rav96 Wrote:its good its in one area in a way coz when you suck it in you can get away with looking thin 
Hahaha.. that is very hard for me to do. I can't suck my belly in for long periods of time. I'm gonna go running and work on ab stuff. I'm not really worried about losing the weight.. but I did notice one time when I was eating something fatty, I felt like I was gonna have a heart attack. I got really scared and worried about it.
I would like to try a kangaroo at least once. I tasted deer last year. My friend had went hunting and barbecued some of the deer meat. It was horrible.. maybe it was the way he cooked it or maybe the meat was just bad. It was hard to chew. I hated it. In the Philippines, some people eat dog. I had that once too when I was younger but don't really remembered how it tasted. When my dad was a kid, he had a pet dog, and for his birthday he ate it... Later on, when he was asking where his dog went and found out what happened, he cried his eyes out.
Nina182B Wrote:So I went for my yearly health exam and found out I gained 15 pounds. Here's the weird thing though - all the pounds seemed to go to one area of my body - the stomach!!! It is a really weird experience for me because all throughout high school and college, I've been the same weight - around 113-115 pounds. I've always wanted to gain a couple of pounds to be a bit more healthy (I'm 5'5) but it never really happened no matter what I ate. Then after college I moved in with boyfriend and that's when the weight gain happened. (No, I am not pregnant
) The same thing happened to a couple of my girlfriends once they moved in with their bf/or got married. But they are very lucky.. because their pounds got distributed throughout their whole body. I hope this isn't an asian thing
I bet it's all the rice I eat plus turning into a couch potato.. I got a TV recently and I never realized how many reality shows were going on.. when did this start??? I guess there is more to life than watching anime dvd's and playing world of warcraft...
Having turned into a couch potato is definitely the main reason why you put on that much weight. However it's also related to the fact that you're older now than when you were in college. Our metabolism slows down as we become older, although at 23 your metabolism is still pretty high. So couch potato + slower metabolism = + 15lbs. Usually women gain weight around their hips and thighs but like me you're an exception to that rule. You gain weight in your stomach I gain weight in my arms (fortunately I don't put on weight easily). My hips haven't changed since I was 14, ever since my bones stopped growing. That's a good thing really, most women would kill to be like you and me. And don't be so worried about the fat in your stomach it's a health hazard to men but not so much to women. The equivalent health hazard to women is the hip/waist ratio. Even if you have fat in your stomach as long as your hips are larger than your waist the risk of cardiovascular diseases is low. Just divide your waist circumference by your hip circumference. If your waist-hip ratio is 1.0 or higher you're considered "at risk" or in the danger zone for undesirable health consequences, such as heart disease and other ailments connected with being overweight. Women should aim for a ratio of .80 or less. So if despite the fat in your stomach you're within these values you're fine as far as health is concerned (for now). Of course aesthetically speaking I bet you don't like it one bit, right? So just do like so many people here have already told you, do cardio to lose the fat and weight training to increase your metabolism and tone up. Don't waste too much time on abs because it won't help unless you lose the fat that's covering your abdomen and that can only be achieved with cardio. As far as food goes I'd recommend you start eating more fish and less meat, eat a lot of vegetables and fruit (no more than 4 pieces a day). Don't stop eating carbohydrates like rice and pasta, that's a common mistake. Carbohydrates give you the energy you need and give you a lasting sensation of having your stomach full, therefore you won't eat so often. Simply eat a moderate amount (about two servings a day) but do eat them. ALso, as far as dairy goes, stay away from cheese, but drink milk (preferably non-fat) and eat yoghurts (non-fat), you need lots of calcium. By the way, the best way to avoid this kind of unpleasant surprise is controling your weight on a regular basis. Just weigh yourself once a month and if you happen to be a little fatter just make some changes in your life style and lose that weight. It's much easier to lose 2 or 4 pounds than 15!
Nina182B Wrote:Hahaha.. that is very hard for me to do. I can't suck my belly in for long periods of time.
Don't suck it in, it's bad for your lungs. Contract it, it will do wonders for your posture and at the same time work your abs.
Nina182B Wrote:I would like to try a kangaroo at least once. I tasted deer last year. My friend had went hunting and barbecued some of the deer meat. It was horrible.. maybe it was the way he cooked it or maybe the meat was just bad. It was hard to chew. I hated it. In the Philippines, some people eat dog. I had that once too when I was younger but don't really remembered how it tasted. When my dad was a kid, he had a pet dog, and for his birthday he ate it... Later on, when he was asking where his dog went and found out what happened, he cried his eyes out.
I can't believe someone did that to your father! That must have been horrible!
Nina182B Wrote:I tasted deer last year. My friend had went hunting and barbecued some of the deer meat. It was horrible.. maybe it was the way he cooked it or maybe the meat was just bad. It was hard to chew. I hated it.
Deer meat is tough because there is little to no fat content in it... so in order for it to be tender, you either have to marinate it (Italian dressing is wonderful!!) or tenderize it by pounding it to break up the fiber, or you can slow cook it or pressure cook it. I'm not even going to comment about the dog meat, that's just unacceptable to most peoples views... although if you've ever lived on a farm, you learned really quick to not make pets out of the livestock just for that reason....
Amethyst Wrote:Deer meat is tough because there is little to no fat content in it... so in order for it to be tender, you either have to marinate it (Italian dressing is wonderful!!) or tenderize it by pounding it to break up the fiber, or you can slow cook it or pressure cook it. I'm not even going to comment about the dog meat, that's just unacceptable to most peoples views... although if you've ever lived on a farm, you learned really quick to not make pets out of the livestock just for that reason....
I could never, ever eat a pet. However if ever I decided to become a vegetarian it wouldn't be because I didn't want animals to suffer. I look at it like this, we human beings are omnivorous and so it's in our nature to eat all sorts of things including meat. As far as our nature goes we're like the lion who eats meat because it's carnivorous. We just happen to eat other things as well. Thinking like this is the reason why I can eat lamb, an animal I adore in every sense of the word, without feeling guilty. But a pet? I could never eat a pet!
I gained some fat and lost some muscle too for similar reasons but so far it has balanced out on the scales at least.
For me, nothing makes my weight drop quicker than getting ill, the atkins diet or excessive prolonged sex for a period of time (at least it's fun). *^_^*
CrayonShinChan Wrote:I gained some fat and lost some muscle too for similar reasons but so far it has balanced out on the scales at least.
For me, nothing makes my weight drop quicker than getting ill, the atkins diet or excessive prolonged sex for a period of time (at least it's fun). *^_^*
That's the thing about the Atkins diet, it works without a doubt but it's terrible for your health.
Nina182B Wrote:When my dad was a kid, he had a pet dog, and for his birthday he ate it... Later on, when he was asking where his dog went and found out what happened, he cried his eyes out.
My god, that is evil. Why would someone do that to your dad? Poor doggy.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:That's the thing about the Atkins diet, it works without a doubt but it's terrible for your health.
I tried it after, I quite working out all the time, for a little while. My energy level went to hell; I was always tired. Now I focus more on health than weight lately. I've been having beans and rice (which at first I thought was terrible but now actually like) for breakfast and ride my bike about 10 miles a day, and my mid section is rapidly reforgeing rock hard without excess working out like I used to do.
Nina182B Wrote:When my dad was a kid, he had a pet dog, and for his birthday he ate it... Later on, when he was asking where his dog went and found out what happened, he cried his eyes out.
That's beyond terrible.

Why the hell would anyone do that to him!? It's hard to believe that people are sick enough to do that. I really feel bad for your dad no one should have to go through that.

Blight Wrote:I've been having beans and rice (which at first I thought was terrible but now actually like) for breakfast.
Sorry to say this but it's a nutritional error to eat rice and beans together, or rice and pasta. Cereals and legumes shouldn't be eaten together.
Puppet Master Wrote:That's beyond terrible.
Why the hell would anyone do that to him!? It's hard to believe that people are sick enough to do that. I really feel bad for your dad no one should have to go through that. 
You do realize you're probably saying her grandparents are sick, right?
Yeah, my dad was pretty sad about the dog. They tried to give him another dog but he didn't want any more dogs for a pet. I'm sure he would still eat dog if he ever went back to the Philippines, although probably not as much as chicken or beef. Not all filipinos eat dog.. only happens in some parts of the country. Didn't mean to disguest or shock people here.. It is just a different culture.
Nina182B Wrote:Didn't mean to disguest or shock people here.. It is just a different culture.
I understand what you mean, dog meat is just like cow meat. There are countries where they don't eat cow because it's sacred, it's a matter of culture. Besides, I bet in the Philipines the dogs people eat aren't usually pets.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:I understand what you mean, dog meat is just like cow meat. There are countries where they don't eat cow because it's sacred, it's a matter of culture. Besides, I bet in the Philipines the dogs people eat aren't usually pets.
The Koreans are the real dog eaters! Man, those guys'll eat anything with four legs except a table.* Actually, the government banned eating dog before the international spotlight during the co-hosting the last Football world cup. At least that's what my brother's two Korean flatmates claim. *It was those two who coined that particular term too. I'm not sure if they've relaxed the ban since the world's not looking any more. Also, apparently most young Koreans are not hep with the country's traditions are finding it hard to reconcile eating what they now consider pets.
(I wouldn't mind hearing from any Koreans on this on???)
I'll save my boss's Korean Dog Penis Resturant story for another time.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Sorry to say this but it's a nutritional error to eat rice and beans together, or rice and pasta. Cereals and legumes shouldn't be eaten together.
Actually, no it's not. It is a traditional vegan meal. Moby has this for breakfast too. It is low in fat, and reasonably high on protein.
1 cup split red lentils
1/3 cup long grain brown rice
5 cups vegetable broth
1 leek, cut into thick slices
3 garlic cloves, minced
14 ounce can chopped tomatoes
2 teaspoons curry powder
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 red bell pepper, seeded and sliced
1 cup broccoli florets
8 small ears corn, halved lengthways
1/2 cup green beansil
salt and pepper
Calories 312, protein 20g, carbs 51g, sugars 9g, fat 2g, saturates 0.4g
Although I leave some stuff out, this is the basic Recipe and Nutrition facts for it.
Blight Wrote:Actually, no it's not. It is a traditional vegan meal. Moby has this for breakfast too. It is low in fat, and reasonably high on protein.
Just because it's vegan, doesn't mean it's right! In fact, from my research vegans are a pretty misguided bunch. They've taken a damn good idea (respect the veggies, decry the meat) and done the worst thing possible... turned it into a religion. No, I know it's not a 'religion religion' but every vegan I've ever met shares the same narrow minded zealousness you see on cable TV preaching hours. And there's quite a few of them in the Brisbane share house scene.
Anyway, the point is that you digest and absorb legumes a lot better if there's not a bunch of carbs floating about. Not that that stops me eating Dhal w/ rice.
(And don't get me started on Moby, that... that... geography teacher.)
8 Drunken Stylz Wrote:Just because it's vegan, doesn't mean it's right! In fact, from my research vegans are a pretty misguided bunch. They've taken a damn good idea (respect the veggies, decry the meat) and done the worst thing possible... turned it into a religion. No, I know it's not a 'religion religion' but every vegan I've ever met shares the same narrow minded zealousness you see on cable TV preaching hours. And there's quite a few of them in the Brisbane share house scene.
Anyway, the point is that you digest and absorb legumes a lot better if there's not a bunch of carbs floating about. Not that that stops me eating Dhal w/ rice.
That's what nutritionists keep telling people.