As some of you know I've been talking about my appointment to see a psychotrisist. Well today I went: I supossivly have ADHD & small showings of a mood disorder, but they can't be sure on that for a few weeks.
So I've got sleep aids, two pills for ADHD & some fish oil they're going to start me on..
Rejoice my fair people -_- rejoice.
Hope you get all that settled out.
Yeah, I hope you can get all of that stuff figured out and feel better.
That's not so bad. Guess your normal after all Batz :p
What is the fish oil for dude?
And your not normal; fight it man! :p
Blight Wrote:What is the fish oil for dude?
And your not normal; fight it man! :p
Man, I don't even remember what hte oil is for, although I know it also helps to control mood disorders.
My doc is a bit off from what others have said, he says 98% of the people he sees has ADD (which then again I guess them having is the reason he's recommended).
I have one medication I'll start that works for so long a day, & when it stops working that day I'll take a medicine to last me the rest of the day.
And i have sleep pills, which say take 1-4; I took 2 yesterday & am still sleepy...
Werid thing is they're not supposed to make you sleepy, they're supposed to clear your head so you can sleep (like the kind my sis takes).
I'm on tjhe road to recovery, less I really do have a mood disorder, & the fish oil's second use doesn't work, then I'll turn violent, in which case they take me off my meds, rework it, treat the mood disorder first, then start back on the ADHD
oh, & thanks guys for the support

I guess its for the best. I just hate it when they put people of your age on meds already. I believe in the power of my own mind to keep me in control. But then again I've never had serious mental issues and don't exactly know what your symptoms are.
Anyway, good luck and whatever you do don't get to dependant of those meds.
elcoholic Wrote:I guess its for the best. I just hate it when they put people of your age on meds already. I believe in the power of my own mind to keep me in control. But then again I've never had serious mental issues and don't exactly know what your symptoms are.
All the same here, but I kinda screwed up my head a few times with self psychology, and even though at the time I knew what i was doing & the effects, I was stupid enough to do it anyways, and said psychology is what helpped my mental illnesses resurface, as I hadn't had any symptoms of ADD since 3rd grade, then last year they started coming back & they're getting worse :S
to sum that all up, I messed up my mind's ability to control my temper & ADD junk -_-
It takes a while for them to get your meds right, but hang in there. They'll get you figured out eventually :p .
Don't worry you'll overcome it. I overcame my mental issue so you can overcome yours
as well.
Im ADHD and if you even need to get medicine for it
it's really not a big deal
I mean if you have gone without for this long then you should be sitting pretty and it shouldn't be much of a big deal
Just make sure whatever medicine your taking doesen't kill your personality completely with the stuff i used to take thats what it did so....
Curve ball, dad said he's not putting me on any medicine that's like 40% riddilin (cause of the kid that flipped out & killed his grandparents :S), so he's starting me on all natural stuff that does the same stuff for 60% of the kids on riddilin, the good thing is a side effect of the medicine is weight loss

elcoholic Wrote:I guess its for the best. I just hate it when they put people of your age on meds already. I believe in the power of my own mind to keep me in control. But then again I've never had serious mental issues and don't exactly know what your symptoms are.
Well, Batz has already hurt himself so perhaps in his case meds are required.
Anyway, I'm glad to hear it's nothing as serious as it appeared to be. If that fish oil is what I think it is it's supposed to taste horribly!
Batz Kage Wrote:Curve ball, dad said he's not putting me on any medicine that's like 40% riddilin (cause of the kid that flipped out & killed his grandparents :S), so he's starting me on all natural stuff that does the same stuff for 60% of the kids on riddilin, the good thing is a side effect of the medicine is weight loss 
Well, while it may not matter, that kid was on zoloft, and he still went to jail for it. But I wouldn't want to be on riddilin either. Lots of people call it "kid-crack" cause you can get addicted to it.
Well Well Batz my boy keep those meds a poppin :p
you hang in there and look after yourself...
tell your pops that natural herbs etc arent always the best route as there are no legal quality control restrictions so you may just be eating placebo junk...or some other stooopid junk so make sure its from a reputable source...
Modern Medicalisation strikes...