12-21-2004, 11:33 PM
12-21-2004, 11:56 PM
Puppet Master Wrote:After watching Jin Roh this question came to mind. What is the most depressing anime you have ever seen?
This is a very easy one. Grave of the Fireflies.
12-22-2004, 12:02 AM
kakoi_sugoi_yama Wrote:This is a very easy one. Grave of the Fireflies.
Definatly gonna add that to the rental list...
12-22-2004, 12:29 AM
kakoi_sugoi_yama Wrote:This is a very easy one. Grave of the Fireflies.
i second that, very sad.
12-22-2004, 12:38 AM
Try Dog of Flanders. That's even sadder. I think it was made by the same guy who made Grave of Fireflies.
12-22-2004, 01:50 AM
hbk101 Wrote:Try Dog of Flanders. That's even sadder. I think it was made by the same guy who made Grave of Fireflies.
Whats it about?
12-22-2004, 01:54 AM
The final episodes of Chrono Crusade and Rose Of Versailles.
12-22-2004, 03:12 AM
Puppet Master Wrote:Whats it about?
This is one of the world masterpiece theater anime series (WMT). Some of the best anime ever is found in WMT.
I found a review that says "This series has had a great impact in Japan. When NA asked to the public which WMT they wanted to see readapted for the big screen, 'DoF' won the competition, although TMS had just made a series based on this story (with higher technical qualities, but rather "soopy"). It must be said that A Dog of Flanders have a quite touching end, that makes it one of the most tragic anime ever made."
From animenfo.com:
"Nello is a boy who lives a poor but happy life, helping his grandfather Jehan to cart milk to the nearby village. He loves drawing pictures and his dream is to become a painter just like the famous artist Peter Paul Rubens. One day Nello finds Patrash, a dog that has been abused and abandoned. Nello takes Patrash into his home and cares for the wretched animal. Over time, boy and dog develop a close friendship and come to depend on one another. Alois, a daughter of the richest family in the village, joins our hero as a sympathetic friend. However, Nello?s poverty and his dream of becoming a painter alienate Alois's father Kozetsu and the other villagers. Nello experiences firsthand the cruelty of the people he has grown up with, and must struggle to win their appreciation and respect. With perseverance and determination, this young boy never lets go of his dream no matter how trying the circumstances."
12-22-2004, 03:31 AM
Well the most depressing has already been mentioned but I'd like to nominate Now&Then, Here&There for runner up. When you watch it you can almost feel the pain and sorrow these kids experience which is amazing if you see how simple the charrecters are drawn. It should be in everyone's top 10.
12-22-2004, 11:14 AM
Grave of The Fireflies by far is the most on this list I can think of
Series Experiment Lain is another I have to watch something upbeat after to get in a better mood again
Series Experiment Lain is another I have to watch something upbeat after to get in a better mood again
12-22-2004, 11:43 AM
I agree about 'Grave of the Fireflies'. I think that is the saddest movie I have EVER seen. That movie made me weep like a little baby.
12-22-2004, 06:26 PM
The only anime ever to actually make me depressed is 'Vampire Princess Miyu'. I watched each episode one after the other.
The same god damn thing over and over. There wasn't even a good story! And lets face it for a vampire she is pertty weak. Wihtout Larva she would be dead a long time ago. Someone just's has to die every episode! I just wanted to smack that bitch around for being so god damn arogant! :mad:

12-22-2004, 06:58 PM
Black Howling Wrote:The only anime ever to actually make me depressed is 'Vampire Princess Miyu'. I watched each episode one after the other.The same god damn thing over and over. There wasn't even a good story! And lets face it for a vampire she is pertty weak. Wihtout Larva she would be dead a long time ago. Someone just's has to die every episode! I just wanted to smack that bitch around for being so god damn arogant! :mad:
Ive noticed that too from watching it EVERY FIGHT ive seen he shows up or the enemies a joke! I really wish that show had one MAJOR enemy and the small ones not a million small ones. Oh well still going to finish watching it no $ out of my pocket lol...
12-22-2004, 07:36 PM
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Serial Experiments Lain
Fist of the North Star
Serial Experiments Lain
Fist of the North Star
12-22-2004, 07:38 PM
I thought that Evangelion was quite depressing. 26 episodes in which the characters slowly lose their minds and everything that they cherish. WeiB Kreuz had its moments, too. Anyone that the characters got close to always wound up dying a tragic death.