If you could post the links it would be very much appriciated!

I am just trying too find some really good sites too buy anime. Also if you guys know if there is a site whitch tells you when "FX", "MAC", "MI" are going too release their next box sets?
PS:I will post some good sites later, but kinda busy at the momment.

let me break the ice and say... people buy their HK anime here, if that wasnt obvious... there are also other websites, if you use the forum search option you will find their URLs..
now... if you will blanatly disregard this website and start looking for other places to shop, start posting else where, otherwise, atleast post something like "I cant find so and so titles at this store, where can else can I shop"
u might want to check out the Arctic nightfall forums in terms of where else to buy anime.
(sorry jj i dunno if this is against the rules or not...)
This site has the best prices ive seen for HK except ebay but there not reliable most of the time so buy here but if you can't find a DVD here i goto animekrazy.com they have a huge selection but is priced alttile more.
Oh ok thanks, when will this site get Wolfs Rain English Dubbed?
jarjar111 Wrote:Oh ok thanks, when will this site get Wolfs Rain English Dubbed?
I am sure JJ will when its released....
jarjar111 Wrote:Oh ok thanks, when will this site get Wolfs Rain English Dubbed?
Not just this site,
ALL sites won't get any Wolf's Rain Dubbed until the R1s are finished.
Japschin Wrote:Not just this site, ALL sites won't get any Wolf's Rain Dubbed until the R1s are finished.
Guess I misunderstood his question..oh well
Oh ok, so all of the domestic WR's have too be finished first. gotcha. Also another question, what is the aspect ratio about? Because I have a boxset whitch says "Aspect Ratio 4:3".
Thanks for posting

jarjar111 Wrote:Oh ok, so all of the domestic WR's have too be finished first. gotcha. Also another question, what is the aspect ratio about? Because I have a boxset whitch says "Aspect Ratio 4:3".
Thanks for posting 
What???? If you mean screen size its just like the sets their ripped from...
jarjar111 Wrote:Oh ok, so all of the domestic WR's have too be finished first. gotcha. Also another question, what is the aspect ratio about? Because I have a boxset whitch says "Aspect Ratio 4:3".
Thanks for posting 
Heh....4:3 is full screen, 16:9 is widescreen. Hope this helps.
Wolfs rain wont be out for a long time. vol. 6 wont be out till march so thats not even the end of the series. i think there are going to be at least 7 or 8 volumes because it is a 30 episode series.
Also this is the best site for HK anime.
Yes i agree this is a good site