rav96 Wrote:tell your pops that natural herbs etc arent always the best route as there are no legal quality control restrictions so you may just be eating placebo junk...or some other stooopid junk so make sure its from a reputable source...
Modern Medicalisation strikes...
it's ridiculous for original meds to be switched to placebo. but ya, watch out for them stinkers. hope everything gets better for you.
and for natural and herbs, thats hard to come by nowadays, everythings mixed.
are you takin the straterra stuff?
Batz, I'm glad your dad is there for you. My brother recently found out he has ADD. I was really shocked.. because I think he's way smarter than me.. got straight A's and graduated a year earlier from college while double majoring in english and biology. He has other problems as well and has been seeing someone. It's kinda hard for me to talk to him about stuff he's going through or even say that I'll be there for him if ever needs to talk someone and stuff. I hope everything with your medication go ok. I'm not sure on this, but are you a writer? My brother writes too and I think it's great he can be so passionate about it. Stuff like that helps take out some of the stress.
yeah hes a writer. mainly darker stuff
having ADHD is shockingly common in the academicly "gifted" but most of the time goes without proper diagnosis if that due to them having the ability to somewhat keep it under control and channel the lack of focus into depression sadly

You couldn't exactly call me a writer, I still have not enough focus to write down anything, & I sure as heck don't have the focus to write a real story, but I do some junk every once & away, some good, some not that good. I also write songs, which are now better than they used to be.
*bows* thank you all, my condition is so-so, not to much better, but still better, if it's not really good in a few more weeks I'll likely start the prescribed meds.