Yikes greg brady. That's chilling. 8O 8O
evil people :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
You notice Anime_Newbie isn't posting anymore?
I wonder if we scared him off. I hope not. We did grab his post and do with it what we wanted. We also answered his questions though so If he ran away too bad. 8O 8O 8O
Sorry I didn't post in a while...no, you didn't scare me off

Got pretty damn busy at work and then I've been trying to get a copy of Record of Lodoss War but I have no idea where to start!!! There's OAv and TV...help

Start with OAV

Right on! Thanks! But I seem to see a lot of different OAV's on ebay. Some with 2 dvd's some with more. Then which one? Sorry if I'm being a pain...
I would love to buy it from here but I can get it on ebay for under $10. Unless they can give me a great deal on all of the episodes here...
Anime_Newbie.. that set has english dub and english subtitles (perfect) u probably find the sets that have gibrish subtitles on ebay... read the reviews of all Record of Lodoss War sets, compare the cover art... its its a R1 set thats selling for 10 dollars by all means get it, if its HK set thats selling for 10 dollars, please make sure that its the one with cover art of the dvd set that link is posted above.
It's actually the exact same one as the one shown in here.
then by all means try to get that one for 10 on ebay

I'll try....but I'll still be looking to buy some here in the near future too

actually checked ebay and saw 9.99 for R1 2 dvd set... its the old R1 set... (new enchanced version came out a month ago) so this guy selling the old version cheap i see... get that one heh
So what's the diff btween the new an old? As long as it's dubbed, I'll buy it