Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Yeah, I'm obeying the law. besides noone on this campus drinks anyway.
what campus is that? and the law is messed up anyways, 21? blah.
Homeless Joe Wrote:what campus is that? and the law is messed up anyways, 21? blah.
Yeah, US drinking laws suck. We get to drink beer from 16.
Its stupid because you are responsible enough to drive at sixteen but have to wait 5 more years before you can drink. (BTW, is there anyone who actually waits till they are 21?)
I am 25 and i have never "drank" had part glass a wine.. but nothing else.. don't belive in liquor or beer or any of that.
That's ok but what do you mean with 'believe'? If your not allowed by your religion thats another thing.
I see it as part of our culture. People been drinking for over a thousand years(beer was created by monks). In my country they used to drink beer instead of water because it was so poluted (was a couple hundred years ago though). Its part of our society, kind of ritual when there's a party to drink with your friends and family and have a good time. Not that you can't have a good time without alcohol ofcourse but it helps. As long as you don't become addicted its not harmfull, its even good for your bloodcirculation and letting loose of all your troubles once in a while is also good.
Well I don't drink either, but not for any religious reasons or anything like that, as you know I have no religion, but its just my policy not to drink. And I'm aware of the irony of an Irish person who does not drink.
Ahhh.... alcohol... one of mankinds finer inventions.
I don't drink a lot maybe two or three drinks in a week and the rare overindulgance at a party. I personally quite like the variety of flavours available with all of the different beverages out there. I also can't stand most of the main stream stuff like Budweiser, Jack Daniels, or Boone's.
My dad is a vintner and I grew up with him having wine, beer and chamagne tastings fairly regularlry. Even when I was a kid I was allowed to taste with them and develop my palate. The worst part about that is I found that I prefer the expensive stuff and I know what seperates that from the cheap stuff.
So I have paid $150 for a bottle of tequila... and it lasted me almost two years. That was some good stuff.
I have paid $20 for a beer... and that was my only drink for the night (other than water) and I enjoyed it immensly.
As for drinking for the purpose of getting drunk, I can understand that. Just not on a regular basis. Sometimes a person has earned the right to kill a few brain cells and just unwind. If someone finds they need to do that all the time then they have a problem.
My father-in-law has been a problem drinker his whole life. I didn't realize how much of a problem this was until a few weeks ago when we were watching Around The World in 80 Days (the new Jackie Chan version) with him and he couldn't follow the plot. This is a Disney movie here. The plot wasn't particularly complicated but he's damaged himself so much that he couldn't even follow that plot. If I've ever seen a better reason not to get drunk regularly I can't name it.
One last thing, I'm always amused when I hear someone say "I don't believe in drinking". Take my word for it, it's a real thing just like cars, anime and jogging are all real. I can understand not wanting to drink but to not "believe in drinking" is to live in denial. Sue me... I'm in to semantics of words...
elcoholic Wrote:Its stupid because you are responsible enough to drive at sixteen but have to wait 5 more years before you can drink.
Heres how someone I know put that situation actcually...
'Why is it that people arent old enough to drink YET their old enough to die?'
Homeless Joe Wrote:what campus is that? and the law is messed up anyways, 21? blah.
The campus is called CBU. Other things we are not allowed to do include dancing and
I meant to say.. "I don't belive" not my religion don't belive.. not my parents don't belive nothing.. its Me, myself, I.
Btw i also don't belive in organized religion so that wouldn't guide me anyways..
hey... organized religion exists too... believe it or not...
I don't subscribe to any organized religion either.
Zagatto Wrote:Ahhh.... alcohol... one of mankinds finer inventions.
I don't drink a lot maybe two or three drinks in a week and the rare overindulgance at a party. I personally quite like the variety of flavours available with all of the different beverages out there. I also can't stand most of the main stream stuff like Budweiser, Jack Daniels, or Boone's.
My dad is a vintner and I grew up with him having wine, beer and chamagne tastings fairly regularlry. Even when I was a kid I was allowed to taste with them and develop my palate. The worst part about that is I found that I prefer the expensive stuff and I know what seperates that from the cheap stuff.
So I have paid $150 for a bottle of tequila... and it lasted me almost two years. That was some good stuff.
I have paid $20 for a beer... and that was my only drink for the night (other than water) and I enjoyed it immensly.
As for drinking for the purpose of getting drunk, I can understand that. Just not on a regular basis. Sometimes a person has earned the right to kill a few brain cells and just unwind. If someone finds they need to do that all the time then they have a problem.
My father-in-law has been a problem drinker his whole life. I didn't realize how much of a problem this was until a few weeks ago when we were watching Around The World in 80 Days (the new Jackie Chan version) with him and he couldn't follow the plot. This is a Disney movie here. The plot wasn't particularly complicated but he's damaged himself so much that he couldn't even follow that plot. If I've ever seen a better reason not to get drunk regularly I can't name it.
One last thing, I'm always amused when I hear someone say "I don't believe in drinking". Take my word for it, it's a real thing just like cars, anime and jogging are all real. I can understand not wanting to drink but to not "believe in drinking" is to live in denial. Sue me... I'm in to semantics of words...
yea but its how you classify it.. to me "Drinking" is basically going out getting shit faced and not remembering what happened or where you are.. I don't belive in it at all. What i do belive in with drinking is kinda causual with maybe a few friends having a few drinks. Just socializing and talking per say.. (I haven't really done this but if i am going to have alcohol this is how i would. Not just getting plastered) so its more how you look and define. Thats what sucks about the english language so many ways to look at something.. along with two or more words sounding the same.
Yes but Zag there are differetn definitions of belive.. you are lookign at one while there are others it can be used as
7 entries found for believe.
be·lieve Audio pronunciation of "believe" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (b-lv)
v. be·lieved, be·liev·ing, be·lieves
v. tr.
1. To accept as true or real: Do you believe the news stories?
2. To credit with veracity: I believe you.
3. To expect or suppose; think: I believe they will arrive shortly.
v. intr.
1. To have firm faith, especially religious faith.
2. To have faith, confidence, or trust: I believe in your ability to solve the problem.
3. To have confidence in the truth or value of something: We believe in free speech.
4. To have an opinion; think: They have already left, I believe.
I am using it in the form of to have confidence in the truth or value of something..
not as if it is real or not..
and just noticed i have been spelling it wrong the whole time..
Nicely done, he went anal on you so you gave him of dose of it back, good stuff

(oh the inuendo)
I'll take that one on the chin thanks...
I believe I'll have a beer...