11-21-2004, 03:39 PM
11-21-2004, 03:49 PM
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:You people are so lucky getting to drink. Ah well Can't wit to see how this turns out.
Obeying the law are we? If only more people were that well behaved. But don't worry, you aren't missing out on anything too special.
11-21-2004, 03:50 PM
wrxh8r Wrote:As long as it doesnt cost 10% of your income i dont care what people believe.
And because you probably dont know what im talking about in New zealand there was a big media thing on the church of destiny in which to be a member you pay 10% of income (pretty cheap for a tiket to heaven) and it turns out the dude that runs it has got a big house a big boat and kids with an expensive education.So tui beer put up a billboard on the motorway that says "We're not a cult, Yeah right" (note all tui adds are little slogany things followed by yeah right) Pretty darn funny but it didnt last long up.
Well thats my semi random thought of the day.
What you're talking about is at least akin to tithing. Tithing is paying ten percent of your income to the church, but you don?t have to, you are just supposed to. I?m United Methodist and that?s what we follow for giving offering. I?m pretty sure Catholics do it this way too, but don?t quote me on it. But the money is over seen by the advisory committee (which I finally rotate off of this year; damnable three hour business meeting with old church members) so it can be managed to pay bills and the Pastor?s salary. It just sounds like someone invented a church as a business venture.
As for the Poll Question what a crock of shit. First of all you don?t even name specific god, which is actually good because if you did, you would enrage someone here for sure. Secondly, you are calling those with faith crazy. It isn?t sanity that should be questioned here. I just wanted to stay the hell out of this one because I got mad and didn?t want to say anything full of loathing but felt the need to reply to that other person (wrxh8r).
11-21-2004, 03:58 PM
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:You people are so lucky getting to drink. Ah well Can't wit to see how this turns out.
Are you talking about age of religious practice because I?m not supposed to either (for both reasons :eek: ) but do anyway. But I?ve always been a little heretic I think, because I bought cigs for an underage member of my youth group and I was the president. He had to have one bad though and we were on a road trip, so I hooked him up. It's my good nature.

11-21-2004, 04:16 PM
WandererX12 Wrote:Coors?
My inner alcoholic weeps and needs a drink. The Brilliant! ads are for Guinness. Which is the only beer worth wanting. While most are worth drinking, after each sip you should think "Damn, I wish this was a Guinness(draft not stout)." Not that Coors dosen't have it's uses. There'll be a keg of it at my 21st, because almost no one else is drinking my guinness. If only it was more affordable
You're right. It is for Guinness. I don't drink beer, so I get them confused.
11-21-2004, 04:48 PM
Vicious Wrote:I don't drink beer, so I get them confused.The only acceptable reason, so I'll allow it.
11-21-2004, 06:03 PM
you don't drink beer????????
11-21-2004, 06:09 PM
Homeless Joe Wrote:you don't drink beer????????
Well, I don't drink period.
11-21-2004, 06:09 PM
WandererX12 Wrote:Coors?Hear hear!!!
My inner alcoholic weeps and needs a drink. The Brilliant! ads are for Guinness. Which is the only beer worth wanting. While most are worth drinking, after each sip you should think "Damn, I wish this was a Guinness(draft not stout)."

11-21-2004, 06:12 PM
Homeless Joe Wrote:you don't drink beer????????
I don't like beer. I mostly drink Vodka and Whiskey, but I think were getting away from the topic...wait this topic was shit anyway,so let the alcohol talk continue!
11-21-2004, 06:21 PM
Vicious Wrote:Well, I don't drink period.hmmmm....well i guess that's good, is their a particular reason, or you just don't like to?
11-21-2004, 07:03 PM
ladysilverice Wrote:Hear hear!!!Guiness is one of my favorites! Next to Captain that is. :p
You got a little Captain in you huh? This is where normally I'd say "Would you like to have a little Vicious in you?" But in your case, I'll pass.

Homeless Joe Wrote:hmmmm....well i guess that's good, is their a particular reason, or you just don't like to?
For religious reasons, I never did. And then one day I decided to try it and it was pretty nasty. So I just don't because a combination of the two reasons, but more religious than anything else.
11-21-2004, 07:12 PM
Vicious Wrote:This is where normally I'd say "Would you like to have a little Vicious in you?" But in your case, I'll pass.Thank GOD!!!! I was getting worried there for a moment!
11-21-2004, 07:35 PM
Vicious Wrote:For religious reasons, I never did. And then one day I decided to try it and it was pretty nasty. So I just don't because a combination of the two reasons, but more religious than anything else.i see, well it is better for you that way, alcohol is bad

11-21-2004, 07:50 PM
WandererX12 Wrote:Obeying the law are we? If only more people were that well behaved. But don't worry, you aren't missing out on anything too special.
Yeah, I'm obeying the law. besides noone on this campus drinks anyway. Even if they did
I wouldn't take any. Alchohol can mees you up. I might try some when I'm 21. Only under
certain conditions though. If anyone is curious I'll elaborate later.