What anime series has raped my wallet? I'll let everyone who knows me on the forum guess...
Okay, for those who didn't guess, it's Slayers. I've spent over $300 on Slayers in the past 6 months, and I still have another $200 to go. Sheesh.
Well a lot of series have raped me good. Sailor Moon Fan subs were pretty bad. :mrgreen: Though no where near as rough as that monkey.

I have been raped by so many. I don't think I will be buying many R1's in the future. 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
Suzakuseikun how did you get rapped that bad on Slayers even if you bought the entire series and OVA's on R1's right now it only comes to $305
that even include a bonus gift of a chroma cell with each set you buy.
But if you bought the tapes like I did for the first season I can see how you got bent over and got the shaft sideways... man come to think of it I got raped and brained washed..... (memories of wasted dollars fill body with a berserker rage) :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted:
ADV's worst though
I've spent well over $5000 on anime. Though it is all worth it in the end. :mrgreen:
I spent a little over $2000 dollars on DUB Ranma tapes alone (Jezz I was a fool) then this thing called a DVD comes out and ranma has hybrid DVDs 3 episodes a piece for the same price I paid for my tapes most $29.99 some $34.99. That was the biggest slap in the face I have ever had from an anime company (besides that awful sin movie). Now I hate viz for doing this to me. 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
Actually the Ranma Box Sets are a bigger slap. I mean $100 for hybrid season 1 on DVD versus $270 dub Ranma VHS.

Morgorath: I paid for them in the store, which has Michigan's 6% sales Tax. I did not order them online (okay, I got NEXT online) and not just DVDs, in merchandise and paraphanalia.
DarkOsamu: I'm not sure if you were calling Slayers a waste or not, but if you were, screw off

I spent a little over $2000 dollars on DUB Ranma tapes alone (Jezz I was a fool) then this thing called a DVD comes out and ranma has hybrid DVDs 3 episodes a piece for the same price I paid for my tapes most $29.99 some $34.99. That was the biggest slap in the face I have ever had from an anime company (besides that awful sin movie). Now I hate viz for doing this to me.
Can't Blame VIZ for too much on that one Season 1 thru 3 was done by Pioneer and they were ass fucking us all with only 2 episodes a VHS tape. I bought a lot and feel like an ass. Steve you are so right the whole first season on tape cost me just over $320 bucks. And I just bought the DVD collection for 78 bucks from
www.bestprices.com So I'm feeling the burn.
Hey kakoi do you like the Voice of Ranma better from Pioneer or VIZ..?
Quote:Suzakuseikun Posted:
Morgorath: I paid for them in the store, which has Michigan's 6% sales Tax. I did not order them online (okay, I got NEXT online) and not just DVDs, in merchandise and paraphanalia
I'm with ya I bought the whole first season in Texas 5% sales tax and I have spent a few dollars on wall srolls. But if you know where there are action figures for slayer or anything close let me know please.
I like Ranma's pioneer voice better. I think it was just cause I was used to it and then they changed it on me. Now I can't stand even that I gotta see it in japanese. I feel like viz stuck it in deep. So deep..... 8O 8O 8O 8O
Quote:Originally posted by "Suzakuseikun"
which has Michigan's 6% sales Tax.
6 % sales tax is nothing, where I live (Quebec, Canada) there is a 7% general sales tax (the famous GST), as well as a 7.5% provincial sales tax that is charge over the price of the good and the GST (I'm paying taxes on my taxes!!) :x . It comes up to around 15%.
We moved from New York to get away from the high tax rate they were getting closer to 8%. Here in North Carolina the sales tax is 6%. Which in my eyes is damn cool. Hey that reminds me you live in canada have you ever seen a show called "Degrasi Junior High"? It appears to be a northern thing. Man I miss New York. 8O 8O 8O 8O
Quote:kakoi_sugoi_yama Posted
I like Ranma's pioneer voice better. I think it was just cause I was used to it and then they changed it on me. Now I can't stand even that I gotta see it in japanese.
I feel the same way bro. But I like Ryouga voice in all version Eng 1, Eng2, or japanese. I think most of the other voices are pretty good in the VIZ production but ranma and that means Jap Track only for me.