Ill second that- about how great this site is-- most sites would of deleted a thread about where to buy your anime, how can you not respect import-anime for letting you be open and honest , yeahh Ive boughten HK stuff from other places , but here is where I want to buy all of the hk stuff ( if possible ) Hey when your charging 7 bucks a disc , you dont get rich on that when most of the other sites charge more than that and their service is less than great , thanks Import-Anime -- hope to give you more of my cash latter ( when i have some to spend )

hbk101 Wrote:royal customer
You speaking engrish now? 'Royal'? Loyal don't you mean... If JJ didn't want people mentioning the other sites he would block them out like he did with one certain one. Doesn't he even get along with Bella? This thread should be a damn sticky so we don't get crappy first posts saying 'where is best for FX'? JJ doesn't mind because he knows he is the best. If he had more titles there would be no need for other sites... Get off your high horse.
gubi-gubi Wrote:"You speaking engrish now? 'Royal'? Loyal don't you mean... "
Are you bored or something? Quoting and replying something that's 11 days old.....
"JJ doesn't mind because he knows he is the best."
What are you? A freaking mind reader?
"If he had more titles there would be no need for other sites... Get off your high horse."
Then shut up and hang out at other sites. I doubt you know how to spell the word "courtesy."
hbk101 Wrote:I doubt you know how to spell the word "courtesy."
Coming from the royal customer... You're in the minority with your view and if the mods/owner don't mind then why are you sticking your nose in? Want to be a mod or something? Either apply to be one or don't post counter productive posts in a thread that is meant to help people.