mct19x Wrote:I ordered my marmalade boy set from him for $50 through ebay (thankfully all on DVD9's, appears to be an older version of the MI set). I paid on a Tuesday and got my discs via priority on Friday. No complaints I guess, although a question I e-mailed to him about shipping did go unanswered. Actually didn't know about HK bootlegs when I bought them, just assumed they were licensed for elsewhere in the world, but the guy appears to pretty clear about his stuff being imports/regionless regardless.
If you mean on his auctions for HK's then yes he's fairly clear. However, I don't call selling R1's and sending HK's to be clear.
Cidien Wrote:If you mean on his auctions for HK's then yes he's fairly clear. However, I don't call selling R1's and sending HK's to be clear.
I agree -- I was just speaking out of my own personal experience.
jarjar111 Wrote:Whats wrong with animediscount?
Thanks guys for posting, I am staying away from that site..... 
I sent 10 emails, spammed their forums, and got no reply from their administrator about a set i ordered (at that time i think it had been 3 weeks) that hadn't even been shipped out yet. Horrible customer service, horrible everything (the prices arn't to good either)!!!!
I filed a paypal complaint, i got my refund after one hour of filing the complaint. It was incredibly quick.
Honestly I've never had a prob with them. Don't go with the free shipping as it is media mail and will take 7 to 14 days to get to your house. They aren't the best but not the worst. All I can suggest is to just try several sellers and find which one gives you the most for your buck.
Crap should had done some research on this store before placing an order. I recently ordered Fuugi Yuugi box set with metal box + FX Enishi box set. I usually use Niacs but they had those sold out so I had to try a new store. Their shipping and processing was really quick only took 3 days from order to delivery, the packaging was well. Anyway I just received it, really disappointing. Ordered the FX set but got a non-FX set which bytheway is the main reason why I ordered from there in the first place. Ordered the Fuugi Yuugi box set with the metal box (They only sell it with the metal box which the metal box alone is like 35 dollars, but it is ok I thought) but only got an empty metal box

and it is friday already past the time to contact them sigh. Sorry need to rant alittle to let my anger out :o .
By the way the E-series or whatever that they have on sell. The quality is really well, except the color of the box and DVD-Labels are kinda washy.
Edit: Um.. why is the word anime niacs filter out :eek:
ToTo247 Wrote:Crap should had done some research on this store before placing an order. I recently ordered Fuugi Yuugi box set with metal box + FX Enishi box set. I usually use Niacs but they had those sold out so I had to try a new store. Their shipping and processing was really quick only took 3 days from order to delivery, the packaging was well. Anyway I just received it, really disappointing. Ordered the FX set but got a non-FX set which bytheway is the main reason why I ordered from there in the first place. Ordered the Fuugi Yuugi box set with the metal box (They only sell it with the metal box which the metal box alone is like 35 dollars, I thought hey I was fine with it) but only got an empty metal box
and it is friday already past the time to contact them sigh. Sorry need to rant alittle to let my anger out :o .
By the way the E-series or whatever that they have on sell. The quality is really well, except the color of the box and DVD-Labels are kinda washy.
Edit: Um.. why is the word anime niacs filter out :eek:
E-Series and all that crap isnt a company that's obvious. He just had items from MI and some other companies from what I can tell. Still would never trust that snake in the grass and as far as Fushigi goes I got the MI set when I tried getting the FX damn that bastard Sundevil once again!
Lets see here. I have bought three different times from these people. The first time I ordered X Tv from an Ebay auction and payed for priority mail. After about a week I figured it would have been here (He lives in Utah and I live in Washington DC), so I emailed him and got a tracking number 2 days later. The item came two weeks after I ordered it with the word "Media mail" stamped on it, although I payed for priority. This wasnt that big of a deal though.
The second time I ordered Excel saga and Haibane Renmei, they arrived very quickly, it only took one full shipping day to arrive.
Now to the third, and possibly last order. I ordered Rahxephon about a month before Christmas, with priority mail. My package came about 2 days later, however I was sent the wrong item. I emailed him from 3 different of my own accounts to make sure that the message was getting sent and I also emailed another person that sells from his location, however, after nearly 9 days, no one replied. Fearing that Christmas was comming too fast, I decided to look his phone number up in the Utah phone book, after calling his house I was able to get his number to the shop, which I called and left a message. I called again and spoke with Seths wife and eventually recived an email from Seth. He sent Rahxephon the next day and it arrived on Christmas eve. I sent back the wrong item, but was never payed back for shipping cost (I dont mind losing $3 though).
All in all, I dont think I will buy from him again, he seems very nice, but I've had more problems here than anywhere else.
Wow sounds very troublesome. Hopefully they still have Yuugi instock and is just by some stupid mistake they sent me an empty box (What am I suppose to do with an empty box

). Or else I have to return everything including the Enishi set, which isn't bad at all IMO. By the time I get everything cleared up, hopefully some store still have a few copies of Fuushi Yuugi left or FX get revive :o .
By the way I just finished checking out the Enishi set done by "E series". It is probably a FX rip, it is pretty well done only the subtitle messed up a few times. Again if only the painting on the box wasn't washy looking, this would be a great replacement

. Anyway It is probably not a MI set since the painting on the dvd box were different and the MI logo never appeared once. They uses the same type of box and the plastic see-through cover though. Also put it into my pc and it was a DVD9. In conclusion judging from the Enishi set, E-series isn't bad at all aside from the cover art of the DVD box set !

Cidien Wrote:If you mean on his auctions for HK's then yes he's fairly clear. However, I don't call selling R1's and sending HK's to be clear.
I bought like 2 R1 sets from him and 3 weeks later i got one hk set of the title i ordered so he does not have R1 sets it says it on the sight but its to fool people that dont know what HK's are he uses the description of the R1 set uses the company names and stock photos then send HK.
i never got one right thing from him he sent me only one thing and i never got 8 other things i ordered and took forever to get a refund i recomend not buying from him its to much of a headache.
Last Exile Wrote:i never got one right thing from him he sent me only one thing and i never got 8 other things i ordered and took forever to get a refund i recomend not buying from him its to much of a headache.
Hahahaha, that made my day!
gubi-gubi Wrote:Isnt the metal box designed to fit R1s? As for the E-series it'll be MI as MI doesnt put their logo on sets anymore.
The metal box is meant for bootlegs, the box doesn't look all the great heh the arts are kinda messy. You're right about the E-series being MI, I just notice the MI fx rip Enishi set looked exactly like the "E-series" Enishi set.
By the way I just tried to call them by phone today. The number doesn't work ERr :eek: Anyone know a number that can reach their customer service?
ToTo247 Wrote:The metal box is meant for bootlegs.
Wait I don't get this... Their other boxes are Paul Champagne boxes designed for R1s
Here is the Escaflowne Paul Champagne box:
And here is the pic from their site:
You sure the one you got isn't designed for R1's? Would the HK's fit anyway?
I am pretty sure it is meant for the HK. Since they sell the metal case and the HK set together as one unit. I have no way to make sure since I only have the case
Update: Just tried to put the FX Slayer set into the the metal case. It fits in but it doesn't look too good haha
Update: Ok eventhough their phone didn't work. Their email customer service works. They just sent me this email, so even if you ordered FX titles they will just send you the MI ones so don't bother (not that anyone would :p )
Seth Hiatt to me More options 3:34 pm (27 minutes ago)
We are out of the FX and can no longer get anymore as they have gone out of
business. The only one I have is the E-series. I can either send you that
one or refund your payment. What would you like to do?
At the end I am glad everything got settled. I took their offer, they are gonna send me the "E-series (MI)" Yuugi set which shouldn't be too bad

. Lesson learned I am just gonna stick with CJV and Aniacs from now on !

First time posting on these boards. I also got a bad experience with sphiatt, ordered escaflowne and studio ghibli set in january, after a month of waiting and them telling me to wait that shipping to canada is sometimes very long due to customs i made a paypal complaint to get my money back, saying i would pay back if by any chance i got the package. They refunded (sphiatt not paypal) me about 5 days after the complaint. The day after I finally got my package, but guess what, the postage mark said that it had been mailed only 5 days ago (after i complained to paypal), I suppose the had the items backordered and would not tell me or had forgotten to send me the items (even if I had contacted the after 2 weeks). I paid them back but I will never do business with them again. At least I,ve got a nice FX escaflowne set and a great ghibli set (dunno with maker but great video quality).