'(yea, lectured me about having my fiance in my room with me)'
Woa, thats really rough

! Guess you guys are gonna have one hell of a wedding night

My mother made me go to church untill I was thirteen. Thankfully my committed rationalist of a father somehow happened to be in charge of the youth group. My religious upbringing therefore consisted of frequent raids of the church kitchen for biscuits and tournament's of fuseball and table tennis

Cidien Wrote:My advice for the lady is either talk with them and make them understand you are not 12 anymore or else get caller ID when you move out. =P
Well... there's a reason I'm 21 and finally moving out! I've tried talking to them since I was like 14! It doesn't work with my parents. I had hoped that when I got into my twenties that things would change. Nope. So now I finally have the money to get out of here, so I'm taking my chance!
Damn most of you have really restrictive parents! When I came of age my parents just naturally seemed to know what freedoms to a lot me and which ones to restrict, which was very few. For example, I could drink since I was sixteen, but only if they knew first and I was NEVER to drive afterward or get into a car with someone who did. One thing my parents never liked was my promiscuity, but that was because I was fourteen and running around with 18 year old chicks all the time. The first time they figured out what I was doing they were shocked, then really pissed off; they made me to talk to my preacher, which was more of a punishment for him cause he didn't know what to say ha ha ha.

That is about the only thing they have ever done to really piss me off, but they always dog me about playing video games and they really hate anime (always calling the cartoons just to piss me off) but they?re aright and compared to your parents, they're a godsend.
LSI, I hope that once you move out your parents will start to form a more adult relationship with you rather than the childish one they seem fixated on, and good luck on moving out!
My parents allowed me to do whatever I wanted (to busy with my problem child brothers). They are lucky I wasn't that wild till about 15 years of age. Never got into any trouble with the law or school before that and very little trouble with the law afterwards (ofcourse, alot is legal over here), some of trouble with school but nothing out of the ordinary. I never had a time I had to be home but I always came home on time by myself. It made me very independant but also I have a big problem with authority. If someone tells me I 'have' to do something they better duck for cover. I HATE the have word. My moto, there are ALWAYS options.
Now if I would have parents who would go religious on me right now and tell me do do this and live my life like that I would go off on them like they have never seen before. How would they dare to tell me how to live my life and if they believe in a higher power so much than they must believe that God wants me to live my life the way I'm living it or he would have stept in. Luckily (christian) religion is a dieing lifestyle over here and religious people are a minority so there won't be society's pressure to hold yourself to those rules which makes it easier to let go of your parents lifestyle. Something thats probably harder when your whole community is religious and has certain expectations of you.
Now for something usefull. LSI, if you really have a problem with your parents lifestyle a good thing to get through to them is write a long letter to them. In that letter you can show how you feel and that you are an adult. Letters help in these kind of situations since I imagine in discussions with your parents they won't always let you say all that you want. In a letter you can put the whole story without being interupted. Just a thought

my aprents have always been restrictive..my moms over protective and my dads uber strict!!!
hes gonna make me have an arranged marriage

stooopid indian society
but my moms cool shes always hintin find your own but she gotta be sikh and same cast etc...
m like screw you guys..well i dont say that to them..hehehe let em beieve i'll bend to this stupid society. mWahahaha
but ive got alot more freedom at uni for the past coupla years
Blight Wrote:Damn most of you have really restrictive parents! When I came of age my parents just naturally seemed to know what freedoms to a lot me and which ones to restrict, which was very few. For example, I could drink since I was sixteen, but only if they knew first and I was NEVER to drive afterward or get into a car with someone who did. One thing my parents never liked was my promiscuity, but that was because I was fourteen and running around with 18 year old chicks all the time. The first time they figured out what I was doing they were shocked, then really pissed off; they made me to talk to my preacher, which was more of a punishment for him cause he didn't know what to say ha ha ha.
That is about the only thing they have ever done to really piss me off, but they always dog me about playing video games and they really hate anime (always calling the cartoons just to piss me off) but they?re aright and compared to your parents, they're a godsend.
LSI, I hope that once you move out your parents will start to form a more adult relationship with you rather than the childish one they seem fixated on, and good luck on moving out!
LOL My Dad always says this about anime...
'Not that Japanese crap again' LOL
-Spike- LOL Your cursed man ive been played violent games since I was like 6 or so LOL
rav96 Wrote:my aprents have always been restrictive..my moms over protective and my dads uber strict!!!
hes gonna make me have an arranged marriage
stooopid indian society
but my moms cool shes always hintin find your own but she gotta be sikh and same cast etc...
m like screw you guys..well i dont say that to them..hehehe let em beieve i'll bend to this stupid society. mWahahaha
but ive got alot more freedom at uni for the past coupla years
Holy shit dude, an arranged marriage!!! I thought that stuff only happened in movies these days! I'm too much of a romantic to even fathom being forced into marring someone; I give you my deepest and most sincere condolences. Or I could give you an awesome pair of running shoes so you get the hell out of Dodge, no joke.
SUGOI!!! free shoes! AWESOM-0
and yeah its asian/indian society though alot of it has gone relaxed now..there are so called "love Marraiges" though alot of the time they are frowned upon and bitched about by old biddys

my dads major stricto about that...but im like w/e and let em think im a good little boy who will always listen to them

yeah right...
my moms is always like why do you like cartoons at your age? you never liked cartoons this much when you were younger...but now after years of anime she get it...finally....and my dads like wtf still?!?!?!
the funniest thing was this summer when i was like...Oh btw im goin to Japan tomorrow its all booked...my dads face was priceless..

but my mom knew
my dad doesnt even know i drummed in a band for like 2years and have been drummin at all even ... he just hates music that is not old and from some stooopid blank and white bollywood flick
Puppet Master Wrote:LOL My Dad always says this about anime...
'Not that Japanese crap again' LOL
-Spike- LOL Your cursed man ive been played violent games since I was like 6 or so LOL
He's not the only one thats cursed. I have just now gotten to play violent video games.
Oh, and befor you ask about talking to my parents, doesn't work, They call it backtalking
if I talk without their permission. As soon as I'm done with College I'm going to move as
far away as I can and never, preferably Japan.
Well, it's encouraging to hear that I'm not the only one with bizarre parents. I've learned just to tune them out when they talk because I've told them I'm not really religious, but they're too busy spouting to hear me. My Dad actually tried to take my car away once when I was driving up to visit my fiance. I said "fuck this" and walked out the door with my bag and my keys for the weekend. They felt me going to visit him was going to "damage my purity." Yea, I've kept them in the dark about the whole sex thing. I would never see the light of day if they knew. My Mom tried to call the cops and report a stolen car on me that weekend. But Dad has a little more sense than her. They tried to sit me down and have a "heart to heart about my rebellion issue" but I blew them off and went out drinking! :eek:

hahahahaha im not even supposed to know what sex is

kissing makes girls pregnant - honest
rember im a good asian boy...but hang on in a way ive kinda kept to there accordance...oh shit i should rebel...
*goes of to hump anything female with 2 legs*
and yeah i'll MOVE tO JAPAN!!!
far away

rav96 Wrote:hahahahaha im not even supposed to know what sex is 
kissing makes girls pregnant - honest 
Dude... the teachers actually said in my highschool (ah so long ago), "Low necklines will make you pregnant." We just took it an ran after that! Soon everything made you pregnant!
including sea men apparently!!!
though i never ever realised how those pesky sea men came onto the shore to impregnate...and got back to the sea so quicly wth oout being spotted

rav96 Wrote:including sea men apparently!!!
though i never ever realised how those pesky sea men came onto the shore to impregnate...and got back to the sea so quicly wth oout being spotted 
Those sea men are sneaky little bastards!!!
ladysilverice Wrote:Well, it's encouraging to hear that I'm not the only one with bizarre parents. I've learned just to tune them out when they talk because I've told them I'm not really religious, but they're too busy spouting to hear me. My Dad actually tried to take my car away once when I was driving up to visit my fiance. I said "fuck this" and walked out the door with my bag and my keys for the weekend. They felt me going to visit him was going to "damage my purity." Yea, I've kept them in the dark about the whole sex thing. I would never see the light of day if they knew. My Mom tried to call the cops and report a stolen car on me that weekend. But Dad has a little more sense than her. They tried to sit me down and have a "heart to heart about my rebellion issue" but I blew them off and went out drinking! :eek:

They actually did that to you??? Sounds so like my parents. Lat year just because I was
sleeping in in my Dorm they called the Police and filed a missing persons report. Police
guy actually asked me where I'd been. I really am getting tired of my parents.