I really liked this movie. I mean A LOT. It is so hard to point out a part I liked best because of the fact that is a comedy and a tradition kung fu movie, that tell the same above average story, and splicing them together with no ugly seams. I say it is the best movie to come from another country to U.S. screens in a long time. I recommend it to every one who just wants to go to a movie and enjoy your self. It ain?t deep, but depth is overrated.
Yup its a great movie.. I have not watched it in theaters yet as my friend has an Asian copy of it that i have watched.. Watched it like 2 months ago.. awesome movie.
This is at the Fargo Theater right now. (the specialty theater) From what i've heard i'm surprised this isn't seeing a mass release. I went to go to the movie tonight but when we got there we saw 50 teenie boppers waiting to get into a goddamn aaron carter concert. Now I really hate the little bastard.
is this movie like that other comedy kung fu like 3 years ago? i forget what it was called something like "Kung Pao"
is this really similar, funnier, or less funnier?
balthier Wrote:is this movie like that other comedy kung fu like 3 years ago? i forget what it was called something like "Kung Pao"
is this really similar, funnier, or less funnier?
Well lemme start by saying, "Kung Pow" is no where near the comedic caliber of "Kung Fu Hustle" and other Stephen Chow films (such as Shaolin Soccer). Kung Pow is an American mockery of asian martial arts and while it follows the same "goofy" kung fu plotlines as some of Chow's recent works, it's nowhere near as skillful.
Kung Fu Hustle, along with Shaolin Soccer (which I also recommend) is definitely a lot funnier than Kung Pow.. It's similar in the fact that it combines martial arts with comedy.. but thats about where the similarities end...
With that said.. I gotta say, I'm hooked with this film. Over here in LA, theres been nothing but nonstop commercials, ads and verbal promotion over this film. It's kinda crazy. I've bought a copy through eBay and I can't wait to recieve it. But for those who are new to this movie, I suggest you check it out. You won't be disappointed.

Yeah, I downloaded this movie about a month ago. Loved it a bunch. Hopefully I can see it next week in theater.
I just saw this one tonight. I thought it was pretty good. It wasn't as good as everyone was making it out to be though. Still a good film, especially if you are new to Hong Kong film.
haven't seen kung fu hustle yet, but will soon.
i've always like stephen chow's movies. they're all so funny.
shoelin soccer is a good one. there's also another one that he's in that i liked, an older movie. i think it's called gambler king???? or something like that.
Hah, I just saw a trailer/promo on Mtv 2 days ago, dl-ed it yesterday (from pirate bay if your interested) and gonna watch it tonight. Trailer looked real good.
yeah, this is a great movie. It was making the rounds in the torrent community a month or two ago and I'm glad I downloaded it. Something I love about the comedy is that the whole movie isn't just one prolonged joke. Each funny bit adds to the whole of the movie.
God of Gamblers is a classic movie. One of my friends gave it to me on VHS... it's been a while since I've gotten one of those things to watch.
I am just curiuos is the film dubbed or subbed in the theaters?
Subbed here in Fargo. It's in a specialty theater though. Heard it's fairly mainstream elsewhere so may be dubbed in the bigger theaters. Goin' to see it at 5 today.
Gemini Wrote:haven't seen kung fu hustle yet, but will soon.
i've always like stephen chow's movies. they're all so funny.
shoelin soccer is a good one. there's also another one that he's in that i liked, an older movie. i think it's called gambler king???? or something like that.
There are quite a few HK gambling films. The best ones are with Chow Yuen-Fat and they are 'God of Gamblers' and 'God of Gambler's Return'. I have also heard of one that is called 'The Mighty Gambler' that is supposed to be very good. There are also 'God of Gamblers II' and 'God of Gamblers III', but they don't start Chow Yuen-Fat and they aren't as good.
You can also check out 'Conman in Tokyo', 'Casino Raiders', there are more but I can't recall the titles at the moment...
There is another film by Stephen Chow called God of Cookery. Wasn't his best movie, it was kinda confusing. But if you like Iron Chef, you mighit like this one. Worth a download.
Schultz Wrote:I am just curiuos is the film dubbed or subbed in the theaters?
It is subbed all around. The movie would have been horrible dubbed. I don?t say make the general statement that anime is always good one-way or another, but LA movies are all cheapened by dubbing.