My real name is Jacob Fieth. The I is silent in my last name, people always pronounce it wrong.
Theresa Nguyen, that's me.
don't worry spike, everyone says my last name wrong too.
Gemini Wrote:Theresa Nguyen, that's me.
don't worry spike, everyone says my last name wrong too.
how do you pronounce that? :confused:
Aidan Pearson... the Irish in me won out for the first name, since the Scottish claimed the last name. We won't go to the middle name, 'cause it's too girly to mention.
vegeta76 Wrote:how do you pronounce that? :confused:
nguyen = ng wen
kinda like that but its hard for some people to pernounc the ng part.
Gemini Wrote:nguyen = ng wen
kinda like that but its hard for some people to pernounc the ng part.
are you chinese?
vegeta76 Wrote:are you chinese?
i was born in the US, so i don't have the accent.
Ricky D. Wilson Jr.
I call myself Richard
My friends call me Rikki (becuase it's easier to spell

Although in 9th grade half the people in my english class either called me wolfman or Batz Kage, & the weird part was they pronounced Kage correctly, while back then I just said cage.
Gemini Wrote:Theresa Nguyen, that's me.
don't worry spike, everyone says my last name wrong too.
I know someone with the same last name as you, cool!
Eric Greaves. Pronounced like 'grieves'
my family name was originally 'Grivas' but when my grandfather immigrated here from Greece a long long time ago they americanized it to 'Greaves'
Kathleen Donovan... nice generic Irish name... but soon to be changed to Chujko.

Pronounced (chew-ko). Ukranian and Irish... dark and light... we're gonna have intersting kids! :p
Elizabeth Schultz...I married into a German family. Nope, I'm not German. As far as I can figure, I'm pretty much as American as you can get. That is to say, my ancestory is so diverse, I couldn't ever claim one country or another.
I'll give you my first name if you hadn't guessed it already. Its Elco and its made out of the names of my parents. My mothers name is Ellen and my dad's called Co for short. I really take pride in my name for that reason.
Thats a really rad name dude.
A guy I knew in highschool was named Ransom, I always thought it would be cool to be named Ransom.