I'm one of those people that are all about share the love so ussually if something is cheap or sometimes even free im like whatever it's not a big deal like if you download the good songs on an album which it just so happens there are only 2 and the rest is filler then go ahead. But if it has all good songs go get it used for 5 bucks. Thats the kinda guy i am but i was wonderin.....
When you download fansubs do you just download ones that are not out yet ussually or ones that you can't get in HK or do you download then and buy HK of them later or do you not buy HK at all?
cus i think r1 prices are crazy and HK are on the mark but to just download fansubs and never buy HK's it just doesen't seem right to me
Give me your thoughts please
oh and the reason i don't think it is right is because.... If you wanna dl the fansubbs of some really bad anime that is pretty much the quality of most american cartoons (just plain not worth buying ever sorta thing) then it's not a problem
But for an anime like neon genesis evangelion or Cowboy bebop i just think they deserve the respect of being bought when they are HK of course so.... r1 is always too expensive for the popular stuff
Yeah thats all
in sub anime i prefer funsub if i can get it in the internet ( specialy licene animes )
and if i dont i get i buy hk dvd ( like one piece )
but if the anime is akready dub i prefer buy it ( hk version of course )

Cyrus Wrote:But for an anime like neon genesis evangelion or Cowboy bebop i just think they deserve the respect of being bought so....
Yeah thats all
I don't understand. Do you think they 'deserve' to be bought on HKDVD or R1???? If you mean HKDVD then....I still don't understand.
well to be honest even cowboy bebop which is my fav anime of all time shouldn't be more then 80 for the limited edition boxset but its way to high
ussually r1's are so high that its crazy that they are that high no tv series should be that much just like star trek TNG is around 100 for a season thats way to much
thats what i was saying and since HK are about what tv series should be priced thats what i was saying about that
mostly i was just saying that good anime deserves to be paid for but only whats reasonable.
i guess it would be saying well you could make a copy of half life 2 and you could hack it but it's so awesome that you should bite the bullet and buy it cus its important to pay money when you really get quality
Oh Cyrus... this so looks like it wants to be about the joys of piracy vs the responsibility of making sure that creators are paid for their creative efforts.
From the creators standpoint downloading fansubs is about the same as buying HK discs. They don't see a single red cent when you get your anime this way. They only way they see a paycheque is if you buy a licensed disc at the prices you consider to be unreasonable.
I'm also amused that you put the priority on the quality of the release. Does this mean that all those people who are trying to make a living by producing shows like Di Gi Mon should just give up and get a job flipping burgers somewhere?
This post makes no sense... What difference does it make if someone has the fansubs of a series (you used NGE so so will I as an example) or an HK? If someones pays for the HK of NGE over someone who just downloads I don't see them as more of a fan for paying money out of some sort of respect.... They are both the same as neither are official and neither give back to the artists... Infact an HK buyer is worse as money goes into the hands of people who don't deserve it whereas fansubs are non-profit... If you think a series is worth paying for then buy the R1/2/3/4. If you think it's too expensive then you obviously don't value the series enough to want to give money for it...
If you wanna download fansubs, learn to use IRC, it's the birthplace and original distribution place of all fansub groups. Otherwise, you'll have to settle for BT, which is much slower and less reliable than IRC, but idiot-proof.
My point of view is that if you get the fansub of an entire series and will/have watch/ed it on your pc or using your TV-out, getting the HK dvd is more than useless, it's funding sideways activities you/we dont even know of.
Personally, I got the HK sets of animes I couldn't download, either because there are 150+ eps, or because they're as old as most of you. I made an exception for the GTO (see my previous post) because I was curious that it was 10 DVDs (which is over the regular HK eps/disc ratio), but I had the entire fansubbed series on divx, so it was really out of curiosity.
Final point, if you can't watch your fansubbed animes on your tv because of some hardware limitation, then getting the HK set may be a decent alternative to the uberpriced legit sets.
Final point #2 (i'm a cheat :p), if you get the HK sets because you feel like you have something better than a set of burned dvd-rs to show on your DVD collection in your living room, then you're completely out of it, since I don't see the point of getting *sometimes* under-par quality subs/video instead of using your hands, a pair of scissors and/or a color printer to make some unique boxset of your own.
Robojack Wrote:If you wanna download fansubs, learn to use IRC, it's the birthplace and original distribution place of all fansub groups. Otherwise, you'll have to settle for BT, which is much slower and less reliable than IRC, but idiot-proof.
BT and IRC haven't even been brought up here... pay attention... stick to the topic...
Oops, I guess I misread the topic creator's post.
i guess in the perfect world r1 companies would charg around HK prices and then i could give my money to them but i want to give my money to some company that sells me my anime cus i think they deserve it but they don't so.......
yep it's just too much to spend that much money on something such as r1 dvd's when it's 200 for trigun.
thats all i was saying and then i was adding on if you believe that since you have the opportunity to buy anime at fair prices is it then immoral not to buy it?
btw i have nothing against fansub users i was just wondering i do both so....
pill Wrote:I made an exception for the GTO (see my previous post) because I was curious that it was 10 DVDs (which is over the regular HK eps/disc ratio), but I had the entire fansubbed series on divx, so it was really out of curiosity.
There is no HK of GTO that is 10 discs... My bet is a mainland china version... Is it dvd-5? And I still dont get the point to this thread about wanting to pay extra etc? :confused:
All mainland china anime dvds are dvd-5, to answer gubi gubi's question.
gubi-gubi Wrote:There is no HK of GTO that is 10 discs... My bet is a mainland china version... Is it dvd-5? And I still dont get the point to this thread about wanting to pay extra etc? :confused:
Well, it was shipped from Hong-Kong, but it has a CN-*** ISRC (this is a boot nonetheless). So, I can not tell if it comes from mainland or Hong-Kong, but considering it has Cantonese and Chinese audio, maybe it is so.
And yes, it is DVD-5.
i just think you should pay for stuff which deserves to be paid fair money for thats all...