Anyone picked it up yet? What changes have pissed you guys off?!!! My one big gripe is the ending of episode VI. The original ending with the ghost of Obi, Yoda, and Anakin scene has been redone. Now instead of actor David Prowse's image, Lucas put a digitized Hayden Chritensen's mug in the scene. Other than that everything else I can stomach.
I got it on the 17th. Havn't watched it yet since it's not really sth I wanted.........
evilomar Wrote:Anyone picked it up yet? What changes have pissed you guys off?!!! My one big gripe is the ending of episode VI. The original ending with the ghost of Obi, Yoda, and Anakin scene has been redone. Now instead of actor David Prowse's image, Lucas put a digitized Hayden Chritensen's mug in the scene. Other than that everything else I can stomach.
Movies shouldnt be tampered with... Not even by their creators
Puppet Master Wrote:Movies shouldnt be tampered with... Not even by their creators
That's an interesting sentiment. Why shouldn't creators make changes to their creations if they have the ability? I think that it's great that as technology improves that a creator can go back and make changes that he wants to make to give a story more depth.
Just as a for instance... I think that the new footage of Mos Eisley from the special edition gives the overall story more depth and gives a better feel for the place the story is happening. Back in the 70s when the movie was originally filmed this type of setting wasn't possible to do on the budget they were working with.
I pick it up on the 21st...that's when it is released on to DVD. So far, so good. I'm watching one a night. Last night was Ep.4 A New Hope...tonight is The Empire Strikes back.
There were minor changes to Ep.4...ever so slight. I have read that there are many more changes in 5 and 6 though. Will keep you posted. I also picked up the R2-D2 Mock-u-mentery. That's one is fun...definatly worth the $2.50 I paid for it!

I just finished watching the 5dvds (3movies,bonus, artoo special) and the movies were really great, the video looks like a new movie and the sound is fucking awesome. I dont mind the changes because is something that George Lucas himself did and he can do whatever the hell he wants with his movies, is not something that funimation did with DBZ
Puppet Master Wrote:Movies shouldnt be tampered with... Not even by their creators
I don't agree with that. It's his creation. He should be able to do whatever he wants with it. An artist draws or paints something and they go back and make changes to it all the time. Why shouldn't Lucas be allowed to do the same? We might not like his changes, but it is his right to make them.
He should have at least put the originals version in the trilogy set for all those fanboys/fangirls. It's not very hard to do without over compressing the video with the DVD format.
But as I like to say, if don't like it, don't buy it!
I don't quite understand why Lucas made such a change. After all, we didn't see Yoda and Obi Wan in their younger forms, so why should Anakin get the youth-treatment? Besides, shouldn't spirits/ghosts traditionally retain the appearance and age of that of when they died, minus any injuries?
i agree, both Yoda and Obi-wan were old ghosts...yet now they replace old Anakin with boyish Anakin. The rest of the changes were actually really neat.
If u buy it from HMV u can get a Gold Boxset which is spost to be only available from them.
matthewmalay Wrote:He should have at least put the originals version in the trilogy set for all those fanboys/fangirls. It's not very hard to do without over compressing the video with the DVD format.
But as I like to say, if don't like it, don't buy it!
I agree with that and honestly I never intended to buy it LOL..My dad owns the original VHS set and I never really watch that. I just don't see any reason to change movies.. But hell everyone has their own opinion. But I NEVER said they don't have the right to change the their own work.. But that's about it.
i can't stand hayden christensen. i'm not sure why, but every time i see him i just want to bitch slap him. and his voice, i dont' what it is but he really bugs me.
fahad17 Wrote:If u buy it from HMV u can get a Gold Boxset which is spost to be only available from them.
The gold box set is for the full screen version and the silver is for the wide screen version and you can get it anywhere
see, the thing is that lucas really can do whatever he wants. however, the problem with Lucas is that he seems to be acting like he's senile. No one cares if that's what he really wanted it to look like, since people enjoyed the special editions less than the originals. It's his sheer determination to make sure no one gets the original that is really wrong, since so many want the original.