What is the deal with all these new revamps of old shows?
The new HE-MAN is pretty good but Looney Toon Babies?
LOONEY TOON BABIES????????????????? How many more Transformer series' are we gonna get? It's a pokemon rip off now? How much more of POKEMON ARE WE GONNA GET???????? Lets count the pokemon tally as of now.....
1 Pokemon
2 Digimon
3 YuGiOh
4 MetaBots
5 Both of the new Transformer series'
all of these are the same show.
Next the new GI JOE will be about collecting purple hearts and congressional medals and combining them to create the ultimate patriot to stop the world trade center2 from getting hit by B53s and 2ndArabs from taking over sand dunes that they already live on. For the property value of course. :wink: :evil: :evil: :twisted:
I don't know if all those shows are Pokemon, but I can say this "All those shows are shit". 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
loony toon babies??
never even heard of that
if your talking about tiny toon adventures then.... i love that show
besides its a old show thats been canceled for years
how can you not like the little pluky eps.
watch cartoon network at about 7am (here anyway) and you'll see the LOONEY TOON BABIES show that I'm talking about. It isn't even 2 months old yet. JEEZ you made me have to type that shows name again...I feel violated. :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
If Megaman.exe comes t the USA, you can add it to that list.
Quote:Originally posted by "DARK OSAMU"
1 Pokemon
2 Digimon
3 YuGiOh
4 MetaBots
5 Both of the new Transformer series'
all of these are the same show.
you forgot Monster Rancher...... and GayBlade.... and Mighty Food Ons..... and...... Mon Colle Knights..... and.....
WHAT THE HELL is up with them FINALLY bringing anime out on tv here.... and EVERY SINGLE ONE is the same type show..... just cause pokemon is popular it doesn't mean that people will enjoy EVERY STUPID ASS 'collecting' show.......
though i do kinda enjoy medabots on occasion

Quote:Originally posted by "desfunk"
WHAT THE HELL is up with them FINALLY bringing anime out on tv here.... and EVERY SINGLE ONE is the same type show..... just cause pokemon is popular it doesn't mean that people will enjoy EVERY STUPID ASS 'collecting' show.......
HAHAHAA I agree. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
You mean BeyBlade, Desfunk.
Anywho, shows can be carbon copies of each other, if there is some profit to be had. Remember Power Rangers, VR Troopers, and Big Bad Beetle Borgs. *shutters*
Tiny Toon Adventures had its moments. Especially Dodo. :mrgreen:
Man are you right on the money on this one. Every time I turn on the Saturday Morning cartoons it's the same thing (that would be two weeks a go toons thanks to the technology of taping and sending on a plane and playing it later cable) anyways it's some spin-off of either an old cartoon (done wrong for the majority of them) or a pokydork rip off. Remember those little rubber wrestling guys there back and their cartoon sucks. Hell I just bought Bomberman Generations and it has a poke spin off in it. Not only do you collect them but you have to build them up and battle them with other ones to get through the game. Man what a world...
I want to see a show about collecting vegetables. Then you pit them against each other in mortal combat. :mrgreen:
oh god!!
thats horrible.
i just caught that show
and not only is it a crap way of bringing back loony toons
but its also a complete rip off of the muppet babies
sorry i didn't beleave you osamu
That lame show was produced by Steven Spielberg. Why!?
Muppet Babies was a good show. Rolph was an absolute pimp.
More good American shows
David the Gnome
Mission Hill
Family Guy
Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law
Dexter's Lab
Ed, Edd and Eddy
Samurai Jack
Power Puff Girls
God, the Devil, and Bob :mrgreen:
Quote:Originally posted by "Steve_the_Talking_Pie"
More good American shows
Power Puff Girls
I thought the power puff girls was a korean production