Sweet_Marie Wrote:Welcome,I very much hope you enjoy your stay on the forum.^_^
Ahh,and I had a question for Andromeda18 what anime is your sig and avator from?
I'm not Andromeda, but both are Urumi Kanzaki from GTO. (Puffs out chest) I made the Banner.

Awahh,thank you for your help.I have been wondering for quite awhile now.hehe,I even have a manga of gto.but I did not like it very much because their were tooo many bad words in it.Ah! but I like the banner and I really like the one you have also.*_*
Sweet_Marie Wrote:Awahh,thank you for your help.I have been wondering for quite awhile now.hehe,I even have a manga of gto.but I did not like it very much because their were tooo many bad words in it.Ah! but I like the banner and I really like the one you have also.*_*
You are welcome and thank you for the complement. Yeah, GTO is pretty dirty, but I just can't get enough of it; it is so funny.
first, gto is fing awesome. gfa, great fing anime. second, welcome to the forums, i checked out your live journal thing and i was just wonder how old you were?
Sweet_Marie Wrote:Awahh,thank you for your help.I have been wondering for quite awhile now.hehe,I even have a manga of gto.but I did not like it very much because their were tooo many bad words in it.Ah! but I like the banner and I really like the one you have also.*_*
You don't like GTO? What is this world coming too?!?! How can you not like GTO? No! I refuse to believe it! IT'S A LIE!!!!! *Sob* If anyone needs me, I'll be cryng my eyes out into my pillow.... :p
(Pauses) Hey, Kim, welcome to the forums

! (Runs off to cry)
onizuka17711 Wrote:You don't like GTO? What is this world coming too?!?! How can you not like GTO? No! I refuse to believe it! IT'S A LIE!!!!! *Sob* If anyone needs me, I'll be cryng my eyes out into my pillow.... :p
(Pauses) Hey, Kim, welcome to the forums
! (Runs off to cry)
It's probubly because I don't usually like comedy.and I don't like bad words. :p but maybe I would like the anime better.

hmm,I may have to watch it sometime.

or maybe not :p who knows.I have a huge backlog. :eek:

Welcome Kim...my apologies for being a little late.
onizuka17711 Wrote:The anime is a lot cleaner than the manga, so check that out.
Really!! because I thought the plot sounded good.hmm,now you might have talked me into it.

You should really watch GTO it's awesome. Although if you don't like comedy then you're probably not going to like it.
Comedy is really good just not my favorite genre.I usually go for action,magic and a little romance.but thank you for telling me it's good.I always like to know about more good anime to watch.Marie ^_^
i agree Marie you gotta check out GTO manga and anime...bloomin hillarious

Yet another that thinks I should check it out.Hmm,I was close to trying out the anime the other day but it's kinda long.I will have to think it over some more.Oh! and I also noticed that there is a live action for it.Is it good?
Sweet_Marie Wrote:Yet another that thinks I should check it out.Hmm,I was close to trying out the anime the other day but it's kinda long.I will have to think it over some more.Oh! and I also noticed that there is a live action for it.Is it good?
The last episode of the LA was at one time the most highly viewed T.V. event in Japans history. I haven't seen it personaly, but others say it is great...and watch the anime!

the live action is only like 10-11 eps (cant rember now exactly) but i enjoyed it