I've heard that after you get married your body naturally slows down the metabolism as your body doesn't have to look good anymore.
If you really wanna peel off those pounds fast just do what I did for the past 2 years.... just run until you are exhausted but takes breathers to so you really get tired. I lost 50 lbs in the 2 years I've done this and it helps alot with my stamina. Besides the heavy exercise I also ate tons of asian food everyday cause it was healthier then what I usually ate with all the veggies it had. But now I just eat what I usually eat and I haven't gained anything back except water weight.
Oh yeah and for a fact protein can turn to fat also as you can only absorb so much a day and the rest turns to fat so a protein high diet is bad to a degree.
rav96 Wrote:but for those who have lived of rabbit food and excercise like crazy for most their life and still abit in the chubby side it could be the cause...you never know?!??!?!???????
food for thought if you will
Imagine what they'd look like if they didn't live of rabbit food and exercised like crazy.
And yes, LAZYNESS and BAD DIET are the main causes of obesity. People should keep that in mind because although I believe the fat virus is real I also believe many people will use it as an excuse. I've seen documentaries about extremely obese people and they eat like crazy, thousands of calories a day, whole chickens for breakfast. It's no wonder they weigh 670 pounds, that's no virus's fault!
onizuka17711 Wrote:You guys all seem to know a lot about weight, perhaps you can clear something up for me. We did the fat percentage test thing at school the other day. I know I messed it up this time, but a few years back I had like 2%-4% body fat content. Is that bad? What's supposed to be healthy? Weight is too confusing for me, all of these complicated tests and stuff.
Males: Essential fat - 2-4%
Females: Essential fat - 10-12%
Males 20-39:
Underfat - 4-8%
Healthy - 9-20%
Overfat - 21-25%
Obese - above 25%
Males 40-59:
Underfat - 4-11%
Healthy - 12-22%
Overfat - 23-28%
Obese - above 28%
Females 20-39:
Underfat - 12-21%
Healthy - 22-33%
Overfat - 34-39%
Obese - above 39%
Females 40-59:
Underfat - 12-23%
Healthy - 24-34%
Overfat - 34-40%
Obese - above 40%
If you look at the values I posted above you'll see your body fat percentage is within the 'essencial fat' range. This is too little and can lead to serious health problems. I'm no one to talk since I'm only 1% above that range but well, I'm pretty healthy.
The American Dietetic Association recommends that men have 15-18% body fat and women have 20-25% body fat. Healthy male athletes might be as low as 5-12% body fat, and healthy female athletes could be as low as 10-20%.
gemini Wrote:so basically animals and insects became our disease carriers,
AIDS, Ebola, West Nile, Malaria, and of course much more give us a liitle more time, next thing you know people will be walking around in gas mask and all armored up. ahhh!!! the horror, the horror
True but more often than not it's our fault for messing with things we shouldn't.
tsunami Wrote:I've heard that after you get married your body naturally slows down the metabolism as your body doesn't have to look good anymore.
Your metabolism won't involuntarily slow down once you get married. What happens is that people think that now that they're married they don't need to work so hard at looking good. Of course, having a family to care for is time consuming which is why so many people stop working out after getting married.
tsunami Wrote:Oh yeah and for a fact protein can turn to fat also as you can only absorb so much a day and the rest turns to fat so a protein high diet is bad to a degree.
Indeed, that's why I always tell people to eat a little of everything, protein, carbs and even fat. The best diet is a well balanced one.
Looks like I need a 3,000 calorie diet :p .
Even the food pyramid which is supposedly a balance diet is fed to pigs so they grow nice and big. There is some trivia for you.