babyeater0 Wrote:Hello miso, i joined after you left. My name is jeff but you can call me thewingedperv and there is a fan club devoted to how awsome i am. If you want to join just consult the president of it vicious.
Stay away from our Miso!!!
Word of advice Miso ignore everything Babyeater says

eek Miso Run Run!!!
goes to Batz and Puppet Master and says
"well done"

Hi,I listen to both mostly on anime soundtracks, but I also have these artists...
Sakura Taisen
Utada Hikaru
Kawabe Chieko
Takahashi Yoko
babyeater0 Wrote:Hello miso, i joined after you left. My name is jeff but you can call me thewingedperv and there is a fan club devoted to how awsome i am. If you want to join just consult the president of it vicious.
I must ask, what in the blue furry hell was that! I mean that line of BS could be strung out for a week! It was funny though.
And yes run away Miso, because it is my belief that you run from anything that calls itself thewingedperv.
The only Gakt song I know is Vanilla but I saw him on some show, maybe Hey Hey Music Champ, playing in a billards contest. He was dressed like Venom from Guilty Gear, only with out the mask. Talk about style. Driver's High by L'arc kicks ass, I kinda wish I didn't miss their concert in Aug. And LE, BOA is British.
if there a difference between BOA & BoA? Just wondering, becasue while searching for Japanese music one song came up under the name BoA & I know BOA isn't Japanese...less it's like with Barbie Girl, you can get that song in three different languages
Gackt is the reason I bought Bujingai; it's a pretty cool game anyways though.
& a question, isn't Hyde a guy that looks like a woman? I was trying to remember because I've been to a few of his fan sites, or atleast of someone with a name close to that & he had womanly features, wuite beautiful actually.
Blight Wrote:I must ask, what in the blue furry hell was that! I mean that line of BS could be strung out for a week! It was funny though.
And yes run away Miso, because it is my belief that you run from anything that calls itself thewingedperv.
Yeah you run till you can find a weapon....
Puppet Master Wrote:Yeah you run till you can find a weapon....
Ha ha ha ha ha!

Damn that was funny, mainly because it's true! :eek:
Batz Kage Wrote:if there a difference between BOA & BoA?
It would seem that there is, but I didn't know about it untill I checked just now. BOA is the 5 person British band that provided the opening theme for SE Lain. While BoA is Gwon Boa, a Korean Pop Diva. If LE meant her, then my correction was not needed. But BOA is pretty cool anyway.
Puppet Master Wrote:Of course it's true. What else can you do when some well. I don't know what the hell it is. But if it's chasing you what other option do you have? Ha-Ha
Ha ha ha!

Yah I?m not sure what the hell it is either but when it's a perv
and has wings you pull out the old 10 gauge.
Blight Wrote:Ha ha ha!
Yah I?m not sure what the hell it is either but when it's a perv and has wings you pull out the old 10 gauge.
Ha-Ha Nah you go looking for a bigger gun
Hahaha thewingedperv has miso and he will only give her back if you give me all of your anime.
BY THE WAY I AM IMMUNE TO BULLETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey rav, I think this is one of those times where you need to pull out the dragon slayer lol!
As for me, I'll sick those flying monkeys on him. You may be immune to bullets but are you immune to the poo those nasty primates throw; I should think not! Now meet a stinky death!