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Well im sitting here waiting for episode #43 of Red vs. Blue and well im tired. and im thining of sleep. you know that time of night where you get tired and well, close your eyes and let your brain kick in to auto pilot. well any one here like sleep?

i sure do and im glad i can sleep in tomorrow cause im some kind of tired.
Sleep, good !

U like sleep, i guess you do if you dont post in this thread tonight.

I sleep all day. The only time's I don?t sleep are when I am in school, when I am at work, when I am eating, and from 10-12 at night. Just about every other minute of the day I spend sleeping. I personally don?t see anything wrong with sleeping allot but that?s my opinion.
Sleep? I just woke up an hour ago. Don't tease me Big Grin
I LOVE sleeping!!!! Need at least 10 hours of sleep before I'll feel awake. However, somehow I manage to waste so much time every single weekday that I usually only get 3-5 hours of sleep. :confused: Wink

However, during the either Saturdays or Sundays, I'll sleep 14-18 hours throughout the day. Big Grin :p
Japschin Wrote:every single weekday that I usually only get 3-5 hours of sleep.
Japshin, it's pretty much the same way for me. It's so hard to find time to get good sleep during weekdays.

Research studies showed that an average adult needs at least 8 hours of sleep each night and ideally 9 hours to be fully alert and be 100% of their capacity. I don?t think most people get that. It?s scary to see many people on highways doze off in their cars while driving to work during morning rush hours.
multipak Wrote:Japshin, it's pretty much the same way for me. It's so hard to find time to get good sleep during weekdays.

Research studies showed that an average adult needs at least 8 hours of sleep each night and ideally 9 hours to be fully alert and be 100% of their capacity. I don’t think most people get that. It’s scary to see many people on highways doze off in their cars while driving to work during morning rush hours.

Actually it varies from person to person. Some people only need 4 hours of sleep. I saw a real interesting program not to long ago about sleeping and dreaming. The use of sleep still hasn't been proven. Scientists don't know why we need to sleep. There's no physiological change that takes place when we sleep so its not like our mustles need rest or something. They asume its so we can process all the information we got that day. Only reason we get tired at night is because a substance gets released in out bloodstream when it gets dark outside (same substance thats used in popular sleep drugs).

Also they made an interesting claim that people could learn themselfs to only need 2 to 4 hours of sleep a night. It seems we go through ceveral cycles in our sleep. You have the first fase (don't remember name), then follows the well known REM fase and when that ends the whole cycle starts over again. Normal people have about 4/5 cycles a night but if you can train yourself to wake up exactly after the first cycle has finshed you should feel as rested as when you had a full nights sleep. Also you when you feel really tired after a full nights sleep there's a good chance you got woken up while in the REM fase. Interesting stuff.
elcoholic Wrote:Also they made an interesting claim that people could learn themselfs to only need 2 to 4 hours of sleep a night. It seems we go through ceveral cycles in our sleep. You have the first fase (don't remember name), then follows the well known REM fase and when that ends the whole cycle starts over again. Normal people have about 4/5 cycles a night but if you can train yourself to wake up exactly after the first cycle has finshed you should feel as rested as when you had a full nights sleep. Also you when you feel really tired after a full nights sleep there's a good chance you got woken up while in the REM fase. Interesting stuff.

Thats what they train the SAS and spys with so they can get quick sleep in dangerous situations.
I rarely sleep...On top of that I sleep like shit. But yeah it's possible to function on little to no sleep I do it all the time...
Puppet Master Wrote:I rarely sleep...On top of that I sleep like shit. But yeah it's possible to function on little to no sleep I do it all the time...

Sleep helps the brain. The more sleep you have the more ready you are. Unless you're me then you need more than sleep to do that. Rolleyes
I sleep when I sleep. Too much sleep and I'm too lazy. I find a quick nap during the day helps alot. I'll get some sleep tomorrow as I won't have anything to do the day after that.

I stay up most of the time just to watch anime.
elcoholic Wrote:Actually it varies from person to person. Some people only need 4 hours of sleep. I saw a real interesting program not to long ago about sleeping and dreaming. The use of sleep still hasn't been proven. Scientists don't know why we need to sleep. There's no physiological change that takes place when we sleep so its not like our mustles need rest or something. They asume its so we can process all the information we got that day. Only reason we get tired at night is because a substance gets released in out bloodstream when it gets dark outside (same substance thats used in popular sleep drugs).

Also they made an interesting claim that people could learn themselfs to only need 2 to 4 hours of sleep a night. It seems we go through ceveral cycles in our sleep. You have the first fase (don't remember name), then follows the well known REM fase and when that ends the whole cycle starts over again. Normal people have about 4/5 cycles a night but if you can train yourself to wake up exactly after the first cycle has finshed you should feel as rested as when you had a full nights sleep. Also you when you feel really tired after a full nights sleep there's a good chance you got woken up while in the REM fase. Interesting stuff.

That is indeed true. However, like most people (particularly girls) have probably noticed, our skin regenerates while we sleep and if the skin does then I bet other body parts do as well. Scientists don't know why we need to sleep which means that perhaps we do need to sleep.
I for one need to sleep a lot, but that's because I'm addicted to my dreams. I've always dreamed a lot and my dreams are always very intense. They're better than movies and anime put together, I sleep just so I can dream. I usually sleep 8/9 hours during the night and if I get a chance I'll sleep some more suring the day. When I have to get up early in the morning I only sleep 6-4 hours.
While I'm sleeping I love it, and if I have absolutely nothing to do it's great. However I would rather be awake, doing somthing. I can't stand sleeping late. My gf likes to sleep untill 1pm on a saterday, by the time she gets up and is ready to go out the day is almost over. She dosen't have any clue where the sun rises in relation to her house. If I slept that late all the time someone would die, if I wake up after 11 once I am so pissed. 9 is good 6 even better, I can always go back to sleep later if I want to. But don't try waking me up, you will lose a hand.
WandererX12 Wrote:My gf likes to sleep untill 1pm on a saterday, by the time she gets up and is ready to go out the day is almost over.

That sounds just like me! :p I go to sleep at around 4/5 a.m. and only wake up at around 1/2 p.m. If you add about an hour to that, which is how long it takes me to get ready to go out, I'll only be leaving the house at about 3 p.m! Big Grin
Andromeda18_ Wrote:I for one need to sleep a lot, but that's because I'm addicted to my dreams. I've always dreamed a lot and my dreams are always very intense. They're better than movies and anime put together, I sleep just so I can dream.

Same here, but I hate it. Probably more than 90% of my dreams are nightmares. I always dream and it is almost always a nightmare. I sleep 3 or 4 hours a night during the week and end up just collapsing on the weekends. I think it has something to do with not getting enough oxygen to my brain when I sleep, but if I didn?t have to I wouldn?t sleep at all.
I don't think I ever had a nightmare. Then again my dreams are so bizarre I wouldn't really be able to recognize one. :p
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