For a while now I've been wondering what the places you live in look like so I thought creating a thread in which we could post pictures of our cities would be a nice idea.
In case some of you are wondering how I got these pictures since my camera is broken let me tell you I got them all on the net. :p
Wow, Andromeda, that looks really bueatiful!
Well, heres some of my town. Rural Antigonowhere. Well, the sceneries nice.
Well, how could I forget the prison? I mean school. I aded in some extras that I couldnt fit in the other post aswell.
I currently live in Everett, Washington. Its kind ugly.
This is a block away from my apartment, and right next to my school.
Backside of the Everett Courthouse.
A crappy picture of my school.
Thats all for now I guess.
wow Andro Porto or errr Porta (cant rember now) is a beautiful place
and Kat the scenery is nice indeed and wo0t for prisons

-spike- everrit looks cool to bad its east coast hence cold atlantic ocean
i will post pics up of my uni when i find some on a CD somwhere?

It's called Porto (Oporto in English), it's the city of Port wine.
You're city looks like a very pleasant place to live katherine_jean, you're right about the beautiful scenery. And I agree with Rav, -Spike-, Everett looks cool, very American (if that means anything :p ).
So now I'm waiting to see some pictures of your Uni, Rav, but I really would like to see more people posting pictures of their cities.
katherine_jean Wrote:Well, how could I forget the prison? I mean school. I aded in some extras that I couldnt fit in the other post aswell.
Heheh Our school is so ugly isn't it? and the lack of windows makes me sad

Swar Wrote:Heheh Our school is so ugly isn't it? and the lack of windows makes me sad 
Haha! The lack of windows, proper food, proper teachers *coughbannermancough*. proper ventilation, not gross colours.
There getting slowly rid of the only good stuff to, The murals!! :mad:
And thanks for the compliments, Rav et Andromeda! ^^
Here is a picture of Antigonish (aka antigo-no-where)! where me and KJ live!...from 1882! ^_^ Also i live a little out of Antigonish where there is a beautiful lake! isn't it perdy?
That really is a beautiful lake. You're lucky to live in such a beautiful place.
Here's the view of Toronto that I have from the park at the end of my street.
I'll have to pull out my camera and shoot some more pics of Hamilton to share soon.
Unfortunately we're under about three inches of the wettest nastiest snow I've ever seen.
Wow, that's quite a view!
You probably don't like snow too much because you have to deal with it every year but I've only seen snow once in my life and I wouldn't mind being there right now (although I'm not too fond of cold).
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Wow, that's quite a view!
You probably don't like snow too much because you have to deal with it every year but I've only seen snow once in my life and I wouldn't mind being there right now (although I'm not too fond of cold).
Wow! you've only seen snow once? :eek: i've seen it probably more times than i've seen my own father!
I live in a city with a mild weather and the proximity to the ocean doesn't help either. In the winter the temperature doesn't go below 32 degrees and in the summer it's about 86. The only time I've seen snow was during a visit to Portugal's highest mountain. It's so pretty!