Ryo of Inferno Wrote:What is ADV? I'm sorry now I really feel lost.
Let's all hope LE is not reading this thread!
Rav96 Wrote:i'll be there!!!
Best be good Beer aswell none of the pansy american Biru :p
Heh, I only said keg to encourage all those beer lovers. Guiness is my beer but I'm only interested in the hard stuff! My love affair continues with the Captian... as I am partaking right now!!! :p :p
Vicious Wrote:You know . . . once in a while you can go to google.com and do a search instead of constantly asking simple questions.
OMG i think your onto a winner there
and just to answer for you Ryo..
ADV are anime disributers in the west
rav96 Wrote:OMG i think your onto a winner there 
and just to answer for you Ryo..
ADV are anime disributers in the west
Sorry, new to collecting anime. Only started this past summer. So far I only have a few
titles. Yet I have pathetically spent alot of money on them. Now I'm broke. Christmas
won't help either. Ah well.
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Sorry, new to collecting anime. Only started this past summer. So far I only have a few
titles. Yet I have pathetically spent alot of money on them. Now I'm broke. Christmas
won't help either. Ah well.
Yes!!! Another noob like me!!! *hugs Ryo* I only have a few titles too. I bought all of them here though, so I didn't spent too too much on them... compared to what I WOULD have spent other places. :eek:
ladysilverice Wrote:*hugs Ryo*
Great . . . now you're gonna have to explain a 'hug' to him.

well atleast he wont be castrated

rav96 Wrote:well atleast he wont be castrated 
Ryo - before you ask, use google and do a search for it. Google is your friend.
Vicious Wrote:Great . . . now you're gonna have to explain a 'hug' to him. 
Actually no I know what those are Vicious. as for anime I have they are:
Dual for $80
Ronin Warriors $180
Spriggan $30
Legend of the Dragon Kings $180
Magic Knights Rayearth seaon 1 $150
" " seaason 2 $300
I spent too much on anime before I knew about this site. Pathetic isn't it?
Is google a search engine because I usually use Yahoo.
and yahoo uses google

as in it is powered by google
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:I spent too much on anime before I knew about this site. Pathetic isn't it?
same here now i only buy the originals (R1 or R2 depending where i can get em from) and for series that i truelly love/like
rav96 Wrote:and yahoo uses google
as in it is powered by google
You know I never knew that. Thanks for the information Rav.
Vicious Wrote:Great . . . now you're gonna have to explain a 'hug' to him. 
I know you're jealous so here... *hugs Vicious* :p And I can't be castrated.

Being a girl is fun!
damn pesky girls and there lack of hanging genitalia :p
rav96 Wrote:why did you think i didnt comment on it...
shes to much of a nice person to say the truth 
Okay, now I'm mad! You guys are calling me a liar! :mad: No Christmas presents for you!
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Okay, now I'm mad! You guys are calling me a liar! :mad: No Christmas presents for you!
I'm not calling you a liar. Just that you're one of those people that sees beauty in almost anything. So you're not a good barometer for us to be basing things like this off of.
And I don't celebrate Christmas, so I never get presents anyways.