Here is a quote most have heard but may have never picked up on it.
Quote:Hey, they have the Monkies. You know they were a HUGE influence on the Beatles.
Where do you think its from.
Never heard it and the reason most don't remember it is the fact that it?s not worth remembering?
It is "The Monkees" not "The Monkies".
I imagine everyone who heard it picked up on it. It's just that no one cared. The only part of that movie that needs to be remembered is that Aspen is in fact in California.
WandererX12 Wrote:I imagine everyone who heard it picked up on it. It's just that no one cared. The only part of that movie that needs to be remembered is that Aspen is in fact in California.
I think that line just gave it away..
Ding Ding Ding. That is correct. It is from the movie Dumb and Dumber. The scene when Harry and Loyd are at the dinner with Seabass. The winner is WandererX12.
I've got one: " I haven't been fucked like that since grade school" That's probably one of my favorite movie lines ever.
evilomar Wrote:I've got one: " I haven't been fucked like that since grade school" That's probably one of my favorite movie lines ever.
Fight Club!
gubi-gubi Wrote:Fight Club!
Still need to get that dvd... sold my tape like over a year ago... hm... off to ebay I go!
Cidien Wrote:Still need to get that dvd... sold my tape like over a year ago... hm... off to ebay I go!
HSSSSSS...ebay...HSSSSS. :p

surfrider777 Wrote:Ding Ding Ding. That is correct. It is from the movie Dumb and Dumber. The scene when Harry and Loyd are at the dinner with Seabass. The winner is WandererX12.
maybe it's just becuase you remind me of one of my so called friends whose a complete idiot, but you seem to lose more & more respect to me which each & every post; although I might add it could just be the complete cynical & loathing attitude I've had these past many days.
Batz Kage Wrote:maybe it's just becuase you remind me of one of my so called friends whose a complete idiot, but you seem to lose more & more respect to me which each & every post; although I might add it could just be the complete cynical & loathing attitude I've had these past many days.
You know, I was just thinking that myself...Kind of funny...
Blight Wrote:HSSSSSS...ebay...HSSSSS. :p 
Ya I know, but i'm too lazy to run to the store at the moment.
Batz Kage Wrote:maybe it's just becuase you remind me of one of my so called friends whose a complete idiot, but you seem to lose more & more respect to me which each & every post; although I might add it could just be the complete cynical & loathing attitude I've had these past many days.
Well you know if I really cared about people thoughts about me I would waiste too much time I could be having fun or doing something constructive. I will forever be me. Not trying to impress people on this forum just trying to have a little fun and maybe pickup some internet friends. This is not a crak at anyone, just how I feel. And Batz Kage I truley hope your days get better for you. Later.
Here's one.
"Where are we going skipper?"
"I don't know. But if we get lost, we can just pull in somewheres and ask directions."