I just saw that it was your birthday, so I figured Id say Happy Birthday! Have a good one. Heres a present from me!
Click ME!
Cute doggy!

...Although I am scared of dogs like that in real life. Andromeda told me she got some anime for her b-day. Lucky lucky girl!!
Happy Birthday from me! Make it a good one.

Cute dog and Happy Birthday
i didnt get anime for my bday....................lol happy birthday
I didn't say it to Morg or Dark, so you know I'm not saying it here despite whatever misconceptions LSI has.
Happy Birthday, Andromeda!

Happy B-day I hope you get something special.
Happy Birthday, I hope you get some rare anime.
Happy Birthday!
Your birthday is really close to mine.
Happy Birthday. Here's hoping that manga collection you were posing in front of grows.
For a present: I promise that was the last time i mention the picture since Vicious yelled at me
last time. (last 2 posts)

Holy crap! Vicious didn't start the thread! I would have thought that would have been his duty or something.
Very funny. :mad:
No, I did not start the thread. I did notice the birthday's before the thread was started, but like I said, I'm not much into celebrating stuff like this.
And Gohan, that is not me yelling at you. If you consider that yelling, then I've done it lots more than just that once.

happy b-day...... have fin and have great days ahead of you......