074ku Wrote:I saw Grave of Fireflies to and I think you guys might be exaggerating a little. Don't get me wrong it is certainly one of the most deppersing films ever but now Puppet Master might be expecting a little to much. Lain is sad to and one of my favorite animes.
That's why its good to have lower expectations for anything stops me from being majorly
dissapointed with tht exception of a few movies ha-ha. When I read about parts of it I can see where it would be sad but depressing we will see...
evilomar Wrote:Grave of the Fireflies was fantastic depressing movie. However if you have seen Barefoot Gen, it might not be that depressing. Arcadia of My Youth, Windaria, Railroad to the Stars and Dog of Flanders are pretty sad as well. However, I don't care if some don't consider it anime, nohting will ever make me cry as much as when Optimus Prime died in Transformers the movie.
Well at least I'm not the only one who has seen Gen. Does Railroad involve cats? The title made me think of 'Night on the Galactic Railroad'(which is kinda sad), but Yahoo gave me no info about it.
-edit- Wait, forget the cats. I just found 'Rail of the Star - A True Story of Children' in the ANN encyclopedia, which is what I guess your talking about. But not much info is given. Whats it about?
hoshi no koe
fruits basket
i found em pretty depressing, i actually cried over some scenes.
as far as EVA goes, it was depressing and all but i found it more of a psychological thrill ride
The manga Apoclipse Meow is very sad
Ryoku Slayer Wrote:I think the most depressing moment was when Nuriko died in Fushigi Yugi. That made me weep ;_;.
that was sad, but it wasn't too depressing for me.
i liked her/his character.
Puppet Master Wrote:That's why its good to have lower expectations for anything stops me from being majorly
dissapointed with tht exception of a few movies ha-ha. When I read about parts of it I can see where it would be sad but depressing we will see...
You shouldn't look up what happens in the story. It kind of ruins the whole point of the narrative.
Serial Experiments Lain, is that really depressing?
i found Lain mind expanding...
have to say i really enjoyed it though you have to be in the mood/mindset to enjoy it properly!
and i love the intro tune
Duvet by BOA
oh and out the dpressing stuff
hmmm i agree grave of the fire flies
but also
now here and there
Kimi No gizomo Eien
hoshi no Koe
and ermmmmm quite a few other but none to come to mind as of yet
kakoi_sugoi_yama Wrote:You shouldn't look up what happens in the story. It kind of ruins the whole point of the narrative.
You would think that but I do that from time to time it tells me if it worth watching or not

Out of what I've seen...
Escaflowne (endign made me sad)
Bebop (the last three eps.)
Shoujo Kakumei Utena (ending)
Thats all I can think of right now =\
I never saw Grave of the Fireflies, but it's definatly on my To Buy list.
Gonna list a couple more I didn't see listed. Above poster kinda listed one.
Spike getting killed at the end. Or if you're talking to Zagatto then Spike taking a nap at the end.
There are a lot of sad moments in Naruto but the most depressing sad scene is when Sakura poors her heart out to Sasuke to try to get him to stay with her or at least let her come along with him.
katherine_jean Wrote:Out of what I've seen...
Escaflowne (endign made me sad)
Bebop (the last three eps.)
Shoujo Kakumei Utena (ending)
Thats all I can think of right now =\
I never saw Grave of the Fireflies, but it's definatly on my To Buy list.
What are you talking about? At the end of Berserk Gatsu and friends beat down all the *****. And him and Griffith get married. At the end of Evangelian Shinji Rei and Asuka all beat the shit of out the ***'s. And in Escaflowne Van is actualy a women and Hitomi is actually a lesbian so you see? Everything works out in the end! (in my mind anyway Woohahahaahgagagagagagagagaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahbuhahahahahha..........Time to Instant Trasmission out of here)
Black Howling Wrote:What are you talking about? At the end of Berserk Gatsu and friends beat down all the *****. And him and Griffith get married. At the end of Evangelian Shinji Rei and Asuka all beat the shit of out the ***'s. And in Escaflowne Van is actualy a women and Hitomi is actually a lesbian so you see? Everything works out in the end! (in my mind anyway Woohahahaahgagagagagagagagaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahbuhahahahahha..........Time to Instant Trasmission out of here)
uh......... WTF :confused:
Black Howling Wrote:What are you talking about? At the end of Berserk Gatsu and friends beat down all the *****. And him and Griffith get married. At the end of Evangelian Shinji Rei and Asuka all beat the shit of out the ***'s. And in Escaflowne Van is actualy a women and Hitomi is actually a lesbian so you see? Everything works out in the end! (in my mind anyway Woohahahaahgagagagagagagagaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahbuhahahahahha..........Time to Instant Trasmission out of here)
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