Robojack Wrote:I'm sick of hearing your angsty posts about anime, Ryujin
In this instance I think I'm very justified in saying: What the hell are you talking about? I'm a new member to the boards with only 20-something posts, and this is the 1st topic I have made specifically regarding anime, so how could you be sick of hearing my opinions? I think you need your head checked.
Robojack Wrote:The anime industry has no need for hardcore elitists like you
Eh what? firstly, the anime industry is notorious for that, without the hardcore nobody else would even be into anime or know what it was, and it certainly would not be as popular as it is today. I think it could be argued that anime is an industry
only for the hardcore.
But anyway, how would you know if I'm an elitist? you know nothing about me yet. And from you comments here that is just laughable, you keep saying about you being asian, as has been pointed out nicely by Vicious. But the asians are famous for being Xenophobic and elitist, especially the Japanese (not saying you are Japanese, just saying in general). And given your comments about dubbing etc.. it seems you are more of an elitist than me.
Robojack Wrote:CGI is being used more and more in anime, and as a result, it's quality will develop rapidly
I'm not disagreeing with that, what I'm saying is that in the quest to "perfect" GC in anime that we as the viewing public suffer from sub-par shows and out of place visuals all in some rush for anime studios to say "Hey look! We can do GC!!!!!!!". Much in a similar way that chinese kung fu films have gone.
Now I'm not saying that I don't think GC should be used in anime, I have seen some shows where it was done very well and did not look out of place, but everyone seems to be seriously overdoing it these days, which I think is the wrong approach and if that is the future of all anime then I'm too interested in it. I think there is a place for CG if is not overused, but even if it is, I am still happy as long as shows that are not CG trigger happy are being made. But the way things are going there is a danger that this may not happen, which is why I was voicing my opinion.
elcoholic Wrote:Right, so your saying lets not debate anything anymore?
Exactly, you hit the nail right on the head. I mean what kind of dumbass argument is he trying to use?
Robojack Wrote:but having been on this board for over a year, people such as you and I should have the right to complain about something every now and then
So hold on, because I'm new I should not be able to complain about anything?? But because you are here a long time you can do and say what you like...hmmm and so to you the number of posts a person has and how long they are at a forum determins how valid their opinion is and what kind of rights they have...
Seriously, with that kind of logic you should really take your head out of your ass and stop being a retard.
I don't need your permission to post my opinion, no matter what "rights" you think people should or should not have I can do what I like so tough. "Theres nothing you can do about it so go with the flow"
Vicious has hit your nail right on the head and I could not agree with him more. I was not going to post because Vicious and elcoholic have already put you in your place. But I figured I would add my "elitist" opinion even though I don't have the "right" to do so...