Ok, so I need a little help.My friend is comming over soon and I was wonder which Anime I should get so we can watch?She likes the darker anime I think??Well,a few titles I found she likes are......
Boogiepop Phantom,
Lain Serial Experiments
Spirited Away
Princess Monoke
Key,the metal Idol
Fruits Basket
Ayasha no Ceries
Escaflowne the Movie
Outlaw Star
and the ones I am trying to choose from are.......
Please help me...

Only those 3 to choose from? It's easy....watch all 3! :p

Yup, they are that good!
But if you really have to choose one for your girl friend, try X TV. All the females I know love X TV.
Really,I have not seen any of them.but I was wondering how is Berserk.and I am not sure if I should get the english version.I already own the japanese set version of X-tv I have just never watched it.Hmm,I should call her and see if she minds subtitles.Awah! and thank you so much for your help.^_^
Berserk is pretty good, only thing that irks me is that it has no endings. You have to read the manga. :p
out of the 3 : Gungrave
from the others:
Princess Monoke (sortof dark)
Outlaw Star (just a great funny series)
Lain Serial Experiments (weird/dark)
Spirited Away (some weird elements)
Escaflowne the Movie (Dark at points)
those are the order i would get them. i have seen them all and they are great also i have them so its hard to choose which one is the best to watch first.
Awah! it does not end Japschin, how dissapointing that would be.I like to be able to know and see the whole story....Hmm Last Exile,Gungrave also sounded pretty good.I though the story line sounded interesting.Thanks again for your help.^_^
To make things equal Berserk, there is a lot in that show, and I liked most of it. It does have a hanging ending and is kinda messed up at its conclusion, but I loved it the rest of the time. And it makes me want to get the manga hardcore.
Sweet_Marie Wrote:Awah! it does not end Japschin, how dissapointing that would be.^
You have no idea. Its such an awesome series with some of the best charecters in anime. And then the ending comes. If you don't have the manga already lying arround there's a chance you'll go insane, the show is that good but the ending is also that...abrupt.
From the 3 I think you'll like X the most, especially if you have a friend comming over who is not into anime yet but all three are excelent titles.
Hmm,so you guys think I should go with X-tv and Berserk.KAY!!!!! ^_^
I have X-tv japanese audio..
and I am going to get eglish and japanese audio for Berserk..
She is comming over friday for New Years so I will let her pick from the two of them.
Hmm,I also own a few other titles that I have not seen that she might like.Here is the list just in case I dont get the chance to get Burserk...
Blue Gender
Star Ocean ex
Galaxy Angel
Full Metal Panic
Ninja Scroll
Ghost in the Schell
Yami no Musuki
If its Ninja Scroll the movie than throw away all the other crap and put that on. As long as you don't mind a little gore this is the best anime movie of all time IMO. Lot of people probably like the Ghibli stuff more but Ninja Scroll is the clasic of classics for me.
FMP is also awesome. Best, or atleast the most fun to watch mecha show I've seen.
Yes,it is the movie.Wow! so then maybe we will watch that as well.^_^ Oh! and Ghibli movies I love them.I have seen probubly close to all that Ghibli has been made.Even look alike movies like Boy who say the wind.
Sweet_Marie Wrote:Blue Gender
Star Ocean ex
Galaxy Angel
Full Metal Panic
Ninja Scroll
Ghost in the Schell
Yami no Musuki
Out of those :
-Full Metal Panic
-Ghost in the Shell
-Galaxy Angel
-Ninja Scroll
-Blue Gender
those are the only ones i have seen.
Last Exile Wrote:Out of those :
-Full Metal Panic
-Ghost in the Shell
-Galaxy Angel
-Ninja Scroll
-Blue Gender
those are the only ones i have seen.
I will keep those titles in mind Last exile.Thank you for your reply and help.^_^
elcoholic Wrote:You have no idea. Its such an awesome series with some of the best charecters in anime. And then the ending comes. If you don't have the manga already lying arround there's a chance you'll go insane, the show is that good but the ending is also that...abrupt.
am going insane. I got it for Christmas and already finished it and I'm about to die. I was so friggen pissed when I got to the end! :mad: But it was to good not to see.