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It seems like the Page is down since some Days.
Somebody knows whats wrong? :confused:

yep went there too see if they had some new titles and nothing page can not be displayed. sad sad.

What is Getterdome? I know it may sound stupid but I really don't know.. :confused:
virtual slap.

well its a site like this but they sell alot of titles before JJ gets them, some times they really dont have them but dont say that, and costs 8$ a title to ship EACH, they had some titles before jj thats why i got them but took to long to ship comes from HK.

so thats what it is !

Last Exile Wrote:virtual slap.

well its a site like this but they sell alot of titles before JJ gets them, some times they really dont have them but dont say that, and costs 8$ a title to ship EACH, they had some titles before jj thats why i got them but took to long to ship comes from HK.

so thats what it is !


AH another reason to wait...$8 to ship each item SUCKS...Seriously I can understand why but damn...That's a lot...
You've heard of anime-icon though? They're even cheaper and have all the same titles (MI,FX,AV) Ha and no I dont work for them!
Sure ... is cool too free shiping to the US states and well thats good for me. also cheap prices on bigger box sets.

I dont work for them by the way.

Well... but Getterdome (or at least the one Seller where i buy)
made me a good Price
i think it was 6$ per Disc when i take over 90 DVDs
which i did and no Shipping.

But 8 DVDs went out of stock and i want thouse rest 8 DVDs Smile
