Robojack Wrote:If you wanna download fansubs, learn to use IRC, it's the birthplace and original distribution place of all fansub groups. Otherwise, you'll have to settle for BT, which is much slower and less reliable than IRC, but idiot-proof.
LOL i think this comments funny no offence..
IRC is a pain in the ass compared to BT.. and more reliable? crap having to do irc bot commands.. get sent to queue sit wait for your turn.. then if you speed drops for 5 secs your kicked off.. gotta go queue again.. wash rinse repeat.
Schultz Wrote:IRC is a pain in the ass compared to BT.. and more reliable? crap having to do irc bot commands.. get sent to queue sit wait for your turn.. then if you speed drops for 5 secs your kicked off.. gotta go queue again.. wash rinse repeat.
So true. Bittorent is FAST aslong as people have the file... The ques you have to wait in on IRC are just plain wrong. A popular file on bittorent I can get faster than I could on IRC no trouble. Click the link and your client opens and starts... IRC is for computer snobs.
Cyrus Wrote:i just think you should pay for stuff which deserves to be paid fair money for thats all...
But like I said before if you think something deserves to be paid for then why are you buying HKs? You obviously don't think it deserves anything if you are going to put your money into the hands of criminals. If I think a series is great and I love it I would want to put the money into the hands of the creators. You are causing more harm by giving money to bootlegers, how is that something you think a great show deserves?
Does anyone know how to use MKV , I have a download thats in MKV , where theres 3 or 4 languages speaking at the same time , with subtitles - i know with the right program i can turn on or off each of these ( including subtitles ) I also need to know how to use any software - thats needed - thanks !
Well, I've used IRC for about 7 years now. The connection drops you've mentioned happen only once in a blue moon, especially if you use a broadband connection. Most IRC bots are dedicated sending agents, so the download speed you get isn't compromised by you having to expend your upload. If you're a dedicated fansub leecher, IRC is the quickest way to go. People who don't like typing commands or are too lazy (or stupid) to use IRC don't reap its benefits, and are stuck with relying on seeders for their leeching. If you don't believe me, then stick to BT, since you're obviously happier there.
puzzleguy Wrote:Does anyone know how to use MKV , I have a download thats in MKV , where theres 3 or 4 languages speaking at the same time , with subtitles - i know with the right program i can turn on or off each of these ( including subtitles ) I also need to know how to use any software - thats needed - thanks !
Go to and download latest playback kit. I watch mine through zoom player.
I used IRC long time ago.. (actually used it since 1996 as when it was the only way to get thing's and well before anime starting showing up on webpages) I know the in's and outs of it.. I was using it when alot of Anime Groups used regular networks life efnet which are sooo unstable it isn't even funny.. net splits all the damn time.
BitTorrents are sooo much easier then having to deal with typing commands.. I can get all the new One Pieces generally within an hour from when i click on it.. generally even faster then that.. And i check there site a few times a week.. easier that way then diving into IRC all the damn time.. unless you always hang out in them which then would be your choice.. I kinda personally got tired of IRC and chatting in general. (Well except for BB's when i can check them at my leasure)
Also i just recently tried getting Nartuo episodes via IRC.. was such a pain in the ass with a dedicated Server anyways.. My net will sometimes "hick up" as i like to call it and just because my download speed dropped under there like 50k/s or such rule that they set i would get dropped and have to do it all over again.. I finally gave up.. I don't care about Naruto that much to deal with getting the episodes like that.
Naruto = best anime ever.

Sucks now that i'm caught up though. Hate waiting a week for new eps. Just watched the 3 latest since I havn't been able to get them for a while. Convinced my dad to sneak my computer back onto the internet so I could download a new Nero that didn't have probs with XP and loaded up bearshare for the new Narutos. =P
make sure to run multiple instances of Ad ware programs because BearShare has TONS of adware in it..