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Andromeda18_ Wrote:That sounds just like me! :p I go to sleep at around 4/5 a.m. and only wake up at around 1/2 p.m. If you add about an hour to that, which is how long it takes me to get ready to go out, I'll only be leaving the house at about 3 p.m! Big Grin

If she stayed up that late I would understand, but half the time she's asleep by 2. She just needs those 11 hours I guess.

As for dreams, I love dreams. Had a great one last night. I asked my high school french teacher if I could go to the caf. to get my text book, and on the way stopped in the boys bathroom of my old middle school. Inside I found a girl I know selling pot and organizing an underground wresteling league. Lots of other people were there too. Ranging from friends I haven't seen since 6th grade to ones I met in college.
The whole thing reminded me of when I became a masked wrestler and fought in small dark rooms againts 2-3 others. Good times.
im glad to see you all like sleep.
im pissed that episode #43 isint out yet why me. im glad i didnt stay up any later.
Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep is good i think ill get me some tonight again and sleep in till 12the next day ~


Sleep feels good, but I hate sleep. So much I could be doing in the time i'm sleeping.
Sleep is good.
elcoholic Wrote:Actually it varies from person to person. Some people only need 4 hours of sleep.

"Research studies showed that an average adult needs at least 8 hours of sleep"

I think most people cannot handle functioning well by getting only 4 hours day after day. Personally, I find it quite difficult.
When I was in college, I had two jobs. Once I didn't sleep for four days. After the second day, I decided I never needed sleep again. Damn I crashed on that fourth day though.
Anyone remember the "Nightcrawlers" episode of Pete and Pete? Where younger Pete had to stay awake for 9 days... or was it 13, and the adults were freaking out because kids need a bedtime. Man, Nick used to have some quality programing.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:I've always dreamed a lot and my dreams are always very intense. They're better than movies and anime put together, I sleep just so I can dream.
Whenever it was a school vacation, I always remember my dreams from the night before. But when I'm in school, I don't remember anything. Same thing is happening now with work- can't recall dreams for the life of me on weekdays and remember dreams in the weekend.

I have a pretty routine schedule when it comes to sleep.. usually in bed by 11:30 and get up by 7. I never feel tired during the day.
What Time do all of you usualy get up?

After Sleeping ?

Sleep is nice though, I have a hard time sleeping and my dreams are always nightmares.I don't ever remember haveing a good dream.Yawn!! I am tired right now actually.
Sweet_Marie Wrote:Sleep is nice though, I have a hard time sleeping and my dreams are always nightmares.I don't ever remember haveing a good dream.Yawn!! I am tired right now actually.

I can relate to that...For a long time I had the same dream over and over a nightmare to be exact...I still don't understand why but it was like a never ending cycle that haunted me. I have never forgotten the details of that dream and one other I had from last year both will likely stay in my mind for as long as I live. They were just that damn bad... Sad It sucks having nightmares the majority of the time I know.

Also last Exile for me on school days like 6:30 am and I get out of bed after getting yelled at LOL ah the wonders of driving my mom nuts muahahaha..Yes I am to lazy to get up on my own Cool
Yeah!! I am sorry to hear that.I do not wish for others to have bad dreams as well.I hope that your dreams get better and that you are able to forget about your bad ones.As for me I must now try to get some sleep it's 2:50 am here *Yawn*rub eyes*.Goodnight ^_^ or shall I say Goodmorening?
usually i take my "sleepy time" medicine but since i have a drug test coming soon (not that i do any drugs) it's hard to go to sleep and the temptations from my friends at school doesn't really help.
Puppet Master Wrote:I can relate to that...For a long time I had the same dream over and over a nightmare to be exact...I still don't understand why but it was like a never ending cycle that haunted me. I have never forgotten the details of that dream and one other I had from last year both will likely stay in my mind for as long as I live. They were just that damn bad... Sad It sucks having nightmares the majority of the time I know.

Also last Exile for me on school days like 6:30 am and I get out of bed after getting yelled at LOL ah the wonders of driving my mom nuts muahahaha..Yes I am to lazy to get up on my own Cool

I have two nightmares like that. One that's incredibly hard to put into words and another that I was being suffocated by ghosts or something like that - hard to describe again lol - and I couldn't scream out because they took my breath away. The scariest part about that nightmare is I swear I was awake every time.....

Well, finished Halo 2 finally so off to bed for me. Gotta get up in 6 hours. Night.

Oh, and I get up MWF at 8-9 am and TR 11-12 am. Saturday I sleep in, then I work every sunday morning brunch so I have to get up around 8. I don't have a very good sleep cycle. =/
Cidien Wrote:I have two nightmares like that. One that's incredibly hard to put into words and another that I was being suffocated by ghosts or something like that - hard to describe again lol - and I couldn't scream out because they took my breath away. The scariest part about that nightmare is I swear I was awake every time.....

Well, finished Halo 2 finally so off to bed for me. Gotta get up in 6 hours. Night.

Oh, and I get up MWF at 8-9 am and TR 11-12 am. Saturday I sleep in, then I work every sunday morning brunch so I have to get up around 8. I don't have a very good sleep cycle. =/

The one I had for years is hard to describe as well right now..To put it simple it was the slaughter of my entire family and all that by demons and me in my older form...Hard to explain though...Ill try when im fully awake
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