Before investing in an entire HK set, people often suggest watching a few digisub episodes of the series to know whether or not you'll actually like the show.
But some people (including myself) have a 56k modem and so are unable to download digisub episodes because the files are so large that it would take forever.
So I wanted to know if anyone can recommend me to a person/place that sells digisubs on DVD-R because I'd be interested in buying some of them. I've heard mixed reviews about shows like Scryed for example, so I'd like to see a couple of eps before I buy the HK set.
getting DVDR media is not worth it... too expensive... get VCDs for a couple of episodes instead...
as for who... no clue ~_~ u should visit the binary groups that carry anime digisubs and find people that do VCD transfers etc...
Ebay is your number 1 source for VCDs. :mrgreen:
yeah... as said above... dvd-r's aren't even worth it........
you're forced to pay waaay too much for them..... cause at the moment dvds aren't the cheapest thing in the world....
you can get vcd's on ebay; they're pretty cheap. sells vcd's for reasonable prices. as for dvd-r, search on it's a manga/anime search engine and it should bring up some stuff.
It is easy to convert digisubs to vcd. I did that before fro an experiment. It is easy, just take a while.
do you need a dvd-rom to make vcd's? because that i do not have.
You don't need a DVD burner for VCDs. My friend burnt me some VCDs on his cd-r. :mrgreen:
well, i finally got around to checking and steve was right. you only need the cd burner to make vcd's.
Well Kodocha is doing DVD-Rs for Kodomo No Omocha. :mrgreen:
there's a very thin line to this though..
for one, burning dvds with fansub anime (.avi format) or (dvd format) then 'selling' to other fans.. well i kinda feel it's like.. ripping of the fansubs, which i feel it's not right.
how much would you guys charge if you were to do dvd-rs?
here's a few price info:
DVD-burner :$200-300
DVD-Rs : when bought in bulk, it's around $1 per dvd
shipping and handling : $4 for priority shipping (in US of course)
would you charge the cost price? as in like,
for each dvd ordered : $1
after that. : shipping and handling $4
or somethign else? like $5 per dvd, (then the person who's selling it would be making a profit out of fansub anime)
another issue would be, not all dvd players are compatible with dvd-rs not to mention on the dvd formats, so there's a lot of problems with it.. i think.
just my 2 cents

maybe it is a rip off to pay for fansubs on disc (seeing that it can be dl for free), but with a 56k, one doesn't really have a choice.
as for format, vcd is preferrable all around. cd-r's cost only 30 cents each these days making it easier for those distributing them out of the kindness of their own hearts (a dying breed) and easier on the buyer as a result.
about compatibility, the dvd-r and dvd+r format is actually compatible with 85% of dvd players. alternative dvd formats might not be so kind so just know what you're buying.
when it comes down to it, it's just about supply and demand so i don't have a problem with the selling of fansubs on disc as long as all things are considered. people distributing them should do so for free minus the net costs. otherwise, the fansubbers themselves should distribute them on disc for those who are not able to download them and take the money as a donation to help them continue subbing as they do. it will help them maintain their website, get more bandwith to distribute, etc...
well there's MY 2 cents

My 2 cents says check out Kodocha!!!! :mrgreen: