK film fan you know that there are MUCH better films of this type already in existence.
Ah but some of those films rarely make it here and even more rare do they ever get shown in an american theater.
morgorath Wrote:Ah but some of those films rarely make it here and even more rare do they ever get shown in an american theater.
That is so true. It is pretty amazing that we have been getting the HK films in the past year that we got like 'Hero', 'House of Flying Daggers' and 'Kung Fu Hustle'. I am hoping that as things go on we do get more and more.
But even though I didn't find it to be as good as I expected, I do think that people should go see it just because it is a great way to introduce yourself to HK film and besides, ITS SUBBED!!! (which makes it awesome...

One film to watch for in the future is 'The Departed'. It is a film directed by Scorsese that is a remake of the excellent 2002 HK film 'Infernal Affairs'. I just hope that old Marty does it justice...
I don't know what's the departed, since I haven't see any HK films for awhile now. I agree tho that Internal Affair is a really good movie,because it was one of the best film I ever seen except IA 2 which was just plain horrible. Another great movie to watch is Running Out of Time <1> <1999> <暗戰1>, another movie on the level with internal affair. Note: Both are not comedy.
Running Out of Time 1 is really a must see, not sure if there are english subtitles tho. Since I watched it with cantonese dub.
ToTo247 Wrote:I don't know what's the departed, since I haven't see any HK films for awhile now. I agree tho that Internal Affair is a really good movie,because it was one of the best film I ever seen except IA 2 which was just plain horrible. Another great movie to watch is Running Out of Time <1> <1999> <暗戰1>, another movie on the level with internal affair. Note: Both are not comedy.
Running Out of Time 1 is really a must see, not sure if there are english subtitles tho. Since I watched it with cantonese dub.
Yeah, I have seen 'Running Out of Time'. I have a VCD of it with english/chinese subs. I really enjoyed it.
I figured it had to be great because it was from MILKYWAY studios. I like lots of films done by MILKYWAY like: 'Running on Karma' 'A Hero Never Dies' and 'Fulltime Killer' to name a few.
Saw Kung Fu Hustle in the theater last night. Still great the second time.
A really good film that my friend turned me on to is Old Boy. It has some really awsome directing.
i enjoyed this movie very much. especially when it makes fun of the matrix, it's too much.
i love over the top films and anime
i saw it last week and thought it was good.
that was the first time i went to watch a sub movie at the theater.
It looks like Universal (?) learned their lessons from Mirimax?s mistake. I went and saw Shaolin Soccer dubbed (already having seen the subbed DVD about seven times).
It was bloody appalling. No other words for it.
Maybe after the success of The Passion <shudder> at least distributors have accepted that audiences might be prepared to *read* films.
It?s pretty difficult to compare it with Shaolin Soccer though. That film just came right out of left field, it was so surreal (and brilliantly cheap). KFH?s certainly more mainstream? Better than God of Cookery though, that's for sure.
Just watched shaolin soccer a few days ago. I liked Kung Fu Hustle quite a bit better.
The movie premiered here yesterday. I have to say I loved it! I laughed so hard my abs were hurting, tears were coming out of my eyes and I just didn't know what to do with myself! Absolutely awesome!

its a really good movie!! I loved it!