I know a couple of you out there have one of those players that can play divx eps and movies. When watching subbed stuff can you see the subtitles? I just got mine today and every tv in the house cuts off the subtitles at least halfway into them if not entirely off. Is there a way either on the tv or dvd player (i looked but couldn't find anything

) that can make the size of the ep. smaller so that I can see the subtitles ok? If not I just wasted money on a new player and all the eps i've been downloading/burning. =/ Any help would be appreciated.
I don't think it's just the type of tv either. I tried a a "normal" tv and also a projection tv.
Oh you're really gonna hate this, but guess what, there isn't any way to make the TV set or the DVD player make those subtitles not go off the bottom of the TV screen... well... let me rephrase that... there isn't an easy way of doing it... You can try when you burn the episodes to disk to use the 4:3 aspect which may or may not solve the problem... some subtitles are just too low on the episodes...
Or, my solution was to take an old computer and connect it to my TV set and play them from the computer because the subtitles are fine on a computer because the resolution is higher for the monitors which makes the subtitles just fine... (higher resolution = more lines horizontally = readable subtitles not off the bottom of the TV screen)
My TV set ( Samsung DLP HDTV ) has the option of adjusting the screen on the PC mode, but then I don't need it because I'm already playing the unreadable subtitles on the computer which takes care of the problem.
Well, that woulda been nice to know before I shelled out $90 for the player. Damn. =/ What I really dont understand is my naruto dvd's i got from ebay which some are the exact same episodes by the same subbers are perfectly readable while my cd ones aren't. =/
Cidien Wrote:Well, that woulda been nice to know before I shelled out $90 for the player. Damn. =/ What I really dont understand is my naruto dvd's i got from ebay which some are the exact same episodes by the same subbers are perfectly readable while my cd ones aren't. =/
You didn't ask, or I would have said something because I've been dealing with the subtitle thing for some time now. Because of the way they were encoded to disk?
Didn't ask because i've read a few things around the net and havn't heard of a single problem. =/ I'd say I could still at least download a few movies to watch but 95% of the avi movies are like 715+ mb so they just barely don't fit on a cd disc. =/
I bought some naruto eps of ebay like a year ago and they were in vcd format and displayed subs fine on my tv. So try burning them in vcd and it might work (don't know if that's possible though, making divx video in vcd format).
Or do what I do and just link your pc to your tv.
Those divx playing players are a waste of money simply because they play hardly anything and aren't easyily upgradeable. Get an XBOX and a modchip and then download Xbox Media Center. It plays EVERYTHING at what ever aspect ratio you want. It can play soft subs, MPEG 1/2/4, MKV, OGM and is constantly being upgraded to new formats every day. Also plays ac3 mp3 and ogg!
Cidien Wrote:Didn't ask because i've read a few things around the net and havn't heard of a single problem. =/ I'd say I could still at least download a few movies to watch but 95% of the avi movies are like 715+ mb so they just barely don't fit on a cd disc. =/
Well technically, not being able to read the subtitles on a TV isn't a problem with the DVD player... it's more a problem with the placements of the subs on the AVI files.... as for burning movies to a disk, why don't you put them on a DVDR instead of a CD? If they are still too large, you may have to use DVD Shrink on them to get them to fit on a DVDR.
gubi-gubi Wrote:Those divx playing players are a waste of money simply because they play hardly anything and aren't easyily upgradeable. Get an XBOX and a modchip and then download Xbox Media Center. It plays EVERYTHING at what ever aspect ratio you want. It can play soft subs, MPEG 1/2/4, MKV, OGM and is constantly being upgraded to new formats every day. Also plays ac3 mp3 and ogg!
Yes, and eventually your Xbox will stop reading your game disks because you're using it to read DVD's. So it's much better to just get a cheap DVD player to use on your DVD's instead of taking the chance of ruining your gaming system by using it to play DVD's...
elcoholic Wrote:I bought some naruto eps of ebay like a year ago and they were in vcd format and displayed subs fine on my tv. So try burning them in vcd and it might work (don't know if that's possible though, making divx video in vcd format).
Or do what I do and just link your pc to your tv.
Where do you buy a link to hook up your pc to your tv? What's the cable called?
And I don't want to shell out another $80 to go buy a dvd burner.
if your video card has tv out (and most newer video cards do), then it should just be an svideo cable, if your tv doesnt have svideo, then you can pick up an svideo to composit video converter on ebay for les then 5 bucks, DONT BUY ONE IN TOWN, most buisnesses charge at least 15 bucks for one. Hell i got a couple laying around my house, ill add it to my trade list just for u, If you computer doesnt have TV out, then you would have to buy a VGA to composit (i dont even know if they make them anymore)
I don't know what its called. Mine hooks up to my s-video inut on my tv and you ofcourse need a video card that has tv output. i'm pretty sure its also possible to have a cable that has the pc connection on one side and a normal scart connecion on the other although to have sound you need a different cable from your sound card to your tv or stereo.
Just check if your video card has tv output and if so go to the store to ask. I'm sure they can help you and the cables aren't that expensive.
wow, myself and elcoholic, just posted at the same time.....but mine was first HA HA
Amethyst Wrote:Yes, and eventually your Xbox will stop reading your game disks because you're using it to read DVD's. So it's much better to just get a cheap DVD player to use on your DVD's instead of taking the chance of ruining your gaming system by using it to play DVD's...
Er well no. Never happened to me an and you dont need discs you ftp your files over so you dont know what you are talking about.
And whats the point in Cidien burning all the files to dvd? Whats the point in the divx player then?
gubi-gubi Wrote:Er well no. Never happened to me an and you dont need discs you ftp your files over so you dont know what you are talking about.
And whats the point in Cidien burning all the files to dvd? Whats the point in the divx player then?
I said if an Xbox is used to read DVD disks, it will eventually get to the point where it will no longer read any game disks. This has been discussed on AN. As for never happening to you, then consider yourself lucky so far and one wonders just how long never has been for you... less than 6 months? A year? 2 years?
The point is he is having a problem with the subtitles being off the bottom of the screen on his TV, and encoding it to DVDR
might take care of that problem instead of him putting them on CD's. Besides, a DVDR will hold a lot more files than a CD disk will.
Amethyst Wrote:I said if an Xbox is used to read DVD disks, it will eventually get to the point where it will no longer read any game disks. This has been discussed on AN. As for never happening to you, then consider yourself lucky so far and one wonders just how long never has been for you... less than 6 months? A year? 2 years?
The point is he is having a problem with the subtitles being off the bottom of the screen on his TV, and encoding it to DVDR might take care of that problem instead of him putting them on CD's. Besides, a DVDR will hold a lot more files than a CD disk will.
Well read my post, you dont need discs! And I have had mine for nearly a year and a half and no no trouble as MANY people also report in real xbox forums... The Xbox is meant to play dvd so I hope you mean dvd-r. As for the whole subtitle on screen problem putting them on dvd is not going to change anything unless you mean encode to mpeg 2 which a is pointless waste of the divx function.