babyeater0 Wrote:No i will be replying to his post when it opens again, however i had 3 projects that needed to be done and i was sick.
If you say so. This should be mighty interesting then. Open the FF back up!!!!
Pretty please . . .

Vicious Wrote:If you say so. This should be mighty interesting then. Open the FF back up!!!!
Pretty please . . . 
Go bomb something vicious you're annoying me.
babyeater0 Wrote:Go bomb something vicious you're annoying me.
So all of a sudden, you're a tough guy now that the FF is closed. Liks I said earlier . . . how convenient.
This is the way I see things:
The flame forum was closed due to what LE did to Rooster. Rooster wants the FF back. If the 'victim' wants it back, I say we open it back up.
Vicious Wrote:So all of a sudden, you're a tough guy now that the FF is closed. Liks I said earlier . . . how convenient.
You got that right Vicious, as soon as he got back he sent me an FF mesage through PMs.
Doesn't want to get banned so he had to send it through Private messaging. When is the
FF going to open again because I it has come to the last straw. mean who sends a flame
message through Private messaging?
If he sent it through PM I *think* mods can read the pms if they want to, which means he should be banned again. And LE, I didn't know you did that to r00ster. What an ass. r00ster is awesome.
I feel pretty dense. I didn't even know we recieved a flame forum.
Also, LE deserves a lot more than a 3 day ban. A perma ban would be more in line for what he did. Especially when you guys admit he's a self proclaimed annoyance that isn't going to change.
Cidien Wrote:If he sent it through PM I *think* mods can read the pms if they want to, which means he should be banned again. And LE, I didn't know you did that to r00ster. What an ass. r00ster is awesome.
Ypu know whats really funny? After reading it again I think I have already won. lol
r00ster Wrote:That way.. if you don't like the Flame Forum.. you don't have to see at all what is going on in it. Also, there would be -no- way to insult forum users who aren't explicitely going inside the flame forum (i.e.... as it stands.. if you created a flame forum topic of "so and so is a big fat loser", and kept the topic bumped.. everyone would see that insult on the main forum page, without going into the flame forum).
You know?
Well i actually got this one done.. But the one for Zagatto i will actually have to edit the php files that handle the new posts.. I could probably edit the SQL query to make this change for yea.. Too bad there wasn't an option to have that appear or not. But i might be able to hack something together to where people have to "read flame forum" to have it appear..
Vicious Wrote:You don't need to visit the flame forum to understand what I was saying. Like Schultz said, he referenced the person in his original post when he wrote:
Nope, sorry. Not everyone follows the whereabouts of LE constantly. I had no clue who you were talking about nor do I have a clue what the event that transpired is.
Vicious Wrote:This is the way I see things:
The flame forum was closed due to what LE did to Rooster. Rooster wants the FF back. If the 'victim' wants it back, I say we open it back up.
It's not that it was even a huge inconvenience for me... I'm not scared of porn or anything... and it isn't like setting up a junk email filter is hard work. It was mostly the fact that he stooped so low as to abuse the user profiles information like that, instead of playing fair like the rest of us.
I liked being able to have my instant messenger and email information in my profile, in case someone from the forum wanted to contact me... but if people are going to be bad sports, and resort to kindergarten guerilla tactics, I can't leave that stuff in there anymore if I'm going to continue dishing out punishment in the FF.

You have to assume some kind of risk if you're going to let fly in a flame war like that.
...and then to be so lacking in sense to actually brag about what he did in the forum (well, technically what he had his sister do for him)... What are you thinking? Of course you're going to get a ban for that kind of abuse.
Where was I going with this? Uhhhh.... oh yeah... yes, I do like the flame forum, and while I think it's good that it was put on hold for a little re-arranging (making the flame forum more self-inclusive, and less in the open is a good idea), I do look forward to it hopefully being given another shot.
kakomu Wrote:Nope, sorry. Not everyone follows the whereabouts of LE constantly. I had no clue who you were talking about nor do I have a clue what the event that transpired is.
I didn't know anything about the flame forum scandal either until I read this thread. But it was pretty clear Vicious wasn't talking about Schultz.
Woohooo!!!! It's open again. It's game time!!