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What difficulty did you play it on? And did you play on co-op or single player?
Homeless Joe Wrote:yeah and i just got all pumped to kick ass on that ship and save the world and it ends?!?!?!? what the hell?!!?!?!? that game sucks. video games aren't supposed to do that too you. at least it was an easy game, if it was hard and it took me a lot of time and effort to make it to that point, i think i might have had to destroy it.

LMAO Theres plenty of games like that ha-ha. Halo 2 reminded me of DMC 2 in that way because the ending turns out to be crap when you think something HUGE is about to happen...Games really aren't supposed to do that!
Ryujin Wrote:What difficulty did you play it on? And did you play on co-op or single player?
i play all the games i get on normal first, but normal on halo 2 i found was way too easy. o and i play on single otherwise it doesn't really count as beating the game, at least in my eyes.
Try Legendary. Don't play a game on a low difficulty and then complain that it was too easy. Thats just idiotic. The harder difficulties exist for people who want a better challenge. So don't be a pansy and play on normal and then complain that its too easy.
normal is supposed to be the normal skill level, that's why it's called normal. of course lengendary is going to be harder and i never said that i haven't played that, but compared to the first one, it was easier.
Just browsing import anime out of something to do and i thought some one here might be interested this:
the game still sucked
So did your mom last night, but I didn't see you complaining then when you were filming it. Wink
why would i complain, she was making me money, besides, i was filming your mom and the dog next Smile
I liked the first halo more. When halo 2 loaded up it was kinda pixelated and crappy and then it cleared up on the graphics. What was really bad were the movies, master chief and the aliens looked good but the other humans had octagonal faces. It's hilarious.
Atomic Orgasm Wrote:I liked the first halo more. When halo 2 loaded up it was kinda pixelated and crappy and then it cleared up on the graphics. What was really bad were the movies, master chief and the aliens looked good but the other humans had octagonal faces. It's hilarious.

Speaking of Halo you ever see the Legendary difficulty ending? Stupid as hell but extremely funny.
Halo 2 has definately have its advantages to the first one. I like the fact you can use all the types of vehicals in the mulitplayer version of the game. the graphics are definately a step up and I like the larger amount of enemys and the fact you can fight as a member of the covenent in the game
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