did you hear!?!?! capitol one is giving away an island!!!! that's been my dream for some time now, to own my very own island. i was reading the rules and stuff and apparently you don't have have an account with them or anything, they are just mailing a bunch of cards to people all over, i wonder if they'll mail me a game card, and then i'll when!!! hahahahaha, o yeah i can see it now, chillin in a hammock with my butler monkey in a tuxedo with a bow tie, sipping drinks out of my coconut throw a crazy straw, and then i'll be like, "hey monkey buddy, go get some bananas" and he'll be like, "ooaww aww" and run and get a bunch and then i'll peel him one and he'll take it and say, " ooo aww awww" and then eat it and and i'll eat one too.
*pats you on the head*
You are a very special child.
I like you though, so, how about you invite me to your island?

i can see it now anime island ! w/ strippers.
oh yeah !
anime and lap dances for every one !
o yeah, if i get my own island, everyone is invited. that's my style, everyone i know can come and go as they like, there is only one rule, i'm god. it's my island, my rules, i'll make it my own country, with me as the all powerfull ruler, muahahahahahahaha
what about the strippers ?
and lapdances for every one ?
LE... if you're buying then I'm there...
they come with the island they are free ! mixture of mexican, japanese, chinese, african american, and white. so a mixture for every one !
Zagatto Wrote:LE... if you're buying then I'm there...
Hey I'm with you on that one. If we are going for a complete anime island then we must make the strippers dress (or undress) in cosplay costumes... oh yea.
Check out
http://www.privateislandsonline.com I have 4 friends who are in it with me that if one of us ever hits the lotto... or more realistically, after a couple of years, we'll pull our money together to get an island. What a great gateaway!
wow, thanks for the tip, this seems like it will help me out
anime island............yeah. sounds nice o and if u get the island ill take it from u, ill raid it with an army and take over. but dont worry youll have a cozy jail cell. muahahahah
Man, Monkey Island was only $50,000 but someone already bought it. No butler for me.
Unless I can find something near Chile, and get some Penguin butlers.
yeah!! i saw that, man, i hope there is another monkey island out there just waiting for me
Yeah some of those islands are really affordable.. it's great. I wonder how much it actually costs to maintain an island. I would want to get island insurance

If there is ever a Zombie attack i'll meet you there!