I love mech anime and am running out of series to try. I know of all the gundam series and have seen most of them. I also have:
blue gender
big o
scryed if you wanna count that
Also gonna get dai guard eventually.
What other mech shows do you guys recommend?
metropolis is a great mech movie
i'll trade ya chobits

lol but it's not what your looking for im sure
yeah i was gonna say gundam but have you seen getter robo thats supposed to be really good.
voltron lol
dominion tank police is more tank but it's good
thats all i can really think of
Only one I have seen that you haven't put in your list is Brainpowered. Its widely regarded as trash but I liked it. Don't know why so many people hate it.
Dual supposed to be pretty good too. I think Nadesico and Tylor have some mech action too but I guess you've already seen those. If not than put these on top of your mech list, they are very funny shows. Also Escaflowne is sort of mech.
How about Argento Soma, it has mecha/fighter craft combo's plus the story is cool. Also Outlaw star is kinda mecha but sort of spaceship's with big mecha style arms hahah. And my personal fav Vandread 1st & 2nd stage, has some cool mecha as well as a very cool storyline and very funny moments. Men at war with women, men get trapped on ship with many women, women and men believe that both are actually monsters who eat your guts hahaha and so the story begins :p
Any of the old Go Nagai stuff like Mazinger Z, Tranzor Z, old Getterobo stuff. Gunbuster, you must watch this, its a classic timeless Gainax title. Giant Robo, you don't have to wait four years for the 6th episode to come out like did. Macross is great, but also do yourself a favor and watch Robotech (the whole saga). If you can try to find some old Astroboy episodes.
Try :
Argento Soma Perfect Collection
Blue Submarine no. 6 Perfect Collection
Brain Powerd Perfect Collection
Dai-Guard Perfect Collection
Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventures TV
FLCL - Furi Kuri Perfect Collection
Geneshaft Perfect Collection
GunParade March Perfect Collection
Hand Maid May Perfect Collection
Heat Guy J Perfect Collection
Irresponsible Captain Tylor OVA
Irresponsible Captain Tylor TV
Mahoromatic First Season Perfect Collection
Mahoromatic Second Season Perfect Collection(she was a machine)
Martian Sucessor Nadesico the Movie
Martian Sucessor Nadesico TV Perfect Collection
Sol Bianca - The Legacy Perfect Collection (maybe considered)
Vandread First and Second Stage Complete Collection
Vision of Escaflowne Perfect Collection
Vision of Escaflowne The Movie
if your in to japanese dubbed titles:
The Mars Daybreak ( awesome underwater mech show from bones(rahxephon, FMA, CB)
evilomar Wrote:Any of the old Go Nagai stuff like Mazinger Z, Tranzor Z, old Getterobo stuff. Gunbuster, you must watch this, its a classic timeless Gainax title. Giant Robo, you don't have to wait four years for the 6th episode to come out like did. Macross is great, but also do yourself a favor and watch Robotech (the whole saga). If you can try to find some old Astroboy episodes.
Robotech kinda sucks. I've been watching a few macross eps and it's way way better than robotech. If macross didn't exist i'd rate robotech higher prolly...
And I actually forgot to list the series i've seen but don't own anymore, so i've actually seen everything listed so far except a few smaller series like gunbuster. I own getter robo armageddon also though but i'm waiting for that new getter robo series that's going to be released soon to come out. I think it comes before this one... not sure though.
P.S. L.E. most of what you listed isn't mech stuff.
GUNDAM!!! any and all of em!
Another question i'll ask here so I don't have to start another thread.
Anyone have any suggestions for fansub download from bit torrent or bearshare. (if you know any awesome bt sites to download the recommendations i'd appreciate a link =p )
I'm still downloading naruto and just finishing up the last few eps of full metal alchemist. I've got all the macross zero except for episode 1 (wont download on bearshare and can't find a torrent for just ep. 1... anyone know of one?). I've also got all of samurai champloo and am planning on downloading bleach tomorrow. Any other suggestions?
One last question, does anyone know if any fansubbers have a web site you can visit to see what series they work on and such. I really like ANBU, they do really high quality easy to read subs. Trying to get all their naruto subs. Dattebayo's are ok but they can be hard to read sometimes and the other main naruto subber (forgot thier name) has the same problem + they let their subs go off screen quite often. =/
Cidien Wrote:Robotech kinda sucks. I've been watching a few macross eps and it's way way better than robotech. If macross didn't exist i'd rate robotech higher prolly...
You probably would have enjoyed it better, if you didn't watch Macross first. Of course the show is a little outdated. The other parts of Robotech are also well written like The New Generation and Dana's Story. Unlike Macross, Robotech immediately had a huge fan following. It took a few years for Macross to become a cult hit in Japan.
evilomar Wrote:You probably would have enjoyed it better, if you didn't watch Macross first. Of course the show is a little outdated. The other parts of Robotech are also well written like The New Generation and Dana's Story. Unlike Macross, Robotech immediately had a huge fan following. It took a few years for Macross to become a cult hit in Japan.
Read my post again. I saw robotech first.
Well I can vouch for Dual Parallel Trouble Adventure, also Magic Knights Rayearth is also
sort of mech but it gets more into it during the second season. If you get secnd season
though you have to get the first to understanfd what went on before. Also Escaflone is
good and Tekkaman Blade is awesome from what I remember of it. If you want to check
out Tekkaman Blade I have a few video clips. Dang I soo want that anime, stupid paypal.
Anyway, yeah those are my suggestions. Sorry if I wasn't much help.
Aura Battler Dunbine. It has a complex storyline and interesting characters. It's on sale now at Adv for incredibly low price. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd better get myself a complete set while it's still on sale.
Gunparade March is good times... from what I've seen so far. Like a more serious FMP.
I didn't really like gunparade march very much. It wasn't bad, but 13 episodes wasn't near enough to do much of anything with the series.