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maintain?how the hell do u maintain a freaking island
All of those tiny paper umbrellas and empty cocconut cups wont pick themselves up, imagine the lawsuits you'd have to deal with if some one stepped on a pop top, cut their heal, and had to fly on back home. Then there are palm trees to trim, monkeys to feed, volcano gods to keep happy. Lots of work owning an island, but it's probably worth it.
CrayonShinChan Wrote:If there is ever a Zombie attack i'll meet you there! Big Grin
Smile That movie was so funny.
yukimoritenchen Wrote:maintain?how the hell do u maintain a freaking island
If you just want the bare island, I guess it won't need any maintenance :p I want a house with a pool inside (in case the weather sucks outside) So maintenance for keeping the house running with electricity and plumbing, plus taking care of the boat.
Nina182B Wrote:Smile That movie was so funny.

yeah and that movie mad me laugh, or pissed me off, more than anything. that whole island idea didn't work either, they all died in the end.
Nina182B Wrote:If you just want the bare island, I guess it won't need any maintenance :p I want a house with a pool inside (in case the weather sucks outside) So maintenance for keeping the house running with electricity and plumbing, plus taking care of the boat.

i'd be content with just a straw hut, but all that stuff would be nice.... Big Grin
I'll pass on the lapdances and strippers.
And what country would this island belong to? Imagine the taxes on that thing!!
Even if they were male strippers? You wouldn't like to have beautiful men dancing on you lap?!!
Nope, I don't particularly like male strippers. It's just not my thing.
And if you plan to make this island it's own had better hire a lawyer, cause it would be a hell of a lot of paperwork!!
I don't like them either if they look like this:
Eh... personally male strippers don't do it for me... unless it's a certain person... Big Grin But just so you all don't end up in therapy, we won't go there. :p
Please no. We don't need to hear about your fantasies of Ron Jeremy.
UGGG! Ron Jeremy...AAAHHHHH!!!
And that pic, Andromeda, he's too muscular...
Vicious Wrote:Please no. We don't need to hear about your fantasies of Ron Jeremy.
I never mentioned Ron Jeremy... if you're bringing him up then it's you who are having the fantasies... I don't need fantasies, I'm leaving to go play with my fiance! Big Grin Hooray for me!!!

Board games of course... we're playing board games... Wink :p Big Grin
Ka-Talliya Wrote:UGGG! Ron Jeremy...AAAHHHHH!!!
And that pic, Andromeda, he's too muscular...

Yey!! Score another one for normal people Big Grin
Both on males and females, I find too much huge muscle a turn off.
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