Because of a certain person taking it beyond just the flame forum. I have closed the Flame forum now. I don't like the events that have occured since i put it there.. Especially with people taking people public email address and sending them to porn sites and such. There for its closed until i feel things changed.. or i will remove it entirely and we will go back to what it was.
where will i ever get my quotes from ?
Oops. I just posted a thread in website issues asking why I can't post there. Guess that explains it. So because one loser couldn't handle himself, we all have to suffer because of it.
Vicious Wrote:Oops. I just posted a thread in website issues asking why I can't post there. Guess that explains it. So because one loser couldn't handle himself, we all have to suffer because of it.
I presume, by That one loser, you're refering to Schultz. Way to go.
So, in order to get back at someone whom you deteste, you act exactly like them in retaliation and you guys think that somehow absolves you of anything you say or do? Way to fucking go, guys!
I think Vicious was refering to the "certain person taking it beyond just the flame forum" not to Schultz.
Vicious actually yes.. If one person gets outta line i put it on hold.. Like i said i was against the Flame Forum to start out with because i don't like where they lead and what happens with this.. And this is just one example. Also 1 person ruining it for all. I live with this everyday in the miltiary because based on that it happen. My last base if a single preson got a DUI in the squadron the whole squadron had to stand formation in front of the general's building at 0600 on saturday. just because of one person. That was over 400 ppl affect. And a few times we had more then one squadron out there because of a few peoples DUI's. I put it there against what i though for everyone and it got abused so i am sitting back to rethink the whole thing.. i will be talking to Zag and few other's on it. But in the mean time its on "pause"
kakomu Wrote:I presume, by That one loser, you're refering to Schultz. Way to go.
So, in order to get back at someone whom you deteste, you act exactly like them in retaliation and you guys think that somehow absolves you of anything you say or do? Way to fucking go, guys!
Also i know who he was referring to.. because i referred to someone in my top post.. so all is good..
kakomu Wrote:I presume, by That one loser, you're refering to Schultz. Way to go.
I think it was pretty clear to everyone who I was referring to. Don't try startiing something between me and Schultz that isn't there. Schultz would've known a long time ago if I had any issues with him. Instead, he's the only person in this forum who I've left positive feedback for.
I see several resolutions to this issue.
A. Keep the flame forum closed and have stuff spreading to all the other threads as it has in the past. People are gonna vent at each other somewhere, whether there is an official 'flame forum' or not.
B. Open the flame forum back up. Everyone knows what they're getting into when they log on to the internet, and that there are dipshits that will use your personal information against you. It's a known risk of logging on.
C. Ban LE since he has publicly stated that he committed these acts. Do we really need someone using these types of tactics on here?
I think the flame forum has been a good idea. It's new, so it's still seeing plenty of action. But in due time, it'll die down just like the one at AN. They have many more users and almost nothing ever happens in the flame forum. Eventually people will get 'flamed' out. They don't have any issues with their flame forum, and I don't think we will either once the novelty of the idea wears off.
Vicious Wrote:I see several resolutions to this issue.
A. Keep the flame forum closed and have stuff spreading to all the other threads as it has in the past. People are gonna vent at each other somewhere, whether there is an official 'flame forum' or not.
B. Open the flame forum back up. Everyone knows what they're getting into when they log on to the internet, and that there are dipshits that will use your personal information against you. It's a known risk of logging on.
C. Ban LE since he has publicly stated that he committed these acts. Do we really need someone using these types of tactics on here?
I think the flame forum has been a good idea. It's new, so it's still seeing plenty of action. But in due time, it'll die down just like the one at AN. They have many more users and almost nothing ever happens in the flame forum. Eventually people will get 'flamed' out. They don't have any issues with their flame forum, and I don't think we will either once the novelty of the idea wears off.
I have to second everything Vicious has said here... I haven't seen a single thread ruined in the general discussion or anime discussion areas since the flame forum opened up. It was getting to a point before, where everything devolved into personal agendas and shit-throwing... and having to throw out bans left and right just isn't a good solution, as it's time-consuming, and is only temporary.
I thought the flame forum was doing a fantastic job of keeping the other threads clean, and letting people air their differences both seriously... and in good, dirty fun. I even enjoy tossing jabs around with people I get along with... as you just can't take that stuff seriously.
If people don't like what the flame forum is there for, or can't handle what is said there (in good fun, or not), then it is their choice not to go there... and if they insist on taking things outside of that forum, they should face the consequence of not being allowed into the flame forum anymore.
Long story long... I do hope that the flame forum comes back after a breather... but could live without it at the risk of losing my tongue permanently from having to bite it so hard all the time in the other forum areas.

Vicious Wrote:I think the flame forum has been a good idea. It's new, so it's still seeing plenty of action. But in due time, it'll die down just like the one at AN. They have many more users and almost nothing ever happens in the flame forum. Eventually people will get 'flamed' out. They don't have any issues with their flame forum, and I don't think we will either once the novelty of the idea wears off.
I very much agree with this comment and the comparison to AN. The flaming will die down after a while after everyone has gotten stuff out of their system. I also agree with most of what Vicious has said. I am however not in favor of people being perma-banned. I mean, I don't support LE in any way shape or form, but seriously, if we ban people then we are taking the pinata away from the party.
I also agree with r00ster's observations about how other threads were staying nice and free of garbage.
Either way, yeah, I can live without a flame forum, I have the whole time I have been here, but it is just nice to have it around and I hope it does get 'un-paused'.
Vicious Wrote:I think it was pretty clear to everyone who I was referring to.
It wasn't clear to everyone, since not everyone visits the flame forum.
Schultz Wrote:Because of a certain person taking it beyond just the flame forum. I have closed the Flame forum now. I don't like the events that have occured since i put it there..Especially with people taking people public email address and sending them to porn sites and such. There for its closed until i feel things changed.. or i will remove it entirely and we will go back to what it was.
Vicious Wrote:Oops. I just posted a thread in website issues asking why I can't post there. Guess that explains it. So because one loser couldn't handle himself, we all have to suffer because of it.
It's pretty obvious that he is not referring to Schultz and you don?t even have to leave this thread to figure it out.
wow... I took a break for the last week and look at the mess I come back to.
I agree with Schultz that one person has taken the flame forum too far and that person has received a three day ban as a result.
If I could make one change to the Flame Forum before returning it to action, it would be that posts to that forum not show up when you click on the "New Posts" button in the middle of the top tool bar. That's what I usually click on to read the forum and see what's happening. Unfortunately, it brings in ALL forums so I end up seeing the Flame Forum automatically. I would like to see the only entry to the FF being to click on it specifically an/or subscribe to the threads there.
Zagatto Wrote:wow... I took a break for the last week and look at the mess I come back to.
I agree with Schultz that one person has taken the flame forum too far and that person has received a three day ban as a result.
If I could make one change to the Flame Forum before returning it to action, it would be that posts to that forum not show up when you click on the "New Posts" button in the middle of the top tool bar. That's what I usually click on to read the forum and see what's happening. Unfortunately, it brings in ALL forums so I end up seeing the Flame Forum automatically. I would like to see the only entry to the FF being to click on it specifically an/or subscribe to the threads there.
I agree that the flame forum, and all its threads should be as hidden from easy view as possible... the other thing I'd suggest as a possible change, would be for the flame forum to appear on the forum page in title and description only... without the subject name of the last posted in thread visible to everyone on the front forum page.
That way.. if you don't like the Flame Forum.. you don't have to see at all what is going on in it. Also, there would be -no- way to insult forum users who aren't explicitely going inside the flame forum (i.e.... as it stands.. if you created a flame forum topic of "so and so is a big fat loser", and kept the topic bumped.. everyone would see that insult on the main forum page, without going into the flame forum).
You know?