katherine_jean Wrote:So it seems 
I don't mind.
And. My mother banned me from watching these japanese cartoons she's seen so little off.
they're, evil, sac-relegious, pornographic, violent, useless ..all in her opinion. I remember she caught me watchign Berserk. it just had to be the Caska and Guts "moment". =D
So now, I don't order them to my house. I get them sent to my sisters.
And. I finished Bebop last night.
Record crying.
Straight through episodes 24, 25, 26. Then the credits. How pathetic is that? <.<'
LMFAO Thats rough but yeah I can see that judgement being based so quickly my parents don't try banning it but they do hate it and they have said that. But for some reason parents are able to accept the crap America puts out why is that? :confused:
Puppet Master Wrote:LMFAO Thats rough but yeah I can see that judgement being based so quickly my parents don't try banning it but they do hate it and they have said that. But for some reason parents are able to accept the crap America puts out why is that? :confused:
I have no idea how they do it.
Actually. I got my mother watching Spirited Away. It was the Disney version and she loved it. But of course, my eldest brother came in laughing at her. When she found out why she swore that she hated it. Same story applies to Daft Punks Interstella. <3
rav96 Wrote:hahahaha!!! that has just made my day (im rather easily pleased today no less)
Haha, why thankyou, Im glad I could please someone with my simple mind :p
I don't exactly dislike it but I'd have to say Lain isn't something that I yearn for.
Tsukiko Wrote:oh and the real kicker for those of you who don't really know me is I'm....Amethyst's daughter! :eek:
Hi Tsukiko! Welcome to the forums! Your mom is a really nice person, it must be great having a mother like her. If for nothing else then for the simple fact that she likes anime.
Gemini Wrote:you go blight, work your magic 
He's been inspired lately hasn't he? :p
dallaslad Wrote:Wow so many people hate Dragonball 
I like Dragonball too! I love Trunks! :o
katherine_jean Wrote:My mother banned me from watching these japanese cartoons she's seen so little off.
they're, evil, sac-relegious, pornographic, violent, useless ..all in her opinion. I remember she caught me watching Berserk. it just had to be the Caska and Guts "moment". =D
My mom doesn?t have a problem with content (she knows I have some hentai). She thinks that all animation is the same as the cartoons she grew up with and calls them ?insulting to her intelligence? then I say, ?What is so intelligent about
Young and the Restless? then I get a dirty look.
Blight Wrote:My mom doesn?t have a problem with content (she knows I have some hentai). She thinks that all animation is the same as the cartoons she grew up with and calls them ?insulting to her intelligence? then I say, ?What is so intelligent about Young and the Restless? then I get a dirty look.
My brother has drilled it into my mothers head that I collect anime pornography. That is full of violence blood and gore. I mean. Im nto sayign its true. But what a little prick.

vegeta76 Wrote:My brother does the exact same thing, the little shit... he's always going to my mom if i dont lend him my stuff and telling her "jimmy is watching something with *insert bad crap here*". or whatever else he can think of. good thing my mom doesn't really care though.
as for my dad... he watches my stuff too so he doesnt really listen either 
Haha! Your lucky that they don't care. My parents usually freak out and threaten to throw all my collection away.
Scary moments.
But the weird thing is....
This brother is 28. Lives at home. And I expect he has more anime then anyone else in this town of Antigonish.
And he still tattles on his poor little sister. =P
vegeta76 Wrote:welcome to the boards
btw, youv'e posted on other anime boards right? or do I have you confused with someone else.... :confused:
Thanks, and thanks to all who greeted me, the only other anime board that I write on is the Cookie Jar Video Forum...but my mom nudged me to float over here and make some friends...lol... :p
Blight Wrote:Welcome. Actually, I think you are lucky. My mom always thinks I'm strange for liking "cartoons" at my age. So at least when you get excited about a show, you have someone to talk to talk to about it.
Also, it seems we have a lot in common. There is the obvious stuff like anime and manga but you also like to write, so we are both creative spirits and were the same age.
Yeah, I'm a flirt.
lol, well I am in the market! :p You're right though I'm really glad my mom and I like the same stuff, actually my dad and brother do too, so we're just one big anime loving family! Makes it kind of interesting for Christmas around here!
Tsukiko Wrote:lol, well I am in the market! :p You're right though I'm really glad my mom and I like the same stuff, actually my dad and brother do too, so we're just one big anime loving family! Makes it kind of interesting for Christmas around here!
Yes, I can imagine what it would be like, awesome!

I'm afraid I would have a hard time not buying something I wanted to see in that situation.

Tsukiko Wrote:Thanks, and thanks to all who greeted me, the only other anime board that I write on is the Cookie Jar Video Forum...but my mom nudged me to float over here and make some friends...lol... :p
so i was right. Well anywho... i hope u enjoy yourself here.